OpenVMS Source Code Demos


	! title      : tcpip$
	! author     : Neil Rieck ( )
	!	     : (c) copyright 1999,2014  Neil Rieck
	!            : Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
	! created    : 2014-08-15
	! notes      : this is an include file for HP-BASIC program "tcpip$tcp_client_qio_2014e.bas"
	! history    :
	! ver who when   what
	! --- --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	! 103 NSR 140814 1. original effort (for tcpip$tcp_client_qio_2014d)
	! 104 NSR 140816 1. mtce
	! 105 NSR 140817 1. added STUFFER (for tcpip$tcp_client_qio_2014e)
	! 106 NSR 140902 1. added variables for better nvt support (for tcpip$tcp_client_qio_2014e)
	!	system references
	%include "starlet"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! system services
	%include "$ssdef"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! ss$
	%include "$iodef"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! io$
	%include "$efndef"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! efn$
	%include "lib$routines"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! lib$
	%include "$libdef"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! eg. lib$_normal
	%include "$dscdef"	%from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	! descriptor stuff
	%include "$iledef"      %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"      ! ile3$ (Item List Entry 3 structures)
!~~~	%include "sys$common:[tcpware.include]ucx$inetdef.h"			x candidate for conversion to BASIC
!~~~    %include "sys$library:ucx$inetdef.bas"                                  x ucx defs   (for tcpip <  v5.0)
        %include "sys$library:tcpip$inetdef.bas"                                ! tcpip defs (for tcpip >= v5.0)
!~~~	%include "$iosbdef"     %from %library "sys$library:basic$starlet"	x iosb$ (iosb structures)
	!	I need the following iosb to get around a limitation found in the BASIC version of starlet
	!	(the library definition of sys$qio requires a quad datatype for iosb)
	!	question : How did I know?
	!	answer   : Hacking
	!	reference:
	record my_iosb_rec							!
	    variant								!
		case								! vanilla
		    group a							!
			word		iosb$w_status				!
			word		iosb$w_bcnt				!
			long		iosb$l_dev_depend			!
		    end group							!
		case								! used in sys$getqui
		    group b							!
			long		iosb$l_getxxi_status			!
			long		iosb$l_reserved				!
		    end group							!
		case								! used to satisfy the compiler
		    group c							!
			basic$quadword	iosb$bqw_quad				!
		    end group							!
		case								!
		    group d							!
			word		iosb$w_words(3)				! 0-3; easier to pass this on the stack
		    end group							!
		case								!
		    group e							!
			quad		iosb$q_quad				! easier to pass this on the stack
		    end group							!
	    end variant								!
	end record								!
	record sc_rec								! socket characteristics
		    group a
			word	sc$w_prot					! protocol
			byte	sc$b_type					! type
			byte	sc$b_af						! address family
		    end group							!
		case								!
		    group b							!
			word	sc$w_words(1)					! 0-1; easier to pass this on the stack
		    end group							!
		    group c							!
			quad	sc$q_quad					!
		    end group							!
	    end variant								!
	end record 								!
	record my_itmlst2_rec							! item-list 2 descriptor
	    word	il2$w_length						! length
	    word	il2$w_type						!
	    long	il2$l_address						!
	end record								!
	!	NCV ("NSR Connection Variables" a.k.a. "Network Connection Variables")
	!	think object - although such a concept is not possible with this BASIC
	record ncv_rec								!
	    long		tcp_ef						!
	    long		tcp_ef_state					!
	    long		tmr_ef						!
	    long		tmr_ef_state					!
	    long		mask						!
	    long		ip_address					!
	    word		tcp_port					!
	    word		vms_channel					!
	    long		nvt_cycle					!
	    long		nvt_total_msgs_received				!
	    long		nvt_total_bytes_sent				!
	    my_iosb_rec		iosb						! i/o status block
	    sc_rec 		cscb						! connection socket characteristics buffer
	    variant								! serv_addr block
		case								!
		    group a							!
			SOCKADDRIN	serv_addr				! server socket address from inet structure
		    end group							!
		case								!
		    group b							!
			quad		ccb$q_quad				!
		    end group							!
		case								!
	    end variant	    							!
	    my_itmlst2_rec	serv_itemlst					!
	end record								!
	!	octet stuffing is more efficient than doing 32-bit math
	!	(if we ever go to IPv6 then it may be the only way forward)
	record stuffer32_rec							!
		    group a
			long	long_offset00	! octet 0 stuffs here
			long	fill		!
		    end group
		    group b			!
			byte	fill		! octet 1 stuffs here
			long	long_offset08	!
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
		    end group
		    group c			!
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
			long	long_offset16	! octet 2 stuffs here
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
		    end group
		    group d			!
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
			byte	fill		!
			long	long_offset24	! octet 3 stuffs here
			byte	fill		!
		    end group			!
		    group e			!
			quad	quad0		! quad pulled from here
		    end group			!
	    end variant
	end record
	!	home brewed code
!	external long function htonl(long)					x host to network long
!	external long function htons(word)					x host to network short
!	external long function qtol(quad)					x quad to long
	external long function get_ef_bit_vector(long)				! required for used with SYS$WFLOR
	external long function nsr_tcp_prep(long, ncv_rec						)
	external long function nsr_tcp_open(long, ncv_rec, long, word, string				)
	external long function nsr_tcp_send(long, ncv_rec, string, long, string				)
	external long function nsr_tcp_recv(long, ncv_rec, string, long, long, string			)
	external long function nsr_tcp_clos(long, ncv_rec						)
	external long function nsr_tcp_free(long, ncv_rec						)
	external long function nsr_dns_prep(long, ncv_rec						)
	external long function nsr_dns_ghbn(long, string, long, string, long dim() by ref, string	)
	external long function nsr_nvt_scan(long, ncv_rec, string, long, string, string, long, long	)
	external long function nsr_adr_prep(long,string,string,long					)