Hacker Perspective: Proof of Global Warming
In this controversy, scientific evidence falls into two categories:
- Direct measurements (which began with the invention and sale of inexpensive accurate thermometers in
the mid 1860s) require little interpretation provided you understand a small amount of science.
- Proxy measurements require quite a bit of interpretation (because they cross many scientific
disciplines -and- are spotty so do not necessarily represent worldwide events) and so should only be left to the experts in the
court of 'peer reviewed' science.
- Indirect measurements via weather satellites.This catches many non-experts off guard, because it is not
possibles to build a thermometer, launch it into space, then just point it down to measure temperature. In fact, most weather
satellites measure temperature by first measuring radio waves emitted by oxygen atoms, which are then run though more than a
dozen mathematical steps to "infer" the atmospheric temperature. Much of this work was done by numerous organizations including
these two:
- UHA (University Huntsville Alabama
- RSS (Remote Sensing Systems)
I recommend viewing this no-nonsense YouTube video to
learn more
Proof 1: Sea Level Rise
- Since the economies of seafaring nations where tied to ocean-based commerce, their respective navies began collecting oceanic
statistics which included the rise and fall of tides by the use of "tide gauges". An unexpected observation was that sea levels
were (on average) always rising over time.
- Western countries have been launching weather satellites with down-looking RADAR starting in the early 1990s
- Comments:
- In physics:
- "Distance over time" is labelled velocity.
- An increasing velocity is known as acceleration.
- Since the rate-of-rise (velocity) is increasing then it can be said that sea level rise is accelerating (way worse
than just saying it is rising)
- Ignoring acceleration for a moment, let's assume a steady velocity of 3.9 mm per year. Simple math shows that the absolute
minimum rise over the next 100 years will be 390 mm (39 cm or 15.3 inches) higher than now.
- Note that sea level is measured vertically. Since most shore lines and beaches are angled like ramps, high tides and storm
surges will do more damage sooner.
- The sea level observation alone usually induces rational skeptics to change their point of view into the direction of
Direct Measurements:
Indirect Measurements:
- melting glaciers as well as melting polar ice are the primary contributors to level rise
- since warmer water occupies a slightly larger volume then warming also contributes to sea level rise (e.g. the rise will
continue after all the ice is melted)
- Earth is still coming out of the ice-age that ended 11,700 years ago so some of this warming/melting is natural. However,
unlike the past half-dozen ice-ages, this one happened during a time when the human population exceeded 1 billion which enabled
the CO2-releasing industrial age. The current human population now exceeds 8 billion
(as of Nov-2022)
Proof 2: The current inter-glacial is different
- Homo sapiens, the current human form, have only existed for 200-300
thousand years which means there was no one was present to do direct measurements before than time. This means that indirect
(proxy) measurements are all we have available to us.
- What humanity knows about previous glacial periods (ice ages) comes from ice
cores extracted in places like Antarctica and Greenland
- While there are no hard-and-fast rules about this stuff, ice ages happen approximately every 120 thousand years when CO2
levels fall below 230 ppm (the chart to the right shows 7.5 such cycles.
- However, this chart as well as others has convinced scientists that the normal variation swings, on average, between 180 ppm
and 280 ppm.
- Notice that the current inter-glacial has CO2 numbers more than 140 ppm above 280 ppm.
- The reason for this is that the current inter-glacial has enabled a human population explosion which enabled an industrial
Proof 3: CO2 is rising while Oxygen is falling
- Average global temperatures have risen 1.05 C (1.9 F) degrees since broad measurements began in 1880
Direct Measurement: http://climate.nasa.gov and
- CO2 levels have risen 27% since annual measurements began in 1958
Direct Measurement: https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/trends/co2_data_mlo.png
(most recent CO2 data)
Computed Rate of Increase: ((412-315) / (2019-1958)) = (97 / 61) = 1.59 ppm per year
- Oxygen levels have fallen (695-103) = 592 per meg since annual measurements
began in 1990
Direct Measurement: http://scrippso2.ucsd.edu/ (data sets are
freely available for download )
- Since O2 production by non-animal life is not able to compensate for all the "unnatural" fossil fuel burning by
humanity, it appears that our biosphere is slowly dying.
- Most people forget that our machines (cars, trucks, boats, planes, tanks, etc.) also breathe in oxygen while exhaling
carbon dioxide

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.