1. The information presented here is intended for educational use by qualified OpenVMS technologists.
  2. The information presented here is provided free of charge, as-is, with no warranty of any kind.
Edit: 2009-10-03

DELIVER (introduction)

In an nutshell, DELIVER is a freeware utility which can be used to pre-scan inbound VMS MAIL on a user-by-user basis. If you've got a VMS platform on the public internet, this might be to only way to de-SPAM your postmaster account.

DELIVER (how-to)

System Manager Actions (do once per system)

  1. download DELIVER from the HP OpenVMS freeware site:
    1. Freeware V4 supports both VAX and ALPHA
    2. Freeware V8 disc-1 supports VAX, ALPHA and Itanium
  2. unpack the DELIVER download; read the documentation; install it

User Action (each user wishing to use DELIVER must do this)

  1. each user must a create a file in their home directory (SYS$LOGIN) titled MAIL.DELIVERY
  2. enter VMS MAIL then forward your account to the DELIVER like so:
        set forward DELIVER%JOE_HACKER           (assumes your account name is "JOE_HACKER")
  3. if something goes wrong, you can quickly disable forwarding like so:
        set noforward

DELIVER Template

! notes:
! 1) lines beginning with an exclamation are ignored
! 2) each line must contain 5 or 6 phrases 
! 3) phrases containing whitespace must be quoted
! 4) tests are case-insensitive
! 5) VMS wildcard characters (* and %) are supported
! 6) here are the phrase-field meanings:
!    1              2            3                 4        5        6
!    <from-pattern> <to-pattern> <subject-pattern> <accept> <action> <parameter>
*        * "* FREE *"   T Q
*        * "*ON SALE*"  T Q
"FRED *" * *            T Q
"JIM *"  * *            T A JIM.LOG
*        * *mooses*     T A MOOSE.LOG
*        * *            O A OTHER.LOG
*        * *            A D

Line-by-Line Rule Explanations

  1. if the subject field contains the phrase " FREE " then Quit (thus discarding the mail message; all subsequent tests are ignored)
  2. if the subject field contains the phrase "ON SALE" then Quit (thus discarding the mail message; all subsequent tests are ignored)
  3. if the from field begins with "FRED " then Quit (thus discarding the mail message; all subsequent tests are ignored)
  4. if the from field begins with "JIM " then Append the mail message to the file JIM.LOG then continuing processing MAIL.DELIVER
  5. if the subject field contains the phase "MOOSES" then Append the mail message to the file MOOSE.LOG (then continue processing MAIL.DELIVER)
  6. if all tests fired (and they would because of three wildcards) but no previous rule-lines have fired, then append the message to file OTHER.LOG
  7. If we get here (we have never Quit) then Always Deliver this message normally (to the user's NEWMAIL folder)

Caveat: coded this was, if JIM sends a message containing the phrase MOOSE in the subject field, the message will be copied to two files (JIM.LOG and MOOSE.LOG)

DELIVER Plain-text docs for user file: MAIL.DELIVERY (1994)

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL

1  Overview

DELIVER is an adjunct to VMS MAIL which makes  it  possible  for  incoming
mail   messages  to  be  handled  and  processed  automatically  based  on
information provided in a user-supplied file.  Different  actions  can  be
taken  based  on  a message's address, subject or contents.  These actions
include delivering the message, forwarding the message or even invoking  a
DCL  command  script to perform some complex operation.  Any actions taken
occur immediately upon receipt of the message; the user does not  need  to
log in for DELIVER to operate.

DELIVER is modelled after the  MAILDELIVERY  facility  of  the  MMDF  mail
system.   DELIVER  is,  however,  completely  distinct  from  MMDF and the
formats of .MAILDELIVERY  files  for  MMDF  and  MAIL.DELIVERY  files  for
DELIVER are dissimiliar.

