OpenVMS Notes: System Tuning
- The information presented here is intended for educational use by qualified OpenVMS technologists.
- The information presented here is provided free of charge, as-is, with no warranty of any kind.
edit: 2018-03-31 (updated but this page is now totally incomprehensible; will rewrite ASAP)
A Very Simple Overview of OpenVMS Memory
- VMS and OpenVMS are multi-user virtual memory
operating systems.
- Question: What is virtual memory?
- Answer: It is technology which enables a computer to split your memory address space between electronic
memory (RAM) and magnetic memory (DISK).
- Question: Why would engineers go to all this trouble?
- Answers:
- In the mid 1970's when DEC was designing the VMS operating system for the VAX
hardware architecture, RAM (memory) was very much more expensive than DISK (storage)
- It was well known that after most software finishes initialization, they tend to run 10% of their
code 90% of the time. So wouldn't it be neat if 90% of that seldom used code was moved out to DISK? This action
would free up RAM for other processes.
- And what about program data like large arrays? For example, think about a professional astronomy simulation with
100,000 entries for nearby stars; you only need to reference stars in the direction you are looking so perhaps
"currently" unused star data could be moved out to DISK as well.
- Question: Memory is now much cheaper (and therefore more abundant) so is this technology still necessary
- Answers:
- Yes, but first a brief history is required with the explanation.
- A 16-bit CPU can address a maximum memory size of 64 Kilobytes
(2^16 = 65,536).
- These 16-bit systems accomplished quite a bit by swapping processes between memory and disk.
- Memory mapping schemes allowed these 16-bit PDP computers to
support memory sizes of 18-bit, 22-bit, and 24-bit.
- The operating system could see this memory but individual processes could not.
- 24-bit sounds like a lot but it only represents 16 Megabytes
(2^24 = 16,777,216)
- The 32-bit VAX was developed in the mid 1970s to replace the 16-bit PDP.
- A 32-bit CPU can address a maximum memory size of 4 Gigabytes
(2^32 = 4,294,967,296)
- In the mid 1970s, 4 GB of RAM was so unbelievably expensive that no commercial computers were ever built to host that
- comment: PCs in the early 2000s routinely support the installation of 4 GB memory; in 2010 we were seeing new PCs
host 12 GB
- The 32-bit VAX-11/780, code-named "Star", was introduced on 25 October 1977 at DEC's Annual Meeting of
Shareholders. It was the first computer to implement the 32-bit VAX architecture
- According to books like DEC is Dead, Long Live DEC
and Showstopper! The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT, development of a
successor 64-bit technology began at DEC in the mid 1980s. BTW, some of this technology made its way to Microsoft in
1988 after Dave Cutler was pushed from DEC
- The 64-bit Alpha 21064 (also known as
the EV4) was introduced by DEC in November 1992.
- In theory, a 64-bit CPU can address a maximum "memory size" of 18 Exabytes
(2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616). However, machines based upon the DEC
Alpha architecture can be manufactured to support 8 Terabytes
(2^43 = 8,796,093,022,208). Here, I am talking a combination of electronic physical memory combined with disk-based
virtual memory
- So just as no one ever imagined a computer hosting 4 GB of 32-bit RAM, no one today can imagine owning a 64-bit
computer holding 8 TB to 18 EB of RAM. On top of this, most programs still usually will only run 10% of the code 90% of
the time so virtual memory technology will allow active processes to access the underused memory of other processes.
- VAX pages are always 512 bytes in size. Why? This was the industry standard size of a disk sector in the mid 1970s so a memory
page of 512 bytes was directly mapped to a disc page of 512 bytes. By 2011 the standard size of a disk sector had increased to
4096 bytes and will probably get to 8192 within a decade.
