OpenVMS Source-Code Demos


	function string unicode_array_to_cp1252(long uni(), long mode_bits)	!
	!               unicode_array_to_latin1(long uni(), long mode_bits)	!
	! title  :
	! purpose: character data must be loaded into uni() before this function is called
	!	   mode_bits%	bit-0:	0 (relaxed - copy controls as-is)
	!	         		1 (strict  - swap controls with a space; then compress)
	!			bit-1:	0 (relaxed - copy unmapped data as-is
	!				1 (strict  - swap unmapped data with a space; then compress)
	!			bit-4:	0 (debug off)
	!				1 (debug on )
	! notes  : 1) perhaps this function shour be renamed unicode_array_to_latin1()
	!	   2) no multi-byte characters are passed through this routine so if the destination
	!	      database table defaults to utf-8 then you must use "character set latin1" in the
	!	      "load data" command during the import into MySQL/MariaDB
	! history:
	! ver who when     what
	! --- --- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	! 107 NSR 20200107 1. derived from UNICODE_TO_ISO_107.FUN
	option type=explicit							!
	declare string	z							!
	declare long	last,i,j,k,boggy					!
	!	main
	last = uni(0)								!
	for i = 1 to last							!
	    select uni(i)							!
		case 0 to 31, 127						!
		    if (mode_bits and 1%) = 0% then				!
			z = z + chr$(uni(i))					! relaxed - copy controls as-is
		    else							!
			z = z + " "						! strict (no controls allowed)
		    end if							!
		    iterate							!
		case 32 to 126							!
		    z = z + chr$(uni(i))					!
		    iterate							!
		case 129, 141, 143						! table holes
		    z = z + " "							!
		    iterate							!
		case 144, 157							! table holes
		    z = z + " "							!
		    iterate							!
		case 128 to 255							! block catch-all (holes have been excluded)
		    z = z + chr$(uni(i))					!
		    iterate							!
		!	line-8 of the table
		case x'20ac'							! euro
			z = z + chr$(128)					!
		case x'201a'							!
			z = z + chr$(130)					!
		case x'0192'							!
			z = z + chr$(131)					!
		case x'201e'							!
			z = z + chr$(132)					!
		case x'2026'							!
			z = z + chr$(133)					!
		case x'2020'							!
			z = z + chr$(134)					!
		case x'2021'							!
			z = z + chr$(135)					!
		case x'02c6'							!
			z = z + chr$(136)					!
		case x'2030'							!
			z = z + chr$(137)					!
		case x'0160'							!
			z = z + chr$(138)					!
		case x'2039'							!
			z = z + chr$(139)					!
		case x'0152'							!
			z = z + chr$(140)					!
		case x'017d'							!
			z = z + chr$(142)					!
		!	line-9 of the table
		case x'2018'							!
			z = z + chr$(145)					!
		case x'2019'							!
			z = z + chr$(146)					!
		case x'201c'							!
 			z = z + chr$(147)					!
		case x'201d'							!
			z = z + chr$(148)					!
		case x'2022'							!
			z = z + chr$(149)					!
		case x'2013'							!
			z = z + chr$(150)					!
		case x'2014'							!
			z = z + chr$(151)					!
		case x'02dc'							!
			z = z + chr$(152)					!
		case x'2122'							!
			z = z + chr$(153)					!
		case x'0161'							!
			z = z + chr$(154)					!
		case x'203a'							!
			z = z + chr$(155)					!
		case x'0153'							!
			z = z + chr$(156)					!
		case x'017e'							!
			z = z + chr$(158)					!
		case x'0178'							!
			z = z + chr$(159)					!
		!	boggies that have crept into RMS
		case x'2033'							! a.k.a. 8243 (double prime)
		    z = z + chr$(148)						!
		case x'2036'							! a.k.a. 8246 (reversed double prime)
		    z = z + chr$(147)						!
		!	catch all
		case else							!
		    if (mode_bits and 2%) = 0% then				!
			select uni(i)						!
			    case x'2000' to x'2FFF'				!
				z = z + chr$( int(uni(i)/256%)	)		!
				z = z + chr$( uni(i) and x'ff'	)		!
			end select						!
		    else							!
			z = z + " "						! strict
		    end if							!
		    if (mode_bits and 4%) = 4% then				!
			boggy = 1						!
			print "-d-unicode_array_to_cp1252:";i;" ";uni(i)	!
			sleep 1							!
		    end if							!
	    end select								!
	next i			 						!
	z = edit$(z,128+16+8)							! trailing, multiple, leading
	print "-i-unicode_array_to_cp1252:"; z	if boggy = 1			!
	unicode_array_to_cp1252 = z						! pass back to caller
	end function								! adios

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Neil Rieck
Kitchener - Waterloo - Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.