This document assumes that the  reader  is  familiar  with  the  VMS  MAIL

   Setting up DELIVER
2  Setting up DELIVER

Users can set up DELIVER to handle their incoming mail by doing  just  two

    (a)  Create a MAIL.DELIVERY file in their  accounts'  initial  default
         directory  (SYS$LOGIN).   For  security reasons this file MUST be
         located in the initial default directory -- it cannot  be  stored
         anyplace  else.   The format of a MAIL.DELIVERY file is described

    (b)  Set  their  mail  forwarding   address   for   the   account   to
         "DELIVER%user",  where "user" is the username associated with the
         user's account.  The MAIL command to change or set  a  forwarding
         address  is  SET  FORWARD.   Specifying  another  user's  name in
         conjunction with "DELIVER%" will perform no  useful  function  --
         mail  will  simply  be  forwarded  and  handled  by  that  user's
         MAIL.DELIVERY file, assuming one exists.

Once  these  two  steps  have  been  taken,  DELIVER   will   be   invoked
automatically to handle all mail as it is delivered.  For example, suppose
user BOB wants to tell DELIVER to handle incoming  messages.   BOB  should
create a MAIL.DELIVERY file and then type:

    $ MAIL

   MAIL.DELIVERY file format
3  MAIL.DELIVERY file format

The MAIL.DELIVERY file controls DELIVER and tells it how  to  handle  each
message.  A MAIL.DELIVERY file consists of a series of directives with one
directive on each line of  the  file.   Each  directive  specifies  how  a
certain  kind  of message is to be handled.  A particular directive may or
may not apply to a given message.  An  attempt  is  made  to  apply  every
directive  in  the  MAIL.DELIVERY file to each message, thus more than one
directive may apply to (and more than one action may be the result  of)  a
single message.

Any line in the file which begins with a semicolon or an exclamation point
is considered to be a comment and is ignored.

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL
                        MAIL.DELIVERY file format

A directive line consists of the following items in  order  from  left  to

    <from-pat> <to-pat> <subject-pat> <accept> <action> <parameter>

Items must be delimited by one or more spaces  or  tabs.   Quoted  strings
(use  double  quotes,  not single quotes) are allowed as single items; the
quotes are removed from the items as they are read.  A double quote can be
obtained by using two double quotes with no space between them.  This form
of quote handling is consistent with that of VMS DCL.

     Directive applicability
3.1  Directive applicability

The <from-pat>,  <to-pat>,  <subject-pat>  and  <accept>  items  determine
whether  or  not  the directive applies to a particular message.  A string
comparison is performed between  the  patterns  <from-pat>,  <to-pat>  and
<subject-pat>  and the "From:", "To:" and "Subject:" fields of the message
header respectively.  The comparison is not case sensitive.  The usual VMS
wildcard  characters  ("*"  and  "%")  can  be  used in the patterns.  The
pattern "*" will match anything.

Once the comparisons have been performed, the <accept> item determines  if
the  directive should be applied to the message.  Only the first character
of <accept> is significant.  It should be one of the following:

    A - always apply this directive; ignore the results of
        the comparisons.
    X - never apply this directive; ignore the results of
        the comparisons.
    T - apply this directive if the patterns all matched.
    F - apply this directive if the patterns did not all match.
    O - apply this directive if the patterns all matched and
        no previous directive has been applied to the message.
    B - apply this directive if a pattern did not match and
        no previous directive has been applied to the message.
    E - this directive applies if all the patterns matched
        OR no other directive has been applied so far.

Any character whatsoever is legal:  Y is the same as T, N is the  same  as
F,  question  mark  is  the  same  as  O, Q is the same as B and all other
characters are the same as X.

Directives are tested in the order they appear in the MAIL.DELIVERY file.

For example, suppose JIM sends a message to BOB.  The subject line of  the
message is "Re:  Mooses".  BOB's MAIL.DELIVERY file contains the following
lines (the function of the last two columns of each line, the <action> and
<parameter> items, is described later):

    "FRED *" * *         T Q
    "JIM *"  * *         T A JIM.LOG
    *        * *mooses*  T A MOOSE.LOG
    *        * *         O A OTHER.LOG
    *        * *         A D

The first directive in the file does not apply since the  message  is  not
from  FRED.   The  second and third directives both apply since JIM is the
sender and the subject line contains  the  string  "mooses".   The  fourth
directive's patterns all apply, but a preceeding directive has applied, so
it does not apply.  The final directive applies since it  would  apply  to

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL
                        MAIL.DELIVERY file format

any  message.   The result is that three directives apply to this message,
and thus three separate actions are taken in processing the message.

