OpenVMS Source Code Demos


Introductory Notes:

  1. the following source code is for an Apache plugin (2.0 and higher) to support gSOAP
  2. this code was downloaded from on 2011-09-28 and contains a bug which appears to have been present since 2001 (which means it can also be found in the plugin for Apache 1.3)
  3. I haven't tried to fix the bug because:
    • a developer needs to download Apache sources prior to a rebuild
    • and, because HP employees have a temporary fix for the OpenVMS version I use (which will ship with gSOAP on OpenVMS v.12).
      BTW, the OpenVMS plugin has been totally rewritten over the years and now will not work on other non-VMS platforms
  4. The Bug:
    • SOAP transactions require an HTTP POST transaction and this part of the plugin seems to be working properly
    • Most SOAP engines optionally support a "wsdl display" operation based upon HTTP GET like so:
          GET /my_service_name?wsdl HTTP/1.0
    • After you write your own handler (see section "19:10 HTTP GET Support" of the gSOAP Manual) and get it working properly in standalone mode, it will fail in Apache mode when the plugin throws a "no body received" error.
      • On a related note, when you get any error messages from mod_gsoap you are presented with this hyperlink which is discouraging because it is dead. A little detective work via the WayBackMachine returned these archived pages (2001-2009):
          where you can read the original instructions from developer Christian Aberger. Perhaps someone should paste these notes into the docs area at
    • Since "a body" is never sent during a HTTP GET transaction, this feature never worked through the plugin.
  5. Three possible fixes:
    1. "test for GET" then just exit like so: 
          if (r->method_number == M_GET) return OK;
    2. "test for GET" and "test for '?wsdl' on the query line" then "exit the plugin to fire code in your app" <--- preferred method
    3. "test for GET" and "test for '?wsdl' on the query line" then "execute a wsdl reading routine in the plugin"

/** Apache gSOAP module for Apache 2.0
 * @file mod_gsoap.c
 * author Christian Aberger (
 * ported to 2.0 Mick Wall (
 * updated by Robert van Engelen (
 * updated by David Viner (
 * updated by Ryan Troll (patch removed)
 * Contributed to the gSOAP package under the terms and conditions of the gSOAP
 * open source public license.
 * see ten NSR comment lines in yellow (2011-09-28)
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ < 2 || \
    (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 7) ||\
#ifndef __attribute__
#define __attribute__(__x)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
//#include <ltdl.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_fnmatch.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_lib.h"
#include "apr_pools.h"

#include "apr_want.h"

#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_log.h"
#include "http_main.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "util_script.h"
#include "stdsoap2.h"           // standard header for gsoap
#include "apache_gsoap.h"

typedef int bool;

#define false 0
#define true ((int)0xffff)
#define IOBUF_CHUNK_SIZE 8192
#define GSOAP_ID "Apache 2.0 mod_gsoap gsoap httpd extension 0.0.6"

static char mod_gsoap_id[] = GSOAP_ID;

/** A shared library containing a SOAP server.
typedef struct SoapSharedLibrary_S {
    apr_pool_t *m_pPool;
#ifdef WIN32
#define DLSYM(a,b) GetProcAddress(a,b)
#define DLOPEN(a,b) LoadLibrary(a)
    HMODULE m_hLibrary;
#define DLSYM(a,b) dlsym(a,b)
#define DLOPEN(a,b) dlopen(a,b)
    void *m_hLibrary;           ///< handle of the loaded libray.
    const char *m_pszPath;      ///< the path of the library, including the name.
    bool m_bIsSOAPLibrary;      ///< is this library a SOAP library that contains the server factory entry point?
} SoapSharedLibrary;

/** Table of shared libraries that are already loaded.
 * a singleton.
typedef struct SoapSharedLibraries_S {
    apr_pool_t *m_pPool;
    SoapSharedLibrary *m_pSOAPLibrary;  ///< the main SOAP library that will serve our requests
    apr_array_header_t *m_pLibraries;   ///< the array where we store our libraries.
    apache_init_soap_interface_fn m_pfnEntryPoint;
    struct apache_soap_interface *m_pIntf;
    bool m_bAllLibrariesLoaded; ///< have all libraries in our libraries collection been already successfully loaded?
} SoapSharedLibraries;

/** Environment to which record applies (directory,
 * server, or combination).
typedef enum enConfigurationType {
    ct_server = 1,              ///< used for per-server configuration
    ct_directory = 2,           ///< used for per-directory configuration
    ct_both = 3                 ///< used for both
} ConfigurationType;