- Alpha and Itanium make a distinction between pages and pagelets. Pagelets (smaller than a page) are always 512 bytes but
"pages" are larger and vary between machines of the same type. Here are three ways to determine the size of a "memory page" on
your machine:
$ mcr sysgen
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
WSMAX 100000 8192 1024 134217728 Pagelets
internal value 6250 512 64 8388608 Pages
$ write sys$output 100000/6250*512
$ show memory/phy
System Memory Resources on 20-JUN-2010 06:22:01.58
Physical Memory Usage (pages): Total Free In Use Modified
Main Memory (128.00MB) 16384 3977 11327 1080
$ write sys$output 128 * 1024 * 1024 / 16384
$ write sys$output f$getsysi("PAGE_SIZE")
- An excerpt from OpenVMS 8.3 System Manager's Manual, Volume 2 about pages and pagelets
Pages and Pagelets
On VAX systems, the operating system allocates and deallocates memory for processes in units called pages. A page on a VAX
system is 512 bytes. Some system parameter values are allocated in units of pages.
On Alpha and I64 systems, some system parameter values are allocated in units of pages, while others are allocated in units of
pagelets. Both Alpha and I64 support a variety of page sizes. The OpenVMS operating system currently uses 8KB (8192 bytes)
pages on Alpha and I64 systems. A pagelet is a 512-byte unit of memory. One Alpha or I64 pagelet is the same size as one VAX
page. On an Alpha or I64 system with a page size of 8KB, 16 pagelets equal one page. When reviewing parameter values,
especially those parameters related to memory management, be sure to note the units required for each parameter.
Showing Parameter Values with SYSMAN and
Showing Parameter Values with SYSGEN
explain how to show parameter values and their units of allocation.
- Sysgen parameter WSMAX will place an upper limit on the maximum amount of RAM
(physical memory) used by every process in the system no matter what method was used to create them (see next section).
- If you add more physical memory to any VMS or OpenVMS system, your system will not see any of it until you execute the autogen script.
@sys$update:autogen { more parameters expected on this line }
- Never execute this script unless you know what you are doing -OR- can experiment with a non-production platform
- You might think you can run this program without hurting your system but doing so might prevent your system from rebooting
at some future time.
- More information about autogen can be found below
Process Creation
VMS processes are created in two primary ways.
- Interactive login. A program called sys$system:loginout.exe uses your username to fetch your authorized
parameters from SYSUAF (system User Authorization File) then uses them to create your process.
caveat: many SYSUAF parameters can be overridden by sysgen parameters provided the associated sysgen parameters are
Here is a short (incomplete) list:
sysuaf |
sysgen |
description |
WSdefault |
working set default (the starting size of physical memory) |
WSquota |
working set quota (the guaranteed size that the process can grow to) |
WSextent |
working set extent (the size that a process can grow to on a lightly loaded system) |
Pgflquo |
the maximum amount of virtual memory (this is the 90%) |
- Detached processes can be created without referencing the UAF and might be started like this real-world example (parameters
referenced here were defined elsewhere in the script)
/UIC=[1,3] -
System User Authorization File (SYSUAF)
Here is a sample UAF entry for my non-priv account:
$ set def sys$system
$ run authorize
UAF>show ns_rieck
Username: NS_RIECK Owner: NSR_N123119_TEK
Account: ADMCSM UIC: [346,305] ([NS_RIECK])
CLI: DCL Tables:
Flags: DisPwdDic DisPwdHis
Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Secondary days: Sat Sun
Primary 000000000011111111112222 Secondary 000000000011111111112222
Day Hours 012345678901234567890123 Day Hours 012345678901234567890123
Network: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ######
Batch: ##### Full access ###### ##### Full access ######
Local: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------
Dialup: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------
Remote: ----- No access ------ ----- No access ------
Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 8 Login Fails: 0
Pwdlifetime: (none) Pwdchange: 3-OCT-2003 16:03
Last Login: 9-DEC-2004 17:45 (interactive), 30-SEP-2002 13:55 (non-interactive)
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 300 Bytlm: 99000
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 100 JTquota: 8192
Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 100 WSdef: 2000
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 100 WSquo: 4000
Queprio: 0 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 16000
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 400 Pgflquo: 99000
Authorized Privileges:
Default Privileges:
Notes for some UAF Parameters:
- WSDEF (working set default) is the starting amount of physical memory allocated to a
starting process
- WSQUO (working set quota) is the amount of physical memory guaranteed to an active
- WSEXTENT (working set extent) is the amount of physical memory an active process can
grow to if OpenVMS determines that free memory is available AND is tuned to allow borrowing.