Note:  The patterns "FRED *" and "JIM *" are useful since  VMS  MAIL  lets
users  set  up personal name fields which become part of the "From:" field
of the message -- the personal name is enclosed in quotes and appended  to
the  user name.  Depending on personal name fields for message handling is
not a good idea since some users have a tendency to change personal  names
frequently  and  without  warning.   The  use  of the space followed by an
asterisk will match any personal name field a user sets up; the result  is
a MAIL.DELIVERY file which is insensitive to personal names.

If none of the directives in the file are found to apply to  the  message,
the  message  is  just  delivered normally.  In effect, each MAIL.DELIVERY
file implicitly ends with the directive:

    * * * O D

3.2  Actions

The <action> and <parameter> items specify what action  is  taken  when  a
directive  is  applied  to  a  message.   The  first character of <action>
specifies what type of action to take.  The legal characters for  <action>
and what they do are:

    A - append the body (or contents) of the message to a file.
        The <parameter> item specifies the file name. The file
        must already exist and the recipient must have write access
        to the file; DELIVER grants the user no special file access
    C - copy the body of the message to a file whose name is
        <parameter>. Write access to the directory where the
        file is to be created is required.
    D - deliver the message normally. The message is placed in
        the user's NEWMAIL folder. <parameter> is ignored.
    V - deliver the message normally using system privileges.
        This action is identical to action "D" above except that
        the "From:" field of the message header is set to match
        the name of the original sender instead of the name of
        the user. This action makes use of the DELIVER foreign
        mail interface in incoming mode which in turn requires
        that the user be fully privileged. General users should
        use action "D" instead.
        This form of delivery requires the account delivering the
        message to have BYPASS privilege.
    E - execute the specified command. The DCL command specified
        by <parameter> is executed. The command is executed in
        the environment of the recipient's own account. Any
        noninteractive DCL command is valid, including an
        indirect command file specification. Several DCL symbols
        can be used in the command to facilitate message

        FROM           - the message's "From:" address.
        TO             - the message's "To:" address.
        SUBJECT        - the message's "Subject:".
        CC             - the message's "Cc:".
        QFROM          - "From:" with quotes doubled.
        QQFROM         - "From:" with quotes quadrupled.
        QTO            - "To:" with quotes doubled.

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL
                        MAIL.DELIVERY file format

        QQTO           - "To:" with quotes quadrupled.
        QSUBJECT       - "Subject:" with quotes doubled.
        QQSUBJECT      - "Subject:" with quotes quadrupled.
        QCC            - "Cc:" with quotes doubled.
        QQCC           - "Cc:" with quotes quadrupled.
        MESSAGE_FILE   - the name of the file containing the
                         body of the message. MESSAGE_FILE
                         is always fully qualified.
        MESSAGE_DELETE - initially set to "YES", if this
                         symbol is set to "NO" no attempt will
                         be made to delete MESSAGE_FILE after
                         all actions are complete. The M <action>
                         sets MESSAGE_DELETE to "NO" as well.

        The "Q" forms are useful if the symbol must be expanded
        inside a quoted string. The MESSAGE_DELETE flag is useful
        if MESSAGE_FILE has to be queued for further processing
        at a later time, or if one of the actions has already
        deleted it.
    F - forward the message. The message is forwarded to the
        address specified by <parameter>.
    W - forward the message using system privileges. This action
        is identical to action "F" above except that the "From:"
        field of the message header is set to match the name of
        the original sender instead of the name of the user. This
        action makes use of the DELIVER foreign mail interface in
        incoming mode which in turn requires that the user be
        fully privileged.  General users should use action "F"
        This form of delivery requires the account delivering the
        message to have BYPASS privilege.
    Q - quit; take no action and abort. If this action is taken
        DELIVER stops scanning the MAIL.DELIVERY file at this
        point. No subsequent directives will apply after this
        one. Use this directive with care; it is very easy to
        lose messages when this action is employed.
    K - save the command file after execution. Normally the command
        file created on behalf of the user is deleted automatically
        after execution. This action, if used inhibits this
        automatic deletion.
    L - save the batch log of the DCL commands executed by DELIVER
        for each message processed in the file <parameter> in the
        user's login directory. This option is useful for debugging
        MAIL.DELIVERY files and command scripts. If more than one
        L <action> is triggered only the last one has any effect.
    M - save the message file after execution of the batch job. The
        message file is normally deleted as the last step of
        processing by the batch job. This action suppresses the
        automatic deletion; the same effect can be obtained by
        setting the MESSAGE_DELETE flag to "NO".

