OpenVMS Notes: Fun with Floats

  1. The information presented here is intended for educational use by qualified OpenVMS technologists.
  2. The information presented here is provided free of charge, as-is, with no warranty of any kind.

Overview (problems with my DFT-FFT)

I have been re-reading many technical books on DFT-FFT (Discreet Fourier Transform - Fast Fourier Transform) from various authors. Most books contain example programs written in BASIC (probably since this computer language comes closest to being human readable). Many of the examples contain algebra directly coded into BASIC without any regard to the short comings of computer data types. For example, the following example contains a FOR-NEXT loop based upon floating point numbers:


I'm certain everyone reading this already knows the number-of-loops will change based upon how 2*PI and PI/8 are represented internally. Surprisingly, MS-BASIC on a cheap personal computer produces similar results to VMS-BASIC employing "double precision" floats on a large minicomputer (tested on: VAX, Alpha and Itanium). Shifting to XFLOAT (IEEE "quad precision")  changes the number of data points from 16 to 17 (but is this what the author desired?)

Obviously the author should have used a FOR-NEXT loop based upon integers which would manipulate some fraction of 2PI (unless it was his desire to keep his examples very uncomplicated). Almost all science and engineering is done in RADIANs rather than DEGREEs but the only way I see out of this dilemma is to do a FOR-NEXT loop in degrees then convert to radians before calling SIN()

comment: The author continually speaks of 16-data points so I am certain he knew that the loop wouldn't complete the way normal loops do with the last data point of the current wave ending where the first data point of the second wave begins (because those data points would be recorded twice). I don't need to point out that PC-BASIC (GW-BASICQuickBASIC and QBASIC) all first appeared between 1983 and 1991, and that many hardware and software vendors have now adopted IEEE floating point standards so it should be no surprise that my third example (which is based upon XFLOAT a.k.a. IEEE "quad precision") is broken. I suppose that is why fourth-gen languages, like Python, only allow integers to be used in FOR loops. 

Example program written for PC-BASIC

1 REM ======================================================
2 REM  title   : DFT1_0.bas (fig 1.3 on Page 8)
3 REM  book    : "Understanding the FFT" by Anders E. Zonst
4 REM          : (c) Citrus Press. Titusville, Florida.
6 REM ======================================================
20 PI = 3.14159265358#
30 FOR I = 0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/8
32 Y=0
70 END

