OpenVMS Source-Code Demos


	! start of template 2/3
	! file   : mysql_import_helper_basic_template_107_part2.bas
	! author : Neil Rieck
	! history:
	! 100 NSR 140708 1. original effort
	! 106 NSR 170314 1. adding true unicode support
	!     NSR 170316 2. more work
	! 107 NSR 200106 1. modified code to do better unicode data conversion to ISO (picking up new modules)
	!		 2. changed the default datatype from UTF-8 to CP1252
	!     NSR 200107 3. modified code to do better unicode data conversion to CP1252 (picking up new modules)
	!         200108 4. disabled "set character-set='latin1';" (now do something similar in "load data")
	!	  200109 5. a few more changes after a good night's sleep (I'm now dreaming in code again)		bf_107.5
	!	rms info (populated by FSP$)
	map(ri)	string	ri_whole	= 16	,	!				&
		string	ri_align	= 0		! enforce layout check
	map(ri)	byte	ri_org		,		! 1=  1				&
		byte	ri_rat		,		!+1=  2				&
		word	ri_mrs		,		!+2=  4				&
		long	ri_alq		,		!+4=  8				&
		word	ri_bks_bls	,		!+2= 10				&
		word	ri_num_keys	,		!+2= 12				&
		long	ri_mrn		,		!+4= 16				&
		string	ri_align	= 0		! must align with previous decl
	!	main
	when error in							!
	    !	make sure INPUT is different from OUTPUT
	    if edit$(fs_i$,32+2) = edit$(fs_o$,32+2) then		!
		print "-e-oops, someone has made a typo (sanity test-1)"!
		cause error 50						!
	    end if							!
	    !	make sure we are outputing to a file with a CSV extension
	    if pos( edit$(fs_o$,32+2), ".CSV",1)=0 then			!
		print "-e-oops, someone has made a typo (sanity test-2)"!
		cause error 50						!
	    end if							!
	    print "-i-opening: "+ fs_i$					!
	    open fs_i$ for input as #100				&
		,access read, allow modify				&
		,recordtype any, organization undefined			!
	    ri_whole = fsp$(100)					! snoop
	    close #100							!
	    map(xfer) string xfer$ = 4096				!
	    if ri_mrs > 4096 then					!
		print "-e-oops, map(xfer) is too small. Aborting"	!
		cause error 50						!
	    end if							!
	    open fs_i$ for input as #100				&
		,access read						&
		,allow modify						&
		,recordtype any						&
		,organization undefined					&
		,map xfer						&
		,recordsize ri_mrs					!
	    open fs_o$ for output as #99				&
		,organization sequential				&
		,recordsize 32767					!
	    print "-i-start  : "; date4$(0) +" "+ time$(0)		!
	    limit_i% = 25000						! see "more efficient" ~ 8 lines below
	    while 1							!
		get #100, regardless					!
		count_i% = count_i% + 1					!
  %let %patch20200109=1							!
  %if  %patch20200109=0 %then 						! OLD
		print "-i-read   :"; count_i% if mod(count_i%,25000)=0	! do we really want to do a millions of these each night?
  %else									! NEW
		if count_i% = limit_i% then				! this is much more efficient than MOD(,)
		    print "-i-read   :"; count_i%			!
		    limit_i% = limit_i% + 25000				!
		end if							!
  %end %if
	!	print left$(xfer$,ri_mrs)				x debug maximum rec siz
	! end of template 2/3