For example, suppose that BOB sends JIM a message.  JIM has the  following
(rather complex) MAIL.DELIVERY file:

    ! Messages with subject "Loopback" are returned to sender
    "JIM *"   * "Loopback" T D
    *         * "Loopback" O F """''F$ELEMENT(0,"" "",QFROM)'"""
    *         * "Loopback" T Q
    ! All other messages are logged
    *         * *          A E @LOGALL.COM

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL
                        MAIL.DELIVERY file format

    ! Just log messages from TERRY
    "TERRY *" * *          T Q
    ! Just log archive messages from myself
    "JIM *"   * "Archives" T Q
    ! Save messages from BOB in a special file
    "BOB *"   * *          T A BOB.LOG
    ! Then deliver anything that gets this far
    *         * *          A D

JIM's LOGALL.COM contains the following commands:

    $ from    == "From:    " + from
    $ to      == "To:      " + to
    $ subject == "Subject: " + subject
    $ open/append/error=make_one x message.log
    $ next:
    $ write x ""
    $ write x from
    $ write x to
    $ write x subject
    $ write x ""
    $ close x
    $ append 'message_file' message.log
    $ exit
    $ !
    $ make_one:
    $ create message.log
    $ open/append x message.log
    $ goto next

If the subject line of BOB's message is not  the  string  "Loopback",  the
message  will  be logged with a header in the file MESSAGE.LOG (located in
JIM's SYS$LOGIN directory), appended  to  the  file  BOB.LOG  without  any
header  and  delivered  to  JIM's  NEWMAIL folder.  If subject line is the
string "Loopback", JIM's MAIL.DELIVERY file will bounce the message  right
back to BOB.

As another example, if TERRY sends a message to BOB, the message is logged
only  in  BOB's MESSAGE.LOG file; BOB never receives any notification that
the message arrived.  Apparently TERRY never says anything  of  importance
to BOB.

It is clear that the ability to execute an arbitrary set of  DCL  commands
in  response  to  a message is a very powerful tool.  It must, however, be
used with care, since  processing  is  initiated  whenever  a  message  is
received and operates in a completely unattended environment.

4  Implementation

Warning:  The details in this section are  technical  in  nature  and  are
probably of interest only to system managers or programers.

DELIVER is implemented as foreign  interface  to  VMS  MAIL.   DELIVER  is
activated  when  a  message  addressed  to  "DELIVER%user"  is sent.  MAIL
invokes DELIVER by loading the DELIVER_MAILSHR shareable image and calling
a set of routines DELIVER provides to interface to MAIL.  DELIVER does the

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL

    (1)  The $GETUAI system service  is  used  to  validate  the  address.
         DELIVER  will  signal  an  error if an attempt is made to deliver
         mail to someone who does  not  exist.   The  recipient's  default
         directory  is  retrieved  to  use  when  opening  the recipient's
         MAIL.DELIVERY file.
    (2)  DELIVER checks to see that the recipient has a MAIL.DELIVERY file
         in  his  or  her  home  directory.   If  this file does not exist
         DELIVER signals an error.  If the file  exists  it  is  read  and
    (3)  DELIVER writes the body of the message to a temporary file in the
         recipient's home directory.
    (4)  A command file is constructed to complete the  delivery  process.
         This file is also created in the recipient's home directory.  The
         directives  previously  read  from  the  MAIL.DELIVERY  file  are
         compared  with  the  message.   Any  directories that match cause
         commands to be written to the command  file  that  implement  the
         requested action.
    (5)  After the list of directives is exhausted DELIVER checks  to  see
         that  at  least  one  directive caused an action to be taken.  If
         none did, DELIVER writes a default action command to deliver  the
         message  normally  into the command file.  Commands to delete the
         message file (unless the MESSAGE_DELETE flag is set  to  "NO"  by
         one  of  the  actions) and the command file itself are written to
         the command file and the command file is closed.
    (6)  The command file is queued to the batch queue  DELIVER_BATCH  for
         processing.  (SYS$BATCH is used if DELIVER_BATCH does not exist.)
         The file is queued so  that  it  will  execute  just  as  if  the
         recipient  had  submitted  it  for processing from his or her own
         account.  (Note:   This  requires  CMKRNL  privilege.)  Once  the
         command  file  is  submitted  DELIVER tidies up, deallocating any
         storage allocated for directive lists,  and  returns  control  to