/** Store the configuration information set in the Apache Server configuration directives.
 * These are set e.g. in the file httpd.conf
 * It's perfectly reasonable to have two different structures for the two
 * different environments.  The same command handlers will be called for
 * both, though, so the handlers need to be able to tell them apart.  One
 * possibility is for both structures to start with an int which is zero for
 * one and 1 for the other.
 * Note that while the per-directory and per-server configuration records are
 * available to most of the module handlers, they should be treated as
 * READ-ONLY by all except the command and merge handlers.  Sometimes handlers
 * are handed a record that applies to the current location by implication or
 * inheritance, and modifying it will change the rules for other locations.
typedef struct gsoapConfiguration_S {
    SoapSharedLibraries *m_pLibraries;
    ConfigurationType m_Type;   ///< the type of configuration environment
} gsoapConfiguration;

/** Our internal per request soap configuration
typedef struct gsoapRequestConfiguration_S {
    request_rec *r;             ///< the current request record.
    char *m_pszAllHeaders;      ///< all headers received as a string, this is returned to gsoap's http_parse function before we return the body.
    const char *m_pszCurrentHeaderReadingPosition;  ///< the position where the next header read operation will start.
    unsigned int m_nHeaderLength;   ///< total length of all headers concatenated as string
    char *m_pOutBuf;            ///< output buffer
    size_t m_nOutBufLength;     ///< allocated length of output buffer
    size_t m_nOutBufCount;      ///< bytes in output buffer
    int headers_sent;           ///< have http - headers already been sent to client us?
    int headers_received;       ///< have the request headers already been passed to gsoap ?
    int (*http_parse) (struct soap *);  ///< the original gsoap parsing function.
    struct apache_soap_interface *pIntf;
} gsoapRequestConfiguration;

 * To avoid leaking memory from pools other than the per-request one, we
 * allocate a module-private pool.
static apr_pool_t *the_gsoapPool = NULL;

/** @return our apr_pool_tfor gsoapConfiguration */
static apr_pool_t *
    if(NULL == the_gsoapPool)
        apr_pool_create_ex(&the_gsoapPool, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    return the_gsoapPool;
static gsoapConfiguration *getConfiguration(request_rec * r);
static gsoapRequestConfiguration *getRequestConfiguration(struct soap *);

   @param p the apr_pool_tto use for memory allocations.
   @param pszPath the path of the library.
static void
SoapSharedLibrary_init(SoapSharedLibrary * This, apr_pool_t * p,
                       const SoapSharedLibrary * pLib)
    This->m_pPool = p;
    This->m_hLibrary = NULL;
    This->m_pszPath = apr_pstrdup(p, pLib->m_pszPath);
    This->m_bIsSOAPLibrary = pLib->m_bIsSOAPLibrary;
static void
SoapSharedLibrary_init2(SoapSharedLibrary * This, apr_pool_t * p,
                        const char *pszPath)
    This->m_pPool = p;
    This->m_hLibrary = NULL;
    This->m_pszPath = apr_pstrdup(p, pszPath);
    This->m_bIsSOAPLibrary = false;
static void
SoapSharedLibrary_clear(SoapSharedLibrary * This, apr_pool_t * p)
    This->m_pPool = p;
    This->m_hLibrary = NULL;
    This->m_pszPath = NULL;
    This->m_bIsSOAPLibrary = false;
static SoapSharedLibrary *
SoapSharedLibrary_create(apr_pool_t * p)
    SoapSharedLibrary *This =
        (SoapSharedLibrary *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(SoapSharedLibrary));
    SoapSharedLibrary_clear(This, p);
    return This;

 * SoapSharedLibrary_assign(SoapSharedLibrary *This, SoapSharedLibrary *pLib) {
 * This->m_pPool = pLib->m_pPool;
 * This->m_hLibrary = NULL;
 * This->m_pszPath = ap_strdup(m_pPool, pLib->m_pszPath);
 * This->m_bIsSoapLibrary = pLib->m_bIsSoapLibrary;
 * }
 *	@param pTempPool pool to use for allocating temporary objects (e.g. error message).
static const char *
SoapSharedLibrary_load(SoapSharedLibrary * This, apr_pool_t * pTempPool)
    const char *pszError = NULL;

#ifdef WIN32
    This->m_hLibrary = DLOPEN(This->m_pszPath);

        LPVOID lpMsgBuf;

                      (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
        pszError =
            apr_psprintf(NULL == pTempPool ? This->m_pPool : pTempPool,
                         "Load of %s failed with %s", This->m_pszPath,

    const int nFlags = RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL;