Example program ported to VMS-BASIC

Notes about floats:
  1. SINGLE, DOUBLE, and GFLOAT represent traditional VMS floating point data types on VAX
  2. SFLOAT, TFLOAT, and XFLOAT represent new IEEE floating point data types supported on Alpha and Itanium but not VAX
  3. the following examples were compiled with VMS-BASIC V1.6-000 on OpenVMS-8.3 (Alpha)
    • a line-by-line comparison of the following two blue displays prove that DOUBLE is no better than TFLOAT. In fact, it appears that DOUBLE only has 15 decimal digits of precision rather than the advertised 16. Could this be an implementation bug? Perhaps.
    1. Contrary to popular belief, floating point has never provided more than a close approximation on any computer system. According to IBM, if you require accuracy (especially true with financials) then you must employ a DECIMAL data type based upon BCD (binary coded decimal) representation. If you do not want to use DECIMAL then I suggest choosing the most accurate float available to you. On modern OpenVMS systems this will be XFLOAT (in 'C' you declare these as 'long double').
    2. But a FOR-NEXT loops based upon FLOAT is never guaranteed so the paranoid hacker/engineer will devise a scheme based upon integers. Consider using angles (or angles times 10) then converting back to radians before calling any trigonometric functions
10 %title "dft1_0"
   declare string constant k_program = "dft1_0"
! title    : DFT1_0.bas (fig 1.3 on Page 8)
! book     : Understanding the FFT (c) Anders E. Zonst
! language : PC-BASIC for DOS/Windows
!10 REM       *** DFT1.0 - GENERATE SQUARE WAVE  ***
!20 PI = 3.14159265358#
!30 FOR I = 0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/8
!32 Y=0
!60 NEXT I
!70 END
! language : VMS-BASIC
! port     : Neil Rieck
! notes    : change lexical %hack to refine results
! SINGLE ( 32-bit)  .29 * 10^-38   to 1.7  * 10^38    6 digits
! DOUBLE ( 64-bit)  .29 * 10^-38   to 1.7  * 10^38   16 digits
! GFLOAT ( 64-bit)  .56 * 10^-308  to  .90 * 10^308  15 digits
! SFLOAT ( 32-bit) 1.18 * 10^-38   to 3.40 * 10^38    6 digits
! TFLOAT ( 64-bit) 2.23 * 10^-308  to 1.80 * 10^308  15 digits
! XFLOAT (128-bit) 6.48 * 10^-4966 to 1.19 * 10^4932 33 digits
   option type=explicit		! required by VMS-BASIC for OpenVMS
   option angle=radians		! be sure of trig units
   %let  %hack=2%		! choose: 0-2 then recompile/link
   %if   %hack=0% %then
     option size= (real double, integer long)
     print "-i-real type: double"
   %end %if
   %if   %hack=1% %then
     option size= (real tfloat, integer long)
     print "-i-real type: tfloat"
   %end %if
   %if   %hack=2% %then
     option size= (real xfloat, integer long)
     print "-i-real type: xfloat"
   %end %if
   declare real i, j, y, n, z	! 
11 margin #0, 132
13 print "-i-program: "+ k_program +" (generate square wave)"
   print "display float precision"
   print "======================="
   print       "            1.234567890123456789012345678901234"
   print       "pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510"
   print using "pi       = ##.##################################";pi
   print using "pi*2     = ##.##################################";pi*2.0
   print using "pi/8     = ##.##################################";pi/8.0
   print using "sin(1.0) = ##.##################################";sin(1.0)
   print using "sin(pi)  = ##.##################################";sin(pi)
19 input "NUMBER OF TERMS";n
20 z = 0
25 print "Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234"
30 for i = 0 to 2*PI step PI/8				!
32 y = 0						!
40 for j=1 to n step 2 \ y=y+sin(j*i)/j \ next j
50 print using "#### ##.##################################";z;y;
51 print using     " ##.##################################";i
55 z = z + 1
60 next i						
70 end

Sample 1 (VMS double): 16 data points are output

 $ run  DFT1_0
-i-real type: double (supposed to be 16 digits of precision)
-i-program: dft1_0 (generate square wave)
display float precision
pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 (yellow indicates 16 digits)
pi       =  3.1415926535897900000000000000000000
pi*2     =  6.2831853071795900000000000000000000
pi/8     =  0.3926990816987240000000000000000000
sin(1.0) =  0.8414709848078970000000000000000000
sin(pi)  =  0.0000000000000001224646799147350000
Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234
   0  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000
   1  0.7867047098266320000000000000000000  0.3926990816987240000000000000000000
   2  0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  0.7853981633974480000000000000000000
   3  0.7859393587706950000000000000000000  1.1780972450961700000000000000000000
   4  0.7848981638974470000000000000000000  1.5707963267949000000000000000000000
   5  0.7859393587706950000000000000000000  1.9634954084936200000000000000000000
   6  0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  2.3561944901923400000000000000000000
   7  0.7867047098266320000000000000000000  2.7488935718910700000000000000000000
   8  0.0000000000000602504127728754000000  3.1415926535897900000000000000000000
   9 -0.7867047098266310000000000000000000  3.5342917352885200000000000000000000
  10 -0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  3.9269908169872400000000000000000000
  11 -0.7859393587706940000000000000000000  4.3196898986859700000000000000000000
  12 -0.7848981638974470000000000000000000  4.7123889803846900000000000000000000
  13 -0.7859393587706930000000000000000000  5.1050880620834200000000000000000000
  14 -0.7846910587375440000000000000000000  5.4977871437821400000000000000000000
  15 -0.7867047098266310000000000000000000  5.8904862254808600000000000000000000 # 16