Official Documentation Error Warning: OpenVMS
8.2 System Manager's Manual Volume 1 (dated: 2005)
WSEXT specifies the maximum size to which a user's physical memory usage can grow, independent of the
system load. This enlargement of the physical memory for a user is accomplished by the Adjust Working Set Limit
($ADJWSL) system service, and is normally done for the user by the operating system in response to heavy page faulting by the
user. WSEXTENT is a nondeductible quota. This value should always be greater than or equal to WSQUO. The value is controlled
by the system parameter WSMAX. Note that PQL_MWSEXTENT overrides the account's value for WSEXTENT if PQL_MWSEXTENT is larger
The yellow highlighted text is wrong since a only a lightly loaded system will allow processes to borrow
pages up to WSEXT. Once the freelist gets too small, the system will no longer allow processes to borrow and may even begin to
trim processes back to WSQUO. This other reference is more correct:
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L (dated 2010)
[WSEXT] Specifies the working set maximum. This represents the maximum amount of physical memory allowed to the process. The
system provides memory to a process beyond its working set quota only when it has excess free pages. The additional memory is
recalled by the system if needed. The value is an integer equal to or greater than WSQUOTA. By default, the value is 16384
pagelets on Alpha and Integrity server systems. The value cannot be greater than WSMAX. This quota value replaces smaller
values of PQL_MWSEXTENT.
- PGFLQUO (page file quota) is the maximum amount of space that this process may allocate in the Page File.
This will place a maximum limit on the amount of virtual memory for that process.
- You will not usually experience problems if you increase this value on a few problem accounts (generating large annual
reports; compiling large programs) but be aware that "you will be robbing Peter to pay Paul" if your page file isn't large
enough. Also, setting PGFLQUO high doesn't guarantee your problem accounts will have full access to the page file. Other
processes may have already reserved a portion of it before your problem process started.
- Processes which actually require a large amount of virtual memory but only have a small amount of physical memory (WSQUO)
will probably cause the system to thrash. It is for this reason that Automatic Working Set Adjustment and
BORROWING should always be enabled so that you use physical memory when it is available
Compilers always require a lot of resources. A few of our
Alpha BASIC programs consist
of more than 60k lines so the memory allotment
for developers must be higher like so:
$ set def sys$system
$ run authorize
UAF>show neil
Username: NEIL Owner: NSR_N123119_ADM
Account: ADMCSM UIC: [346,1] ([NEIL])
CLI: DCL Tables:
Flags: DisPwdDic DisPwdHis
Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Secondary days: Sat Sun
No access restrictions
Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 8 Login Fails: 0
Pwdlifetime: (none) Pwdchange: 4-DEC-2006 15:02
Last Login: 19-JUN-2010 19:03 (interactive), 18-JUN-2010 23:05 (non-interactive)
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 300 Bytlm: 2000000
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 1024 JTquota: 8192
Prclm: 20 DIOlm: 1024 WSdef: 2000
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 100 WSquo: 20000
Queprio: 0 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 200000
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2000 Pgflquo: 2000000 <-- yikes
Authorized Privileges:
Default Privileges:
Identifier Value Attributes
SYSGEN (System Generation)
My Free List
0 364 1376
+-------+-------+-------+-------+------->>> growth direction
| | | | |
| |
1) both the SWAPPER and AWSA continually monitor these four parameters
2) when "free pages" fall below FREELIM, the SWAPPER will fight to get back to FREEGOAL
3) AWSA will allow process to borrow pages past WSdefault (limited by WSextent)
4) On smaller memory systems (like VAX), BORROWLIM and GROWLIM are not set so low
SYSGEN Parameters
caveat: if you execute sysgen commands from a character-cell terminal, the output will be presented in a 24-line scrolling window
which means you will not see everything. The following hack will temporarily divert output to a file named scratch.txt
$ def/user sys$output scratch.txt ! temporarily divert output to file
$ mcr sysgen ! activate the program
SYSGEN> SHO /MAJOR ! execute a command (no output seen here)
