OpenVMS Source Code Demos


  1. the server has high privs
  2. the client has low privs
  3. the client talks to the server through a memory structure known as a mail box, requesting that the server do some work on behalf of the client

Advocate DCL Scripts

$	set on
$	say :== write sys$output
$	if f$trnlnm("CSMIS$ADVOCATE_CMD") .eqs. ""
$	then
$		say "-e- error, mail box logical CSMIS$ADVOCATE_CMD was not found"
$		goto fini
$	endif
$	open/write/error=open_error my_mbx_w CSMIS$ADVOCATE_CMD
$	open/read/error=open_error  my_mbx_r CSMIS$ADVOCATE_RSP
$	cmd$ = "show time"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "this is a test"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "show queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "start/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "stop/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "delete/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	goto sortie
$	say "send>",cmd$
$	write my_mbx_w cmd$
$	my_buffer = "-e-timeout"
$	read/time_out=10  my_mbx_r my_buffer
$	say "resp>",my_buffer
$	return
$	say "-e- mailbox open error"
$	set noon
$	close my_mbx_w
$	close my_mbx_r
$	exit

$	set on
$	say :== write sys$output
$	if f$trnlnm("CSMIS$ADVOCATE_CMD") .eqs. ""
$	then
$		say "-e- error, mail box logical CSMIS$ADVOCATE_CMD was not found"
$		goto fini
$	endif
$	open/read/error=open_error  my_mbx_r CSMIS$ADVOCATE_RSP
$	cmd$ = "show time"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "this is a test"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "show queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "start/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "stop/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	cmd$ = "delete/queue yada"
$	gosub send_to_mailbox
$	goto sortie
$!~~~	do nothing with cmd$
$	my_buffer = ""
$	read/time_out=5/error=time_out  my_mbx_r my_buffer
$	say "resp>",my_buffer
$	return
$	say "resp> -e- time out"
$	return
$	say "-e- mailbox open error"
$	set noon
$	close my_mbx_w
$	close my_mbx_r
$	exit

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.