    This->m_hLibrary = (void *)DLOPEN(This->m_pszPath, nFlags);
    pszError = dlerror();
    if(NULL == This->m_hLibrary)
        pszError =
            apr_psprintf(NULL == pTempPool ? This->m_pPool : pTempPool,
                         "mod_gsoap: %s loading library %s", pszError,

    return pszError;

static void
SoapSharedLibraries_init(SoapSharedLibraries * This, apr_pool_t * p)
    This->m_pSOAPLibrary = NULL;
    This->m_pPool = p;
    This->m_pSOAPLibrary = NULL;
    This->m_pLibraries = apr_array_make(p, 0, sizeof(SoapSharedLibrary **));
    This->m_bAllLibrariesLoaded = false;
    This->m_pfnEntryPoint = NULL;
    This->m_pIntf =
        (struct apache_soap_interface *)apr_pcalloc(p,
static SoapSharedLibrary *
SoapSharedLibraries_getLibrary(SoapSharedLibraries * This, unsigned nIndex)
    SoapSharedLibrary **ppLibs = NULL;
    SoapSharedLibrary *pLib = NULL;

    assert(NULL != This);
    assert(NULL != This->m_pLibraries);
    assert(nIndex >= 0);
    assert(nIndex < This->m_pLibraries->nelts);
    ppLibs = (SoapSharedLibrary **) This->m_pLibraries->elts;
    pLib = ppLibs[nIndex];
    return pLib;

 * @param pszPath the operating system name of the library.
static bool
SoapSharedLibraries_contains(SoapSharedLibraries * This, const char *pszPath)
    int i = 0;
    bool bContains = false;

    for(i = 0; i < This->m_pLibraries->nelts && !bContains; i++)
        SoapSharedLibrary *pLib = SoapSharedLibraries_getLibrary(This, i);

        assert(NULL != pLib);
        if(0 == strcmp(pszPath, pLib->m_pszPath))
            bContains = true;
    return bContains;
static void
SoapSharedLibraries_addLibrary(SoapSharedLibraries * This,
                               SoapSharedLibrary * pLibrary)
    assert(NULL != pLibrary);
    This->m_bAllLibrariesLoaded = false;
    if(!SoapSharedLibraries_contains(This, pLibrary->m_pszPath))
        SoapSharedLibrary **ppNewLib =
            (SoapSharedLibrary **) apr_array_push(This->m_pLibraries);
        *ppNewLib = pLibrary;
            This->m_pSOAPLibrary = pLibrary;
static const char *
SoapSharedLibraries_getEntryPoints(SoapSharedLibraries * This,
                                   SoapSharedLibrary * pLib,
                                   apr_pool_t * pTempPool, request_rec * r)
     * now we also pass the request record
    (*This->m_pfnEntryPoint) (This->m_pIntf, r);
    return NULL;

 * @return the error message if a load failed, NULL on success.
static const char *
                                     * This, apr_pool_t * pTempPool,
                                     request_rec * r)
    bool bAllLibrariesLoaded = false;
    const char *pszError = NULL;
    bool bRetry = false;
    int i = 0;
    int nRetry = 0;

    assert(NULL != This);

        return NULL;
    for(nRetry = 0; nRetry < 5 && !bAllLibrariesLoaded; nRetry++)
            pszError = NULL;
            bRetry = false;     // don't try it again.
            bAllLibrariesLoaded = true;
            for(i = 0; i < This->m_pLibraries->nelts; i++)
                SoapSharedLibrary *pLib =
                    SoapSharedLibraries_getLibrary(This, i);
                if(NULL == pLib->m_hLibrary)
                    pszError = SoapSharedLibrary_load(pLib, pTempPool);
                    if(NULL == pszError)
                        assert(NULL != pLib->m_hLibrary);
                        bRetry = true;  ///< we loaded one, lets retry with all others, maybe they depend on that.
                        bAllLibrariesLoaded = false;
                    if(NULL != pLib->m_hLibrary && pLib->m_bIsSOAPLibrary)
                        void *pfun = (void *)DLSYM(pLib->m_hLibrary,

                        if(NULL == pfun)
                            pszError = apr_psprintf(pTempPool,
                                                    "gsoap: load library \"%s\" success, but failed to find the \"%s\" entry point",
                            return pszError;
                            This->m_pfnEntryPoint =
                                (apache_init_soap_interface_fn) pfun;
                            pszError =
                                SoapSharedLibraries_getEntryPoints(This, pLib,
                            pszError =
                                apr_psprintf(NULL ==
                                             pTempPool ? This->
                                             m_pPool : pTempPool,
                                             "mod_gsoap: has got entrypoint %s from library",