   The other half - using DELIVER to send messages
5  The other half - using DELIVER to send messages

Every foreign protocol interface to VMS MAIL has two parts  --  one  which
deals  with  received  messages  (the  outgoing  part)  and  another which
transfers messages to VMS MAIL (the incoming part).  All the functions  of
DELIVER  described up to this point are part of the outgoing part.  Rather
than include a null incoming handler in DELIVER, it was decided to  add  a
general-purpose  message  queueing  system  that might be useful both as a
simple interface to VMS MAIL and as an example  of  how  this  part  of  a
foreign protocol interface is constructed.

The message  enqueueing  part  of  DELIVER  can  be  used  only  by  fully
privileged  users  since it allows arbitrary settings of "From:" addresses
and so could violate MAIL security in the hands of general  users.   Thus,
this mechanism is of little interest to most users.

A message is sent via DELIVER to VMS MAIL with a command of the form:

          /SUBJECT="subject" message-file to-list

where "subject" is the subject line for the message, "message-file" is the
name of a file containing the text of the message and to-list is a list of
user names (delimited by commas) the  message  is  to  be  sent  to.   The
"From:"  address  for  the message is not specified as part of the command
line; it is obtained instead by translating the DCL  symbol  DELIVER_FROM.
No checking is done on the validity of the translation.  This mode of MAIL

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL
             The other half - using DELIVER to send messages

operation roughly corresponds to the "trusted submit"  mode  available  in

The CC:   line  is  obtained  from  the  translation  of  the  DCL  symbol
DELIVER_CC.  No CC:  line is used if this symbol is not defined.

DELIVER sets two DCL symbols to indicate the success  or  failure  of  its
attempt  to  deliver  the message.  The symbol DELIVER_STATUS will contain
the status code of the last error that occurs while the message  is  being
sent.  If DELIVER_STATUS indicates that some sort of failure occurred, the
symbol DELIVER_MESSAGE will contain the text form of the error message.

In the event of multiple errors while sending (e.g.  two addresses in  the
"to-list"  are illegal) only the more recent error status information will
be returned.  This interface is somewhat crude but should  prove  adequate
for most applications.

The incoming side of DELIVER is used by the outgoing side to  process  the
"V"  and  "W"  actions,  which  correspond  to  "privileged  deliver"  and
"privileged forward" operations respectively.

6  Installation

If you have received DELIVER as part of PMDF, it will be installed as part
of the PMDF installation procedure.

If you received DELIVER as a separate piece of software, you  can  install
it as follows:

 (1)  Unpack the various files that comprise  DELIVER  into  an  otherwise
      empty directory.

 (2)  Build DELIVER  using  the  BUILD.COM  procedure  provided  with  the
      distribution.    This   should   produce   two   executable   files,

 (3)  Move the DELIVER executables to whatever directory they will be  run

 (4)  Edit the file DELIVER_STARTUP.COM to point at the  directory  you've
      chosen for the DELIVER executables.  This file should then be copied
      to SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] and set up to be run  at  system  boot  time.
      You  should  also  execute  this  command  file  by hand to start up

 (5)  Set up a batch queue DELIVER_BATCH for DELIVER to use.  This step is
      optional  --  DELIVER  will use the default batch queue SYS$BATCH if
      DELIVER_BATCH  does  not  exist.   If  you  like,  you  can   define
      DELIVER_BATCH  as a system logical name to point at some other queue
      for DELIVER to use.