Sample 2 (IEEE tfloat): 16 data points are output

$ run  DFT1_0
-i-real type: tfloat (15 digits of precision)
-i-program: dft1_0 (generate square wave)
display float precision
pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 (yellow indicates 15 digits)
pi       =  3.1415926535897900000000000000000000 
pi*2     =  6.2831853071795900000000000000000000 
pi/8     =  0.3926990816987240000000000000000000 
sin(1.0) =  0.8414709848078970000000000000000000 
sin(pi)  =  0.0000000000000001224646799147350000 
Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234
   0  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000
   1  0.7867047098266320000000000000000000  0.3926990816987240000000000000000000
   2  0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  0.7853981633974480000000000000000000
   3  0.7859393587706950000000000000000000  1.1780972450961700000000000000000000
   4  0.7848981638974460000000000000000000  1.5707963267949000000000000000000000
   5  0.7859393587706950000000000000000000  1.9634954084936200000000000000000000
   6  0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  2.3561944901923400000000000000000000
   7  0.7867047098266310000000000000000000  2.7488935718910700000000000000000000
   8  0.0000000000000617440257325753000000  3.1415926535897900000000000000000000
   9 -0.7867047098266310000000000000000000  3.5342917352885200000000000000000000
  10 -0.7846910587375420000000000000000000  3.9269908169872400000000000000000000
  11 -0.7859393587706940000000000000000000  4.3196898986859700000000000000000000
  12 -0.7848981638974460000000000000000000  4.7123889803846900000000000000000000
  13 -0.7859393587706940000000000000000000  5.1050880620834100000000000000000000
  14 -0.7846910587375410000000000000000000  5.4977871437821400000000000000000000
  15 -0.7867047098266350000000000000000000  5.8904862254808600000000000000000000 # 16

Sample 3 (IEEE xfloat): 17 data points are output
(but is this what the author intended?)

$ run  DFT1_0
-i-real type: xfloat (33 digits of precision)
-i-program: dft1_0 (generate square wave)
display float precision
pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 (yellow indicates 33 digits)
pi       =  3.1415926535897932384626433832795000 
pi*2     =  6.2831853071795864769252867665590000 
pi/8     =  0.3926990816987241548078304229099380 
sin(1.0) =  0.8414709848078965066525023216302990 
sin(pi)  =  0.0000000000000000000000000000000009 (???)
Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234
   0  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000
   1  0.7867047098266324129536091420549900  0.3926990816987241548078304229099380
   2  0.7846910587375418025179337058983590  0.7853981633974483096156608458198760
   3  0.7859393587706949526402299139422830  1.1780972450961724644234912687298100
   4  0.7848981638974458096461601533451350  1.5707963267948966192313216916397500
   5  0.7859393587706949526402299139422840  1.9634954084936207740391521145496900
   6  0.7846910587375418025179337058983610  2.3561944901923449288469825374596300
   7  0.7867047098266324129536091420549900  2.7488935718910690836548129603695600
   8  0.0000000000000000000000000000002319  3.1415926535897932384626433832795000
   9 -0.7867047098266324129536091420549900  3.5342917352885173932704738061894400
  10 -0.7846910587375418025179337058983620  3.9269908169872415480783042290993800
  11 -0.7859393587706949526402299139422840  4.3196898986859657028861346520093200
  12 -0.7848981638974458096461601533451350  4.7123889803846898576939650749192500
  13 -0.7859393587706949526402299139422820  5.1050880620834140125017954978291900
  14 -0.7846910587375418025179337058983460  5.4977871437821381673096259207391300
  15 -0.7867047098266324129536091420549890  5.8904862254808623221174563436490700
  16 -0.0000000000000000000000000000012410  6.2831853071795864769252867665590000 # 17