        This->m_bAllLibrariesLoaded = true;
        pszError = NULL;
    return pszError;
static void
SoapSharedLibraries_merge(SoapSharedLibraries * This,
                          SoapSharedLibraries * pLibs)
    int i = 0;

    assert(NULL != This);
    if(NULL == pLibs)
    This->m_bAllLibrariesLoaded = false;
    for(i = 0; i < pLibs->m_pLibraries->nelts; i++)
        SoapSharedLibrary *pLib = SoapSharedLibraries_getLibrary(pLibs, i);

        if(!SoapSharedLibraries_contains(This, pLib->m_pszPath))
            SoapSharedLibrary *pNewLib =
            SoapSharedLibrary_init(pNewLib, This->m_pPool, pLib);
            SoapSharedLibraries_addLibrary(This, pNewLib);
static void
SoapSharedLibraries_merge3(SoapSharedLibraries * This,
                           SoapSharedLibraries * libraries1,
                           SoapSharedLibraries * libraries2)
    SoapSharedLibraries_merge(This, libraries1);
    SoapSharedLibraries_merge(This, libraries2);
static void
gsoapConfiguration_merge(gsoapConfiguration * This,
                         gsoapConfiguration * pParentConfig,
                         gsoapConfiguration * pNewConfig)
    assert(NULL != This);
    SoapSharedLibraries_merge3(This->m_pLibraries, pParentConfig->m_pLibraries,
    This->m_Type = ct_both;
static void
gsoapConfiguration_init(gsoapConfiguration * This, apr_pool_t * p)
    This->m_pLibraries =
        (SoapSharedLibraries *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(SoapSharedLibraries));
    SoapSharedLibraries_init(This->m_pLibraries, p);
    This->m_Type = ct_directory;
static gsoapConfiguration *
gsoapConfiguration_create(apr_pool_t * p)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig =
        (gsoapConfiguration *) apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(gsoapConfiguration));
    gsoapConfiguration_init(pConfig, p);
    return pConfig;

 * forward declarations
static int gsoap_handler(request_rec * r);
static int gsoap_init(apr_pool_t * p, apr_pool_t * ptemp, apr_pool_t * plog,
                      server_rec * psrec);
static void *gsoap_create_dir_config(apr_pool_t * p, char *dirspec);
static void *gsoap_merge_dir_config(apr_pool_t * p, void *parent_conf,
                                    void *newloc_conf);
static void *gsoap_create_server_config(apr_pool_t * p, server_rec * s);
static void *gsoap_merge_server_config(apr_pool_t * p, void *server1_conf,
                                       void *server2_conf);

static bool AddSharedLibrary(gsoapConfiguration * pConfig, const char *pszPath,
                             const bool bIsSOAPLibrary);

 * *
 * * We prototyped the various syntax for command handlers (routines that
 * * are called when the configuration parser detects a directive declared
 * * by our module) earlier.  Now we actually declare a "real" routine that
 * * will be invoked by the parser when our "real" directive is
 * * encountered.
 * * If a command handler encounters a problem processing the directive, it
 * * signals this fact by returning a non-NULL pointer to a string
 * * describing the problem.
 * * The magic return value DECLINE_CMD is used to deal with directives
 * * that might be declared by multiple modules.  If the command handler
 * * returns NULL, the directive was processed; if it returns DECLINE_CMD,
 * * the next module (if any) that declares the directive is given a chance
 * * at it.  If it returns any other value, it's treated as the text of an
 * * error message.

/** Command handler for the TAKE1 "SOAPLibrary" directive.
 * We remember the load path for the shared library that contains the SOAP server.
static const char *
cmd_SoapLibrary(cmd_parms * cmd, void *mconfig, const char *pszPath)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = (gsoapConfiguration *) mconfig;

    AddSharedLibrary(pConfig, pszPath, true);
    return NULL;

/** Command handler for the TAKE1 "SOAPSupportLibrary" directive.
 * We remember the load path for a shared library that must additionally loaded.
 * This is a mechanism to load libraries that the SOAPLibrary depends on.
 * This type of libraries do not contain our soap server.
static const char *
cmd_SupportLibrary(cmd_parms * cmd, void *mconfig, const char *pszPath)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = (gsoapConfiguration *) mconfig;

    AddSharedLibrary(pConfig, pszPath, false);
    return NULL;

typedef const char *(*command_function_interface) ();

/** List of directives specific to our module.
static const command_rec gsoap_cmds[] = {
    AP_INIT_TAKE1("SOAPLibrary",    ///< directive name
                  (command_function_interface) cmd_SoapLibrary, ///< config action routine
                  NULL,         ///< argument to include in call
                  ACCESS_CONF,  ///< where available
                  "SOAP shared Library that will be dynamically loaded. - 1 argument (path)"    ///< directive description
    AP_INIT_TAKE1("SupportLibrary", ///< directive name
                  (command_function_interface) cmd_SupportLibrary,  ///< config action routine
                  NULL,         ///< argument to include in call
                  ACCESS_CONF,  ///< where available
                  "additional library that must be dynamically loaded - 1 argument (path)"  ///< directive description

 * All of the routines have been declared now.  Here's the list of
 * directives specific to our module, and information about where they
 * may appear and how the command parser should pass them to us for
 * processing.  Note that care must be taken to ensure that there are NO
 * collisions of directive names between modules.

