Python Notes: http website tester

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  3. Edit: 2023-09-24

http website tester

title  :
author : Neil Rieck
created: 2023-09-23
purpose: just want to view the http header:
1) "link" with rel="canonical" (required by Google)
2) cache settings
history: ver who when what 100 NSR 230923 original effort ============================================================ ''' import requests import sys # url_list = [ "", "" ] # try: print(f"-i-program: {sys.argv[0]}") sess = requests.Session() # maintains cookies, etc. test = 0 for url in url_list: test += 1 print("*"*60, f" start-of-test: {test}") print(f"url : {url}") r = sess.get(url, timeout=5) print(f"status : {r.status_code}") print(f"headers : {r.headers}") print("header-items:") for x in r.headers: print(f"{x: <24}", " ", r.headers[x]) if ( 1 == 0): print("body:") print(r.text) print("*"*60, f" end-of-test: {test}\n") print("-i-normal exit") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # this is the end


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 Neil Rieck
 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.