Repaired Example Program
(16 data points are output 'guaranteed')

Note: see changes associated with BASIC lines: 30, 31 and 60

10 %title "dft1_0_alt"
   declare string constant k_program = "dft1_0_alt"
! title    : DFT1_0.bas (fig 1.3 on Page 8)
! book     : Understanding the FFT (c) Anders E. Zonst
! language : PC-BASIC for DOS/Windows
!10 REM       *** DFT1.0 - GENERATE SQUARE WAVE  ***
!20 PI = 3.14159265358#
!30 FOR I = 0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/8
!32 Y=0
!60 NEXT I
!70 END
! language : VMS-BASIC for OpenVMS
! port     : Neil Rieck
! notes    : change lexical %hack to refine results
! SINGLE ( 32-bit)  .29 * 10^-38   to 1.7  * 10^38    6 digits
! DOUBLE ( 64-bit)  .29 * 10^-38   to 1.7  * 10^38   16 digits
! GFLOAT ( 64-bit)  .56 * 10^-308  to  .90 * 10^308  15 digits
! SFLOAT ( 32-bit) 1.18 * 10^-38   to 3.40 * 10^38    6 digits
! TFLOAT ( 64-bit) 2.23 * 10^-308  to 1.80 * 10^308  15 digits
! XFLOAT (128-bit) 6.48 * 10^-4966 to 1.19 * 10^4932 33 digits
   option type=explicit		! required by VMS-BASIC for OpenVMS
   option angle=radians		! be sure of trig units
   %let  %hack=2%		! choose: 0-2
   %if   %hack=0% %then
     option size= (real double, integer long)     
     print "-i-real type: double"
   %end %if
   %if   %hack=1% %then
     option size= (real tfloat, integer long)
     print "-i-real type: tfloat"
   %end %if
   %if   %hack=2% %then
     option size= (real xfloat, integer long)
     print "-i-real type: xfloat"
   %end %if
   declare real i, j, y, n, z	!
11 margin #0, 132
13 print "-i-program: "+ k_program +" (generate square wave)"
   print "display float precision"
   print "======================="
   print       "            1.23456789012345678901234567890123"
   print       "pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510"
   print using "pi       = ##.##################################";pi
   print using "pi*2     = ##.##################################";pi*2.0
   print using "pi/8     = ##.##################################";pi/8.0
   print using "sin(1.0) = ##.##################################";sin(1.0)
   print using "sin(pi)  = ##.##################################";sin(pi)
19 input "NUMBER OF TERMS";n
25 print "Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234"
30 for z = 0 to 15					! loop with integers
31 i = z * pi / 8					! covert to radians 
32 y = 0
40 for j=1 to n step 2 \ y=y+sin(j*i)/j \ next j
50 print using "#### ##.##################################";z;y;
51 print using    " ##.##################################";i
60 next z
70 end

Sample 3a (IEEE xfloat): (16 data points are output 'guaranteed')

$ run  DFT1_0_alt
-i-real type: xfloat
-i-program: dft1_0_alt (generate square wave)
display float precision
pi (ref) =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510
pi       =  3.1415926535897932384626433832795000
pi*2     =  6.2831853071795864769252867665590000
pi/8     =  0.3926990816987241548078304229099380
sin(1.0) =  0.8414709848078965066525023216302990
sin(pi)  =  0.0000000000000000000000000000000009
Line  Y 1234567890123456789012345678901234  I 1234567890123456789012345678901234
   0  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000  0.0000000000000000000000000000000000
   1  0.7867047098266324129536091420549900  0.3926990816987241548078304229099380
   2  0.7846910587375418025179337058983590  0.7853981633974483096156608458198760
   3  0.7859393587706949526402299139422830  1.1780972450961724644234912687298100
   4  0.7848981638974458096461601533451350  1.5707963267948966192313216916397500
   5  0.7859393587706949526402299139422840  1.9634954084936207740391521145496900
   6  0.7846910587375418025179337058983580  2.3561944901923449288469825374596300
   7  0.7867047098266324129536091420549900  2.7488935718910690836548129603695600
   8  0.0000000000000000000000000000004285  3.1415926535897932384626433832795000
   9 -0.7867047098266324129536091420549910  3.5342917352885173932704738061894400
  10 -0.7846910587375418025179337058983580  3.9269908169872415480783042290993800
  11 -0.7859393587706949526402299139422840  4.3196898986859657028861346520093200
  12 -0.7848981638974458096461601533451350  4.7123889803846898576939650749192500
  13 -0.7859393587706949526402299139422820  5.1050880620834140125017954978291900
  14 -0.7846910587375418025179337058983460  5.4977871437821381673096259207391300
  15 -0.7867047098266324129536091420549910  5.8904862254808623221174563436490700