 (6)  DELIVER should now be ready to use.

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL

7  Availability

DELIVER  is  distributed  as  part  of  the  PMDF-822,  the  Pascal   Memo
Distribution Facility.  PMDF-822 can also be obtained from:

                    Ned Freed (ned@ymir.bitnet)
                    The PMDF Project
                    Computing Services
                    Harvey Mudd College
                    Claremont, CA 91711
                    (714) 621-8006

The latest version of DELIVER may be obtained independently from:

     Dick Munroe
     Doyle, Munroe Consultants, Inc.
     267 Cox St.
     Hudson, Ma. 01749
     (508) 568-1618
     (FAX) (508) 562-1133

or from a VMSNET.SOURCES archive site near you.
Please write, call or send e-mail for more information.

8  Documentation

The file DELIVER.RNO contains the only documentation  for  DELIVER.   (You
are  reading a version of it right now.) DELIVER.RNO can be used either to
produce a printed document or a VMS help file entry.  Use the command


to create the online help entry.  DELIVER.HLP can be inserted into any VMS
help library.  Use the command


to create a document for printing.

9  Bugs

There are no known bugs in DELIVER at this time.  However, there are a few
minor nuisances which users should be aware of:

    (1)  DELIVER changes the "From:" address of any message it delivers or
         forwards  to  the address of the owner of the MAIL.DELIVERY file.
         The original "From:" address is not lost entirely -- it is merged
         into the subject line of the message.  This problem arises due to
         VMS MAIL's lack of distinction between a transport address and  a
         header  address  --  DELIVER  has  to  set the "From:" address to
         itself so that authorization code in other mailers will  see  it.
         Privileged users can circumvent this restriction by using the "V"
         and "W" actions, but no such mechanism is  available  to  general
    (2)  It is difficult to debug MAIL.DELIVERY files since  there  is  no
         way  to  watch  deliver process the file except by enabling debug
         code in  DELIVER  (which  is  not  an  option  normal  users  can
         exercise).  However, the "L" <action> can be used to create a log
         file of the DCL commands DELIVER executes on behalf of  the  user

      DELIVER - A Programmable Message Delivery System for VMS MAIL

         when processing a message:

             !  Log commands executed in a file unconditionally
             * * * A L DELIVER.LOG
             * * * A E @DO_SOMETHING.COM

         Such log files are always placed in the  user's  home  directory.
         Also  note  that output from command files invoked by DELIVER can
         be captured in a file by using the /OUTPUT qualfier:

             !  Execute a command file with logging

         DELIVER does watch for users sending messages to  themselves  and
         then  tries  to  be somewhat more informative than is usual about
         any errors it finds in MAIL.DELIVERY files.
    (3)  It is  possible  to  enable  debugging  code  within  DELIVER  by
         defining either or both of these logical names:


         which enables debugging output for mail input processing and


         which enable debugging output for mail output processing.

         This  allows  you  to  observe  the  inner  workings  of  DELIVER
    (4)  Enabling the COPY_SELF feature in MAIL while DELIVER is also  set
         to  send  messages  to  the  user's mailbox may send MAIL into an
         infinite  loop.   The  COPY_SELF  facility  should   not   follow
         forwarding  addresses;  unfortunately  it  does  do  this  in the
         present implementation.  Thus a message is sent by DELIVER to the
         user's  mailbox,  which in turn re-activates DELIVER, which sends
         the message to the user's mailbox, and so on.
    (5)  Lines in all files  processed  by  DELIVER  are  limited  to,  at
         most, 256  characters.   Individual  directive  items  as well as
         message "From:", "To:" and  "Subject:"  lines  are  also  limited
         to 256 characters.  DELIVER truncates these lines to this length.
         This limit can be changed by altering the constant PARAMETER_SIZE
         in  DELIVER.PAS.  However, these lines will still be truncated in
         the DCL DELIVER produces since  DCL  is  also  limited  to  lines
         containing no more than 256 characters.


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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.