 * Module definition for configuration.  If a particular callback is not
 * needed, replace its routine name below with the word NULL.
 * The number in brackets indicates the order in which the routine is called
 * during request processing.  Note that not all routines are necessarily
 * called (such as if a resource doesn't have access restrictions).

/** List of callback routines and data structures that provide the hooks into our module.

static void
gsoap_hooks(apr_pool_t * p)
    // I think this is the call to make to register a handler for method calls (GET PUT et. al.).
    // We will ask to be last so that the comment has a higher tendency to
    // go at the end.
    ap_hook_handler(gsoap_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_LAST);

    //Register a handler for post config processing
    ap_hook_post_config(gsoap_init, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);

module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA gsoap_module = {
    gsoap_create_dir_config,    /* per-directory config creator */
    gsoap_merge_dir_config,     /* dir config merger */
    gsoap_create_server_config, /* server config creator */
    gsoap_merge_server_config,  /* server config merger */
    gsoap_cmds,                 /* command table */
    gsoap_hooks,                /*hooks */

/** helper to write out the headers */
static int
ListHeadersCallback(void *rec, const char *key, const char *value)
    request_rec *r = (request_rec *) rec;

    ap_rprintf(r, "%s: %s<br>", key, value);
    return 1;

/** write out the headers of the request. */
static void
ListHeaders(request_rec * r)
    apr_table_do(ListHeadersCallback, r, r->headers_in, NULL);

/** send the error message to the client browser */
static void
SendErrorMessage(request_rec * r, const char *pszError)
    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "mod_gsoap: %s",
    r->content_type = "text/html";
    ap_rputs(DOCTYPE_HTML_3_2, r);
    ap_rputs("<HTML>\n", r);
    ap_rputs(" <HEAD>\n", r);
    ap_rputs("  <TITLE>Apache Soap Handler\n", r);
    ap_rputs("  </TITLE>\n", r);
    ap_rputs(" </HEAD>\n", r);
    ap_rputs(" <BODY>\n", r);
    ap_rputs("  <H1>mod_gsoap Apache SOAP Server Error</H1>\n", r);
               "<p><strong>%s</strong><br>Please see the documentation at <a href=\"\">WebWare</a> for details.</p>",
    ap_rputs("  <H2>Content headers of the request</H2>\n", r);
    ap_rputs("</BODY></HTML>\n", r);
static int
send_header_to_gsoap(void *pvoid, const char *key, const char *value)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = NULL;
    struct soap *psoap = (struct soap *)pvoid;

    if(NULL != psoap)
        pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(psoap);
    if(NULL == pRqConf)
        return 0;
    if(0 == strcasecmp(key, "SOAPAction") ||
       0 == strcasecmp(key, "Content-Type") ||
       0 == strcasecmp(key, "Status") || 0 == strcasecmp(key, "Content-Length"))
        psoap->fparsehdr(psoap, key, value);
    return 1;

 * Callback functions for gsoap. We must parse the headers ourselves and
 *  we must handle send/receive properly.
static int
http_post_header(struct soap *soap, const char *key, const char *value)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);
    request_rec *r = NULL == pRqConf ? NULL : pRqConf->r;

    if(NULL != value)
        if(0 == strcasecmp(key, "SOAPAction"))
            apr_table_set(r->headers_out, key, value);
        else if(0 == strcasecmp(key, "Content-Type"))
            r->content_type = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, value);
        else if(0 == strcasecmp(key, "Content-Length"))
            ap_set_content_length(r, atoi(value));
    return SOAP_OK;

gsoap function that requests the next piece of data from us
static size_t
frecv(struct soap *psoap, char *pBuf, apr_size_t len)
    request_rec *r = NULL;
    apr_size_t nRet = 0;
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(psoap);

    if(NULL != pRqConf)
        r = pRqConf->r;
            apr_table_do(send_header_to_gsoap, psoap, r->headers_in, NULL);
            pRqConf->headers_received = true;
        nRet = ap_get_client_block(r, pBuf, len > r->remaining ? r->remaining : len);
    return nRet;

static int
fsend(struct soap *psoap, const char *pBuf, apr_size_t len)
    int nRet = SOAP_OK;
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(psoap);

    if(NULL != pRqConf)
        request_rec *r = pRqConf->r;

            //          ap_send_http_header(r);
            pRqConf->headers_sent = true;
        nRet = ap_rwrite(pBuf, len, r) == len ? SOAP_OK : SOAP_FAULT;
        nRet = SOAP_FAULT;
    return nRet;

/** instead of real header parsing we skip that. */
static int
http_parse(struct soap *psoap)
    return SOAP_OK;