Float Precision Test (the code)

1000    !=====================================================================
        ! title  : Float_Precision_Test.bas
        ! author : NSR
        ! created: 2011-01-30
        ! notes  : this test was done with Alpha BASIC V1.6-000 on OpenVMS-8.3
        option type=explicit                            !
        option size=(real xfloat,integer long)          !
        declare xfloat xf, &
                tfloat tf, &
                sfloat sf, &
                gfloat gf, &
                double d,  &
                single s,  &
                string yada$
2000    main:
        print "title      : Float Precision Test"
        print "environment: Alpha BASIC V1.6-000 on OpenVMS-8.3"
        yada$ = "0.04444444444444444444444444444444444"
        gosub convert_n_display
        yada$ = "0.05555555555555555555555555555555555"
        gosub convert_n_display
        yada$ = "0.01234567891234567891234567891234567"
        gosub convert_n_display
        goto fini
        xf = real(yada$,XFLOAT)
        tf = xf
        sf = xf
        gf = xf
        d  = xf
        s  = xf
        print       "test data = "; yada$
        print using "xfloat    = #.###################################";xf
        print using "tfloat    = #.###################################";tf
        print using "sfloat    = #.###################################";sf
        print using "gfloat    = #.###################################";gf
        print using "double    = #.###################################";d
        print using "single    = #.###################################";s
        print "               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)"
        print "               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)"
32000   fini:

Float Precision Test (AlphaServer Output)


title      : Float Precision Test
environment: Alpha BASIC V1.6-000 on OpenVMS-8.3
float precision test - VMS-BASIC for OpenVMS Alpha
test data = 0.04444444444444444444444444444444444
xfloat    = 0.04444444444444444444444444444444440 33 digits
tfloat    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000 15 digits
sfloat    = 0.04444440000000000000000000000000000  6 digits
gfloat    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000 15 digits
double    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000 15 digits why not 16?
single    = 0.04444440000000000000000000000000000  6 digits
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)

test data = 0.05555555555555555555555555555555555
xfloat    = 0.05555555555555555555555555555555560
tfloat    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
sfloat    = 0.05555560000000000000000000000000000
gfloat    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
double    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
single    = 0.05555560000000000000000000000000000
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones

test data = 0.01234567891234567891234567891234567
xfloat    = 0.01234567891234567891234567891234570
tfloat    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
sfloat    = 0.01234570000000000000000000000000000
gfloat    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
double    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
single    = 0.01234570000000000000000000000000000
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)

Float Precision Test (Itanium2 Output)