$ type scratch.txt ! display file contents
Parameters in use: Active
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
GBLSECTIONS 850 250 80 65535 Sections
MAXPROCESSCNT 346 32 12 16384 Processes
MULTITHREAD 2 1 0 256 KThreads
SMP_CPUS -1 -1 0 -1 CPU bitmas
SYSMWCNT 4003 2048 512 1048576 Pagelets
internal value 251 128 32 65536 Pages
BALSETCNT 344 30 8 16384 Slots
WSMAX 100000 4096 1024 8388608 Pagelets
internal value 6250 256 64 524288 Pages
NPAGEDYN 13524992 1048576 163840 -1 Bytes
PAGEDYN 3416064 524288 65536 -1 Bytes
FILE_CACHE 0 0 0 100 Percent
S2_SIZE 0 0 0 -1 MBytes
FREELIM 364 32 16 -1 Pages
LOCKIDTBL 4455 3840 1792 16776959 Entries
RESHASHTBL 4096 64 1 16777216 Entries
PFCDEFAULT 64 64 0 2032 Pagelets D
internal value 4 4 0 127 Pages D
GBLPAGES 1787424 65536 10240 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 111714 4096 640 -1 Pages D
QUANTUM 20 20 2 32767 10Ms D
PFRATL 0 0 0 -1 Flts/10Sec D
PFRATH 8 8 0 -1 Flts/10Sec D
WSINC 2400 2400 0 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 150 150 0 -1 Pages D
WSDEC 4000 4000 0 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 250 250 0 -1 Pages D
FREEGOAL 1376 200 16 -1 Pages D
GROWLIM 364 63 0 -1 Pages D
BORROWLIM 364 300 0 -1 Pages D
IO_PREFER_CPUS -1 -1 0 -1 CPU bitmas D
LCKMGR_MODE 0 0 0 255 CPU Count D
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
AWSMIN 512 512 0 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 32 32 0 -1 Pages D
AWSTIME 20 20 1 -1 10Ms D
A very simple overview:
- When a process starts, lots of parameters are loaded from that account's SYSUAF record which was created via the authorize
utility. Three of them are named WSDEF, WSQUO, and WSEXT
- A process is initially allowed WSDEF pages of physical memory (RAM) and can demand more by faulting up to WSQUO (this amount
is guaranteed if AUTOGEN was done properly "and" no one was making manual changes to the SYSGEN
parameters). If the system is lightly loaded, then a heavily faulting process may be allowed to borrow more pages up to
- SYSUAF values are only read when a process starts. If you change them the user will need to log off then back in for them
to take effect
- WSMAX places an upper limit on process growth. Setting WSDEF, WSQUO, or WSEXT larger than WSMAX will have no effect.
- What does faulting mean? Faulting is the mechanism by which a process attempts to access a page of memory, and it does not
exist. If the missing page can be found in memory (the freelist) then faulting this page back to your process is called soft
faulting. If this missing page must be loaded from disk (either the pagefile or the program about to be started) then
then faulting this page back into memory is called hard faulting.
- OpenVMS divides memory into paged and non-paged. Why would some memory be non-paged? Think about a hardware device doing a DMA
transfer into, or out of, a memory buffer. You would never want this memory to be paged out (or swapped out). The following
discussion only deals with paged memory.
- How does OpenVMS know when to allow a working set to grow (or shrink)? This is done by AWSA (automatic work set adjustment)
which is described below.
- How does OpenVMS know when to allow a working set to BORROW (grow past WSdefault toward WSextent)? Free pages in OpenVMS are
maintained in a structure known as the page cache or FREE LIST. When the system has
more than GROWLIM pages, actively "faulting" processes (at a rate higher than PFRATH) can acquire more pages up to a maximum of
WSEXTENT. On the flip side, when the system gets busy and the FREE LIST shrinks lower than FREELIM, the SWAPPER will begin to
trim back all processes (extended processes first, then low faulting processes (lower than PFRATL) next). This can continue and
may even involve trimming dormant (idle for longer than DORMANTWAIT) processes back to their working-set-defaults (WSDEF). After
this the system will resort to swapping out the process entirely. The system will continue this until the FREE LIST size gets to
$mon sys (to watch the FREE LIST grow or shrink)
Note: GROWLIM and BORROWLIM work together to enable or disable borrowing. The borrow feature is first enabled when the system
has more than BORROWLIM pages and then disabled when the system has fewer than GROWLIM pages. Together they provide a form of hysteresis to prevent the system from acting erratically. (e.g. quickly switching from borrowing to
trimming). Also note that FREELIM = GROWLIM = BORROWLIM which is a common AUTOGEN setting for systems with lots of memory (e.g.
