OpenVMS Source Code Demos


$! title  :
$! author : Neil Rieck
$! created: 2018-11-12
$! notes  : this script is used to check the RAID controllers:
$!		scs node=kawc09 P400 on rx2660
$!		scs node=kawc90 P410 on rx2800-i2
$	on error then goto error_exit					!
$	say := write sys$output						!
$	ask := inquire/nopunct						!
$	dq[0,8] = 34							! double quote
$	bel[0,8] = 7							! ring that bell
$	say "-i-script:",f$environment("PROCEDURE")			!
$	bad_word_list = "FAILED,REMOVED,ERROR,BAD,"			! comma-delimited list (upper case)
$	requeue = 1							!
$	display_counters = 0						!
$	reason$ = ""							!
$	count_line	= 0						!
$	count_volume	= 0						!
$	count_volume_ok	= 0						!
$	count_error	= 0						!
$	my_node = f$getsyi("SCSNODE")					!
$	my_stamp = f$cvtime()						!
$	my_stamp = my_stamp - ":" - ":" - "-" - "-" - " " - "."		!
$	my_scratch1 = "csmis$tmp:check_raid-"+ my_stamp +".scratch"	!
$	define/user sys$output 'my_scratch1'				! divert output to here
$	run sys$system:msa$util.exe
set cont *
show units
$!	okay, let's read/analyze the report
$!~	type 'my_scratch1'						! debug
$	open/read/error=my_error1	my_channel1 'my_scratch1'	!
$loop1:									!
$	read/error=my_error1/end_of_file=my_eof1	my_channel1 my_buffer1
$!~	say "yada>",my_buffer1						! debug
$	uc1 = f$edit(my_buffer1,"UPCASE")				!
$	count_line = count_line + 1					!
$	if f$length(uc1) .lt. 5 then goto loop1				! data line is too small
$	if (f$locate("VOLUME STATUS",uc1) .lt. f$length(uc1))		!
$	then								!
$		count_volume = count_volume + 1				!
$		if (f$locate("VOLUME OK",uc1) .lt. f$length(uc1))	!
$		then							!
$			count_volume_ok = count_volume_ok + 1		!
$		endif							!
$	endif								!
$!	<<< isolate words from the bad words list then look for them on this data line >>>
$	wkng = bad_word_list						! make a working copy of bad_word_list
$	c1 = f$locate(",", wkng)					! locate the coma (if any)
$	if (c1 .eq. f$length(wkng)) then goto loop1			! jump cuz no coma here
$	word = f$extract(0,c1,wkng)					! isolate a word
$!~	say "word:",word						! debug
$	wkng = f$extract(c1+1,f$length(wkng)-c1,wkng)			!
$	if (f$locate(word,uc1) .lt. f$length(uc1))			!
$	then								!
$		count_error = count_error + 1				!
$	endif								!
$	goto loop_bw							!
$loop2:									!
$	goto loop1							!
$my_eof1:								!
$my_error1:								!
$	close my_channel1						!
$	say "-i-exit stats     :"					!
$	say "-i-count_line     : ",count_line				!
$	say "-i-count_volume   : ",count_volume				!
$	say "-i-count_volume_ok: ",count_volume_ok			!
$	say "-i-count_error    : ",count_error				!
$	if (count_volume .ne. count_volume_ok)	.or.	-
	   (count_error .gt. 0)			.or.	-
	   (count_line .lt. 15)						!
$	then								!
$		reason$ = "-e-RAID problems were found"			!
$		say reason
$		display_counters = 1					!
$	else
$	endif								!
$	goto requeue_exit						!
$error_exit:								!
$	set noon							!
$	requeue = 0							! something wrong so do not REQUEUE
$	reason$ = "-e-this script encountered DCL errors"		!
$	set noon							!
$	my_stamp = f$cvtime()						!
$	my_stamp = my_stamp - ":" - ":" - "-" - "-" - " " - "."		!
$	my_scratch2 = "csmis$tmp:check_raid-"+ my_stamp +".txt"		!
$	open/write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 'my_scratch2'	!
$       write/error=my_error2		my_channel2 "node:",my_node	!
$	write/error=my_error2		my_channel2 "reason: ", reason$
$	if (display_counters .eq. 1)
$	then
$		write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 "-i-exit stats     :"
$		write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 "-i-count_line     : ",count_line
$		write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 "-i-count_volume   : ",count_volume
$		write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 "-i-count_volume_ok: ",count_volume_ok
$		write/error=my_error2	my_channel2 "-i-count_error    : ",count_error
$	endif
$	close my_channel2						!
$	mail/subj="icsis-raid-error"	'my_scratch2' ""
$requeue_exit:								!
$	set noon							!
$	if (f$mode() .eqs. "INTERACTIVE") .and. (requeue .eq. 1)
$	then
$		ask junk$ "-?-queue this job for 8:00 tomorrow? (y/N) "
$		if junk$ .nes. "Y" then requeue = 0
$	endif
$	if (requeue .eq. 0)
$	then
$		say "-i-job NOT requeued"
$	else
$		next_time = dq + f$cvtim("TOMORROW","ABSOLUTE","DATE") +" 08:00:00" + dq
$		submit csmis$		-
			/queue=csmis$batch		-
			/after='next_time'		-
			/user="CUSTODIAN"		-
			/log=csmis$tmp:check_raid.log	-
$	endif
$	exit								!

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.