/** make sure we go through soap_send_fault(), which calls fpoll */
static int
fpoll(struct soap *psoap)
    return SOAP_OK;

 * plugin functions
static int
mod_gsoap_plugin_copy(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plugin *dst,
                      struct soap_plugin *src)
     * should this be a deep copy?
    *dst = *src;
    return SOAP_OK;
static void
mod_gsoap_delete(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plugin *p)
static int
mod_gsoap_plugin(struct soap *soap, struct soap_plugin *p, void *arg)
    p->id = mod_gsoap_id;
    p->data = arg;
    p->fcopy = mod_gsoap_plugin_copy;
    p->fdelete = mod_gsoap_delete;
    return SOAP_OK;
static void
set_callbacks(request_rec * r, gsoapRequestConfiguration * pRqConf,
              struct soap *psoap)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = getConfiguration(r);
    struct apache_soap_interface *pIntf = pConfig->m_pLibraries->m_pIntf;

    pRqConf->r = r;
    pRqConf->http_parse = psoap->fparse;
    psoap->user = pRqConf;
    psoap->frecv = frecv;
    psoap->fsend = fsend;
    psoap->fparse = http_parse;
    psoap->fposthdr = http_post_header;
    psoap->fpoll = fpoll;
    if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_init)
        (*pIntf->fsoap_register_plugin_arg) (psoap, mod_gsoap_plugin,
                                             (void *)pRqConf, r);
        psoap->user = pRqConf;

 * * Now we declare our content handlers, which are invoked when the server
 * * encounters a document which our module is supposed to have a chance to
 * * see.  (See mod_mime's SetHandler and AddHandler directives, and the
 * * mod_info and mod_status examples, for more details.)
 * * Since content handlers are dumping data directly into the connexion
 * * (using the r*() routines, such as rputs() and rprintf()) without
 * * intervention by other parts of the server, they need to make
 * * sure any accumulated HTTP headers are sent first.  This is done by
 * * calling send_http_header().  Otherwise, no header will be sent at all,
 * * and the output sent to the client will actually be HTTP-uncompliant.

 * SOAP content handler.
 * @return the value that instructs the caller concerning what happened and what to do next.
 *  OK ("we did our thing")
 *  DECLINED ("this isn't something with which we want to get involved")
 *  HTTP_mumble ("an error status should be reported")
static int
gsoap_handler(request_rec * r)
    static const int nResponseBufferLen = IOBUF_CHUNK_SIZE;
    const char *pszError = NULL;
    struct soap *psoap = NULL;
    struct apache_soap_interface *pIntf = NULL;
    int nRet = 0;
    char *pszResponse = NULL;
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = getConfiguration(r);
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = NULL;

     * only handle soap requests
    if(!strstr(r->handler, "soap"))
        return DECLINED;

     * only handle POST requests (but we also allow GET)
    if(r->method_number != M_POST && r->method_number != M_GET)
        return DECLINED;

    pszResponse = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, nResponseBufferLen);
    assert(NULL != pConfig);

    psoap = (struct soap *)apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct soap));
    pRqConf = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(gsoapRequestConfiguration));
    pszError =
        SoapSharedLibraries_loadAllLibraries(pConfig->m_pLibraries, r->pool, r);

    pIntf = pConfig->m_pLibraries->m_pIntf;

    ap_update_mtime(r, r->request_time);
    if(NULL != pszError)
        static bool bFirstTime = true;

            ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, pszError);
            bFirstTime = false;

     * as a next step, we prepare a buffer that sends the request as first line to gsoap.
     * Then the remaining data.
     * We start returning bytes on frecv from this buffer, until it is empty.
     * then it is not necessary to fiddle around with gsoap's request line parsing.
    if(NULL == pszError)
        pRqConf->r = r;
        pRqConf->headers_sent = false;
        pRqConf->headers_received = false;
        pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_nHeaderLength = strlen(r->the_request) + 2;
        pRqConf->m_pszCurrentHeaderReadingPosition = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_nOutBufCount = 0;
        pRqConf->m_nOutBufLength = nResponseBufferLen;
        pRqConf->m_pOutBuf = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, nResponseBufferLen);
        pRqConf->http_parse = NULL;
        pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders =
            apr_pcalloc(r->pool, pRqConf->m_nHeaderLength + 1);
        pRqConf->m_pszCurrentHeaderReadingPosition = pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders;
        strcpy(pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders, r->the_request);
        strcat(pRqConf->m_pszAllHeaders, "\r\n");
        pRqConf->pIntf = pIntf;

     * We're about to start sending content, so we need to force the HTTP
     * headers to be sent at this point.  Otherwise, no headers will be sent
     * at all.  We can set any we like first, of course.  **NOTE** Here's
     * where you set the "Content-type" header, and you do so by putting it in
     * r->content_type, *not* r->headers_out("Content-type").  If you don't
     * set it, it will be filled in with the server's default type (typically
     * "text/plain").  You *must* also ensure that r->content_type is lower
     * case.