512 MB or greater)
- Program code and read-only data (constants) reside on the FREE LIST while program variable data reside on a smaller structure
known as the MODIFIED LIST. This so-called dirty page cache will need to be written to the PAGEFILE before these pages are given
to another process.
- When a processes needs more pages but is denied, it can get more by giving up some existing pages back to the FREE LIST. If it
needs the page later and the desired page is on the FREE LIST, it can get it back by a process of "soft faulting". However, if
the page has been given to someone else, the process will need to "hard fault" the data from disk.
- Busy systems may want to enable Automatic Working Set Adjustment (AWSA) in both directions (expansion and contraction). The
value of PFRATL has been defaulted to zero for many years now but can be enabled to ensure that more free memory is usually
available (at the expense of more faulting).
- SYSMWCNT sets the work set size of the system. If this value is too large, VMS will use too much physical memory; if this
value is too small, user processes will be given too much memory which means the OS will become somewhat crippled.
- You should really read a tuning-guide before you mess with these parameters. That said, if you must hack then check out the
following online help:
$mcr sysgen
SYSGEN>help sys freelim
SYSGEN>help sys freegoal
SYSGEN>help sys growlim
SYSGEN>help sys borrowlim
SYSGEN>help sys freelim
SYSGEN>help sys awstim
SYSGEN>help sys awsmin
SYSGEN>help sys wsinc
SYSGEN>help sys wsdec
SYSGEN>help sys pfratl
SYSGEN>help sys pfrath
Automatic Working Set Adjustment (AWSA)
The following discussion makes reference to sysgen parameters seen in the list ~ 100 lines above
- automatic working set adjustment runs every AWSTIME (20 x 10 ms = 200 ms).
- if a process has been faulting at a rate of PFRATH (8 Faults/10 Sec) and other systems conditions are
correct (like light loading which results in a larger freelist), a process might be given an additional WSINC
(2400) pagelets
- if a process has at least AWSMIN (512 pagelets) and it has been faulting at a rate lower than PFRATL,
it will loose WSDEC (4000) pages).
- Because PFRATL is set to zero on my system, automatic working set reduction is disabled.
- when automatic working set reduction is enabled (usually only on small memory systems), it is not a good ideal to have
- FREELIM = GROWLIM = BORROWLIM which is a common AUTOGEN setting for systems with lots of memory (e.g. 512 MB or greater)
OpenVMS Processes
- MAXPROCESSCNT specifies the maximum number of concurrent active processes
- BALSETCNT specifies the maximum number of memory-resident processes
- MAXPROCESSCNT must always be at least 2 greater than BALSETCNT
- If a system contains active 500 processes and BALSETCNT is set to 400, then 98 processes will be in a swapped-out state. This
is OK if they're batch jobs but will be bad news if they are interactive users.
OpenVMS Swapper
- The OpenVMS swapper serves two functions, trimming and swapping.
- When the FREE LIST drops below FREELIM, the swapper will
- starting trimming processes that have borrowed pages back; possibly all the way to WSQUO. Idle processes may be trimmed
back to WSDEF.
- Processes idle for longer than DORMANTWAIT might be swapped out.
- When the number of active processes exceeds BALSETCNT, the swapper will need to move processes in-and-out of memory in order
to meet the needs of the round-robin-scheduler. When virtual memory systems swap in this fashion it's usually not pretty because
they get back into the system with their working sets trimmed to WSDEF which is manytimes too small. This is one reason why some
system managers will avoid trimming to WSDEF and just go straight to swapping.