$ run float_precision_test

title      : Float Precision Test
environment: VMS-BASIC V1.7-000 on OpenVMS-8.4 (Itanium)
test data = 0.04444444444444444444444444444444444
xfloat    = 0.04444444444444444444444444444444440
tfloat    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000
sfloat    = 0.04444440000000000000000000000000000
gfloat    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000
double    = 0.04444444444444440000000000000000000
single    = 0.04444440000000000000000000000000000
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)

test data = 0.05555555555555555555555555555555555
xfloat    = 0.05555555555555555555555555555555560
tfloat    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
sfloat    = 0.05555560000000000000000000000000000
gfloat    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
double    = 0.05555555555555560000000000000000000
single    = 0.05555560000000000000000000000000000
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)

test data = 0.01234567891234567891234567891234567
xfloat    = 0.01234567891234567891234567891234570
tfloat    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
sfloat    = 0.01234570000000000000000000000000000
gfloat    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
double    = 0.01234567891234570000000000000000000
single    = 0.01234570000000000000000000000000000
               0000000001111111111222222222233333 precision (tens)
               1234567890123456789012345678901234 precision (ones)

Floating Demo FUBAR (code)

  1. Financials in my system are stored in strings representing pennies. During an audit, we received a flat file from a database dump containing dollars and were asked to run a comparison. You would think that you could cobble something together using high-precision floats but the following program fails in both Alpha as well as Itanium.
  2. sfloat works for small values like "569.55" but fails for long strings.
  3. decimal works 100% of the time
1000	declare string constant k_program = "float_demo_100.bas"		!
	! title   : float_demo_100.bas
	! author  : Neil Rieck
	! platform: OpenVMS-8.4 (1100) Itanium2 (rx2800-i2 Tukwilla)
	! notes   : this program works the same way on Alpha as it does on Itanium
	! history :
	! 100 NSR 170705 1. original effort for Itanium
	!     NSR 170711 2. added method-4 and method-5 (these are hacks)
	option type=explicit							!
	option active=DECIMAL ROUNDING						! allow rounding of decimal data types
  %let %hack=3									! choose: 0 -> 3
  %if  %hack=3 %then
	option size=(real xfloat, integer long)					! xfloat is like 'long double' in 'c'
	print "-i-default real: xfloat"						!
  %end %if
  %if  %hack=2 %then
	option size=(real tfloat, integer long)					! tfloat is similar to VAX double
	print "-i-default real: sfloat"						!
  %end %if
  %if  %hack=1 %then
	option size=(real sfloat, integer long)					! sfloat is similar to VAX single
	print "-i-default real: sfloat"						!
  %end %if
  %if  %hack=0 %then
	option size=(real double, integer long)					! original way on VAX and Alpha
	print "-i-default real: double"						!
  %end %if
	set no prompt								!
	!	main
	print k_program								!
	print string$(len(k_program), asc("="))					!
	declare real		default_temp	,				! see OPTION SIZE statement above &
		double		double_temp	,				&
		sfloat		sfloat_temp	,				&
		tfloat		tfloat_temp	,				&
		xfloat		xfloat_temp	,				&
		gfloat		gfloat_temp	,				&
		decimal(19,2)	decimal_temp	,				! the only true DECIMAL data type &
		string		junk$		,				&
		integer		error_count
	declare string constant dflt = "569.55"					!
	declare decimal(19,2) constant decimal100 = 100.0
	when error in								!
	    print "caveat: 1234.56 works but 569.55 does not"			!
	    print "input a float (default=";dflt;") ";				!
	    linput junk$							!
	    junk$ = dflt	if edit$(junk$,2) = ""				!
	    print "string data: ";junk$						!
	    default_temp= real(junk$)
	    double_temp = real(junk$)
	    gfloat_temp = real(junk$)
	    sfloat_temp = real(junk$)
	    tfloat_temp = real(junk$)
	    xfloat_temp = real(junk$)
	    decimal_temp= real(junk$)
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "--- display dollars ----"
	when error in
	    print using "default: ##########.#######################"; default_temp
	    print using "double : ##########.#######################"; double_temp
	    print using "gfloat : ##########.#######################"; gfloat_temp
	    print using "sfloat : ##########.#######################"; sfloat_temp
	    print using "tfloat : ##########.#######################"; tfloat_temp
	    print using "xfloat : ##########.#######################"; xfloat_temp