     * If we're only supposed to send header information (HEAD request), we're
     * already there.
        return OK;
    if(NULL != pszError)
        SendErrorMessage(r, pszError);
        return OK;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // "ap_setup_client_block" and "ap_should_block" are only valid for HTTP POST
    // so why are we doing it for HTTP GET ??? (see Apache API docs for "client block")
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    nRet = ap_setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_DECHUNK);
    if(OK != nRet)
        SendErrorMessage(r, "Failed to start receiving POST buffer");
        return OK;
    nRet = ap_should_client_block(r);
    if(0 == nRet)
        SendErrorMessage(r, "No body received");
        return OK;

    if(NULL != pszError)
        ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, pszError);
        SendErrorMessage(r, pszError);
        return OK;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_init)
        (*pIntf->fsoap_init) (psoap, r);
        psoap->namespaces = pIntf->namespaces;
        set_callbacks(r, pRqConf, psoap);
        if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_serve)
            nRet = (*pIntf->fsoap_serve) (psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_serve entry point");
            return OK;
        if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_destroy)
            pIntf->fsoap_destroy(psoap, r); // not an error in 2.1.10 any more.
        if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_end)
            pIntf->fsoap_end(psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_end entry point");
        if(NULL != pIntf->fsoap_done)
            pIntf->fsoap_done(psoap, r);
            SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_done entry point");
        SendErrorMessage(r, "no soap_init entry point");
        return OK;

     * We did what we wanted to do, so tell the rest of the server we
     * succeeded. We need not delete pszResponse, because it was allocated from the request pool.
    return OK;

 * Now let's declare routines for each of the callback phase in order.
 * (That's the order in which they're listed in the callback list, *not
 * the order in which the server calls them!  See the command_rec
 * declaration).  Note that these may be
 * called for situations that don't relate primarily to our function - in
 * other words, the fixup handler shouldn't assume that the request has
 * to do with "gsoap" stuff.

 * With the exception of the content handler, all of our routines will be
 * called for each request, unless an earlier handler from another module
 * aborted the sequence.
 * Handlers that are declared as "int" can return the following:
 * OK          Handler accepted the request and did its thing with it.
 * DECLINED    Handler took no action.
 * HTTP_mumble Handler looked at request and found it wanting.

 * What the server does after calling a module handler depends upon the
 * handler's return value.  In all cases, if the handler returns
 * DECLINED, the server will continue to the next module with an handler
 * for the current phase.  However, if the handler return a non-OK,
 * non-DECLINED status, the server aborts the request right there.  If
 * the handler returns OK, the server's next action is phase-specific;
 * see the individual handler comments below for details.

 * * This function is called during server initialisation.  Any information
 * * that needs to be recorded must be in static cells, since there's no
 * * configuration record.
 * *
 * * There is no return value.
static int
gsoap_init(apr_pool_t * p, apr_pool_t * ptemp, apr_pool_t * plog,
           server_rec * psrec)
    ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, psrec, "mod_gsoap initialized");
    return OK;

 * This function gets called to create a per-directory configuration
 * record.  This will be called for the "default" server environment, and for
 * each directory for which the parser finds any of our directives applicable.
 * If a directory doesn't have any of our directives involved (i.e., they
 * aren't in the .htaccess file, or a <Location>, <Directory>, or related
 * block), this routine will *not* be called - the configuration for the
 * closest ancestor is used.
 * The return value is a pointer to the created module-specific
 * structure.
static void *
gsoap_create_dir_config(apr_pool_t * p, char *dirspec)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = gsoapConfiguration_create(p);

    pConfig->m_Type = ct_directory;
    return pConfig;

 * This function gets called to merge two per-directory configuration
 * records.  This is typically done to cope with things like .htaccess files
 * or <Location> directives for directories that are beneath one for which a
 * configuration record was already created.  The routine has the
 * responsibility of creating a new record and merging the contents of the
 * other two into it appropriately.  If the module doesn't declare a merge
 * routine, the record for the closest ancestor location (that has one) is
 * used exclusively.
 * The routine MUST NOT modify any of its arguments!
 * The return value is a pointer to the created module-specific structure
 * containing the merged values.
static void *
gsoap_merge_dir_config(apr_pool_t * p, void *parent_conf, void *newloc_conf)
    gsoapConfiguration *pMergedConfig = gsoapConfiguration_create(p);
    gsoapConfiguration *pParentConfig = (gsoapConfiguration *) parent_conf;
    gsoapConfiguration *pNewConfig = (gsoapConfiguration *) newloc_conf;

    gsoapConfiguration_merge(pMergedConfig, pParentConfig, pNewConfig);
    return pMergedConfig;

