Linux Notes: CPU Control

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Edit: 2022-01-12 (updated the script)

BASH script to control CPU cores


# ====================================================
# file    :
# author  : Neil Rieck
# edit    : 2021-06-18
# edit    : 2021-06-19
# edit : 2022-01-12 # notes : USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! # hardware: # 1) display hardware: # lscpu | grep 'Socket(s)' # lscpu | grep 'Core(s)' # lscpu | grep 'Thread(s)' # lscpu -e (or lscpu -p) # lscpu -y (default) # 2) examples for a typical 2-socket DL385p # a) display CPUs # ls -la /sys/devices/system/cpu # b) displays the current CPU configuration # lscpu # yields: # NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,2,4,6,8,10 # NUMA node1 CPU(s): 12,14,16,18,20,22 # NUMA node2 CPU(s): 1,3,5,7,9,11 # NUMA node3 CPU(s): 13,15,17,19,21,23 # c) after running this tool # yields # NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0,2,4,6,8,10 # NUMA node1 CPU(s): 12,14,16,18,20,22 # NUMA node2 CPU(s): # NUMA node3 CPU(s): # ==================================================== set -e # stop on error SOCKETS=2 # number of CPU chips CORES=6 # cores per chip THREADS=2 # threads per core MAXPR=$((SOCKETS * CORES * THREADS)) # max processors HELP1=" example: "$0" noun unit verb optional-safeword" HELP2=" example: "$0" socket 2 enable" HELP=${HELP1}$'\n'${HELP2} PASS="ncc1701d" # ==================================================== echo "" echo "pgm: "$0 echo "note: the first chip is in socket #1" echo "====================================" echo "-i-hardware:" lscpu | grep 'Socket(s)' lscpu | grep 'Core(s)' lscpu | grep 'Thread(s)' echo "-i-script constants:" echo " sockets : "${SOCKETS} echo " cores-per-socket: "${CORES} echo " max-processors : "${MAXPR} # ==================================================== if [ "$1" == "" ] then NOUN="blank" else NOUN=$1 fi if [ "$2" == "" ] then UNIT=-1 else UNIT=$2 fi if [ "$3" == "" ] then VERB=-1 else VERB=$3 fi if [ "$4" == "" ] then SAFEWORD="test" else SAFEWORD=$4 fi # ==================================================== if [ $SOCKETS != 2 ]; then echo "-e-only for use on 2-socket systems" exit -1 fi if [[ ( $NOUN != "socket" ) && ( $NOUN != "numa" ) ]]; then echo "-e-bad NOUN (not one of: socket, numa)" printf "%s\n\n" "${HELP}" exit -1 fi if [[ (( $UNIT -le 0 )) || (( $UNIT -gt $SOCKETS )) ]]; then echo "-e-bad UNIT (not legal or not in range)" printf "%s\n\n" "${HELP}" exit -1 fi if [[ ( $VERB != "enable" ) && ( $VERB != "disable" ) ]]; then echo "-e-bad VERB. (not one of: enable, disable)" printf "%s\n\n" "${HELP}" exit -1 fi if [[ ( $SAFEWORD != $PASS ) && ( $SAFEWORD != "test" ) ]]; then echo "-e-bad SAFEWORD. (defaults to test mode)"; printf "%s\n\n" "${HELP}" exit -1 fi #====================================== # doit() # entry: i = CPU# # NOUN # VERB #====================================== function doit() { if [[ $VERB = "disable" ]]; then STATE="0" else STATE="1" fi # we always skip processor-0 just in case if [[ ${i} = 0 ]]; then echo "skip" ${STATE} "> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu"${i}"/online skip" return 0 fi if [[ $SAFEWORD = $PASS ]]; then echo "writing" $STATE "> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu"${i}"/online" echo ${STATE} > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu${i}/online else echo "script-test" ${STATE} "> /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu"${i}"/online" fi return 0 } echo "-i-processing begins:" case $NOUN in "socket" ) start=$((UNIT-1)) stop=$((MAXPR)) step=$((SOCKETS)) echo "start: "${start}" stop: "${stop}" step: "${step} for (( i=${start}; i<${stop}; i=i+${step} )); do doit; done ;; "numa") echo "-w-not implemented" esac # echo "done" exit 0

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.