	    print using "decimal: ##########.#######################"; decimal_temp
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    default_temp= default_temp* 100.0		! convert dollars to pennies
	    double_temp = double_temp * 100.0		!
	    gfloat_temp = gfloat_temp * 100.0		!
	    sfloat_temp = sfloat_temp * 100.0		!
	    tfloat_temp = tfloat_temp * 100.0		!
	    xfloat_temp = xfloat_temp * 100.0		!
!~~~	    decimal_temp= decimal_temp* 100.0		x this throws a lack of precision warning during compile
	    decimal_temp= decimal_temp* decimal100	! this does not
	    print "--- display pennies ----"
	    print using "default: ##########.#######################"; default_temp
	    print using "double : ##########.#######################"; double_temp
	    print using "gfloat : ##########.#######################"; gfloat_temp
	    print using "sfloat : ##########.#######################"; sfloat_temp
	    print using "tfloat : ##########.#######################"; tfloat_temp
	    print using "xfloat : ##########.#######################"; xfloat_temp
	    print using "decimal: ##########.#######################"; decimal_temp
	    print "=== method #1 ==="
	    print "--- (int) which usually fails ---"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";int(default_temp)
	    print "double : ";int(double_temp)
	    print "gfloat : ";int(gfloat_temp)
	    print "sfloat : ";int(sfloat_temp)
	    print "tfloat : ";int(tfloat_temp)
	    print "xfloat : ";int(xfloat_temp)
	    print "decimal: ";int(decimal_temp)
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "--- hack repair: data is pre-tweaked by 0.5 before integer ---"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";int(default_temp	+0.5)
	    print "double : ";int(double_temp	+0.5)
	    print "gfloat : ";int(gfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "sfloat : ";int(sfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "tfloat : ";int(tfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "xfloat : ";int(xfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "decimal: ";int(decimal_temp	); " (not pre-tweaked)"
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "=== method #2 ==="
	    print "--- (integer) which usually fails ---"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";integer(default_temp)
	    print "double : ";integer(double_temp)
	    print "gfloat : ";integer(gfloat_temp)
	    print "sfloat : ";integer(sfloat_temp)
	    print "tfloat : ";integer(tfloat_temp)
	    print "xfloat : ";integer(xfloat_temp)
	    print "decimal: ";integer(decimal_temp)
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "--- hack repair: data is pre-tweaked by 0.5 before integer ---"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";integer(default_temp	+0.5)
	    print "double : ";integer(double_temp	+0.5)
	    print "gfloat : ";integer(gfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "sfloat : ";integer(sfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "tfloat : ";integer(tfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "xfloat : ";integer(xfloat_temp	+0.5)
	    print "decimal: ";integer(decimal_temp	); " (not pre-tweaked)"
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "=== method #3 ==="
	    print "--- (str) which usually works for 7-digits ---"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";str$(default_temp)
	    print "double : ";str$(double_temp)
	    print "gfloat : ";str$(gfloat_temp)
	    print "sfloat : ";str$(sfloat_temp)
	    print "tfloat : ";str$(tfloat_temp)
	    print "xfloat : ";str$(xfloat_temp)
	    print "decimal: ";str$(decimal_temp)
	    print \ print "-i-error:";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
	    print "=== method #4 ==="
	    print "--- (str) which usually works for 12-digits ---"
	    print "--- note: will never have more than 6-digits of precision with sfloat"
	when error in
	    print "default: ";edit$(format$(default_temp,"##################"),2)
	    print "double : ";edit$(format$(double_temp ,"##################"),2)
	    print "gfloat : ";edit$(format$(gfloat_temp ,"##################"),2)
	    print "sfloat : ";edit$(format$(sfloat_temp ,"##################"),2)
	    print "tfloat : ";edit$(format$(tfloat_temp ,"##################"),2)
	    print "xfloat : ";edit$(format$(xfloat_temp ,"##################"),2)
	    print "decimal: ";edit$(format$(decimal_temp,"##################"),2)
	    print \ print "-e-basic error: ";err
	    error_count = error_count + 1
	end when
32000	fini:
	print "-i-total number of displayed errors:";error_count
	end program								!