 * This function gets called to create a per-server configuration
 * record.  It will always be called for the "default" server.
 * The return value is a pointer to the created module-specific
 * structure.
static void *
gsoap_create_server_config(apr_pool_t * p, server_rec * s)
    gsoapConfiguration *pConfig = gsoapConfiguration_create(p);

    pConfig->m_Type = ct_server;
    return pConfig;

 * This function gets called to merge two per-server configuration
 * records.  This is typically done to cope with things like virtual hosts and
 * the default server configuration. The routine has the responsibility of
 * creating a new record and merging the contents of the other two into it
 * appropriately. If the module doesn't declare a merge routine, the more
 * specific existing record is used exclusively.
 * The routine MUST NOT modify any of its arguments!
 * The return value is a pointer to the created module-specific structure
 * containing the merged values.
static void *
gsoap_merge_server_config(apr_pool_t * p, void *server1_conf,
                          void *server2_conf)
    gsoapConfiguration *pMergedConfig = gsoapConfiguration_create(p);
    gsoapConfiguration *pServer1Config = (gsoapConfiguration *) server1_conf;
    gsoapConfiguration *pServer2Config = (gsoapConfiguration *) server2_conf;

    gsoapConfiguration_merge(pMergedConfig, pServer1Config, pServer2Config);
    pMergedConfig->m_Type = ct_server;
    return (void *)pMergedConfig;

/** helper funciton for library command handler.
 * @param pszPath the path of the library.
 * @param bIsSOAPLibrary true if it is a shared library containing a SOAP server.
 * @return true if the library was added, false if it was aleady in the collection.
static bool
AddSharedLibrary(gsoapConfiguration * pConfig, const char *pszPath,
                 const bool bIsSOAPLibrary)
    bool bAdded = false;
    apr_pool_t *pPool = gsoapConfiguration_getModulePool();

    if(!SoapSharedLibraries_contains(pConfig->m_pLibraries, pszPath))
        SoapSharedLibrary *pLibrary = SoapSharedLibrary_create(pPool);

        SoapSharedLibrary_init2(pLibrary, pPool, apr_pstrdup(pPool, pszPath));
        pLibrary->m_bIsSOAPLibrary = bIsSOAPLibrary;
        SoapSharedLibraries_addLibrary(pConfig->m_pLibraries, pLibrary);
        bAdded = true;

    return bAdded;

static gsoapConfiguration *
getConfiguration(request_rec * r)
    return (gsoapConfiguration *) ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,

static gsoapRequestConfiguration *
getRequestConfiguration(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf =
        (gsoapRequestConfiguration *) soap->fplugin(soap, mod_gsoap_id);
    return pRqConf;

 * Patch from Ryan Troll
 * Implement these as weak symbols, allowing symbol checking during
 * compilation to succeed, even when another object is actually
 * providing these symbols at runtime.

 * This patch may not work properly on some systems. The patch is commented
 * out in case someone is interested in using it (at your own risk).

/* ----- this code is never used

SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] __attribute__ ((weak));
SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[] = {
    {"SOAP-ENV", "",
    {"SOAP-ENC", "",
    {"xsi", "",
    {"xsd", "",
    {NULL, NULL}

SOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializeheader(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_serializeheader(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);


SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putheader(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_putheader(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_putheader(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getheader(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_getheader(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_getheader(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_fault(struct soap *soap) __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_fault(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);


SOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_serializefault(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_serializefault(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);


SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putfault(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_putfault(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_putfault(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getfault(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_getfault(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_getfault(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultcode(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4
soap_faultcode(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_faultcode(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultstring(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4
soap_faultstring(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_faultstring(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4 soap_faultdetail(struct soap *soap)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
SOAP_FMAC3 const char **SOAP_FMAC4
soap_faultdetail(struct soap *soap)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_faultdetail(soap);

SOAP_FMAC3 void SOAP_FMAC4 soap_markelement(struct soap *soap, const void *a,
                                            int b) __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_markelement(struct soap *soap, const void *a, int b)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    pRqConf->pIntf->soap_markelement(soap, a, b);

SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_putelement(struct soap *soap, const void *a,
                                          const char *b, int c, int d)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_putelement(struct soap *soap, const void *a, const char *b, int c, int d)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_putelement(soap, a, b, c, d);

SOAP_FMAC3 void *SOAP_FMAC4 soap_getelement(struct soap *soap, int *a)
    __attribute__ ((weak));
soap_getelement(struct soap *soap, int *a)
    gsoapRequestConfiguration *pRqConf = getRequestConfiguration(soap);

    return pRqConf->pIntf->soap_getelement(soap, a);

end of 'never used' block ----- */

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.