Floating FUBAR (output)

KAWC09(DVLP)::Neil> r  FLOAT_DEMO_100
-i-default real: xfloat
caveat: 1234.56 works but 569.55 does not
input a float (default=569.55) 
string data: 569.55
--- display dollars ----
default:        569.55000000000000000000000
double :        569.55000000000000000000000
gfloat :        569.55000000000000000000000
sfloat :        569.55000000000000000000000
tfloat :        569.55000000000000000000000
xfloat :        569.55000000000000000000000
decimal:        569.55000000000000000000000
--- display pennies ----
default:      56955.00000000000000000000000
double :      56955.00000000000000000000000
gfloat :      56955.00000000000000000000000
sfloat :      56955.00000000000000000000000
tfloat :      56955.00000000000000000000000
xfloat :      56955.00000000000000000000000
decimal:      56955.00000000000000000000000
=== method #1 ===
--- (int) which usually fails ---
default:  56954 (oops)
double :  56954 (oops)
gfloat :  56954 (oops)
sfloat :  56955 
tfloat :  56954 (oops)
xfloat :  56954 (oops)
decimal:  56955 
--- hack repair: data is pre-tweaked by 0.5 before integer ---
default:  56955 
double :  56955 
gfloat :  56955 
sfloat :  56955 
tfloat :  56955 
xfloat :  56955 
decimal:  56955  (not pre-tweaked)
=== method #2 ===
--- (integer) which usually fails ---
default:  56954 
double :  56954 
gfloat :  56954 
sfloat :  56955 
tfloat :  56954 
xfloat :  56954 
decimal:  56955 
--- hack repair: data is pre-tweaked by 0.5 before integer ---
default:  56955 
double :  56955 
gfloat :  56955 
sfloat :  56955 
tfloat :  56955 
xfloat :  56955 
decimal:  56955  (not pre-tweaked)
=== method #3 ===
--- (str) which usually works for 7-digits ---
default: 56955
double : 56955
gfloat : 56955
sfloat : 56955
tfloat : 56955
xfloat : 56955
decimal: 56955
=== method #4 ===
--- (str) which usually works for 12-digits ---
--- note: will never have more than 6-digits of precision with sfloat
default: 56955
double : 56955
gfloat : 56955
sfloat : 56955
tfloat : 56955
xfloat : 56955
decimal: 56955
-i-total number of displayed errors: 0 


  1. obviously the hack where I add 0.5 before calling integer() is just performing a pre-conversion roundup.
    1. this logic only works when the amount I wish to add is smaller than my actual units (I can get away with adding a half-penny because I am working in pennies)
    2. if the value to be converted was negative then I would need to add -0.5
    3. perhaps all this could be moved to a programmer-created function
    p.s. printing floats always seemed to work properly. Perhaps a better integer function could be performed by printing into a string then doing an integer on it
  2. why did sfloat work better than other types for certain values? I am not sure but am worried that some internal BASIC operations may be implemented in sfloat even through I used OPTION SIZE = (REAL XFLOAT). I know that some internal operations are done in gfloat because you see it in certain compiler warnings
  3. Nobody uses floats for financial work. This is where the DECIMAL data type comes in (which mean BCD or Binary Code Decimal)

If you cant raise the bridge then try lowering the river

  1. I was trying to convert pennies (string -> integer) and dollars (string -> float * 100 -> integer) so that I could compare integers
  2. perhaps a better way forward would be to convert pennies (string -> float) and dollars (string float * 100) so that I could compare floats

Other Alternatives

I have done a lot of hacking over the years and can tell you that all programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and JavaScript all have their weaknesses and strengths. If you are more interested in solving a problem than worrying about the minutiae of language implementation, then I suggest you switch to Python which is supported and maintained by the Python Software Foundation

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.