- Non-paged Dynamic Pool is the memory structure usually associated with MALLOC in "C"
- The initial size (in bytes) of non-paged dynamic pool is set by NPAGEDYN but more space can be allocated as required
- Paged Dynamic pool is used to hold RMS file structures, logical names, etc.
Retuning The System (via AUTOGEN)
- invoke the tuning script using one of the following:
- @sys$update:autogen help (to get complete help)
- @sys$update:autogen yada (to get shorter parameter help)
When To Retune
- mandatory
- whenever you turn up a new system
- whenever you add or remove memory
- optional
- whenever workload changes drastically
- whenever you suspect a resource-related problem
How To Retune (overview)
- run system in production mode for at least 24 hours
- retune and reboot
- run the system for 7 days
- retune and reboot
How To Retune (details)
- optional: make manual changes in file "sys$system:modparams.dat" (this file is
always read by autogen)
- invoke the tuning script using one of the following:
- @sys$update:autogen help (to get complete help)
- @sys$update:autogen yada (to get shorter parameter help)
- @sys$update:autogen savparams setparams check_feedback (if the system has
been running for 24 hours)
- @sys$update:autogen getdata setparams check_feedback (if the system has NOT
been running for 24 hours)
- now inspect the autogen report to make sure you haven't made some fatal errors:
- $type/page sys$system:agen$
- now reboot like so:
- @sys$update:autogen reboot
Manually Retuning The System (via SYSGEN)
Overview and Warnings
- Warning: manual tuning without AUTOGEN is for experts only. I have witnessed two occasions where
someone (not me) made system parameter changes to OpenVMS which resulted in the system being unbootable. The only way to fix
this is to do a "conversational boot" of VMS which drops the console into SYSGEN on the way up. At this point the operator needs
to make manual SYSGEN changes to make things right before continuing with the boot process which happens as soon as you exit
- Warning: the safest tuning method is to place your SYSGEN commands in file "sys$system:modparams.dat"
then invoke the AUTOGEN script. This will ensure that dangerous settings and/or parameter conflicts are written to the AUTOGEN
report file titled "sys$system:agen$"
- That said, there are some situations where it will not be convenient, or possible, to reboot the system. After all, this isn't
a PC operating system.
Manual Tuning
- if you don't perform any write commands, all changes you make will be lost
- if you performed WRITE CURRENT but not WRITE ACTIVE , your changes won't take place until the next reboot
- if you performed WRITE ACTIVE but not WRITE CURRENT, your changes will be put back on the next reboot
- if you performed WRITE ACTIVE and WRITE CURRENT, dynamic changes will occur immediately and all changes will be put into place
on the next reboot
An example MODPARAMS.DAT from one small system with almost no users
! Created during installation of OpenVMS AXP V7.2-1 8-JUL-1999 12:38:47.03
SCSNODE="KAWC99" ! our webserver on the public internet
SCSSYSTEMID=15335 ! 14.999 (14 x 1024 + 999 = 15335)
maxprocesscnt = 64 !
balsetcnt = 62 ! all our systems MUST HAVE room for at least 40 processes
wsmax = 200000 !
tty_buf = 132 !
TTY_TYPAHDSZ = 4096 ! was 78
TTY_ALTYPAHD = 4096 ! was 200
TTY_ALTALARM = 2000 ! was 64
! TTY_DEFCHAR2 = 528386 x enable system password on terminals
TTY_DEFCHAR2 = 4098 !
- MAXPROCESSCNT must be at least 2 units higher than BALSETCNT
- BALSETCNT determines how many processes will be resident in RAM at one time. If MAXPROCESSCNT
was 99 and BALSETCNT was 33, then as many as 99-33-2=64 processes "could" be swapped out (waiting for a turn
from the processor). You can reduce one form of swapping by making sure that MAXPROCESSCNT is 2 above
- Autogen will tune this system to ensure that 64 processes have 200,000 virtual memory pagelets. It will do this by making sure
the PAGEFILE is large enough. Remember that individual account settings in UAF may be set up to use much less. This way, some
larger processes will now be able to borrow past their WSQUOTA (provided WSEXTENT and Pgflquo
are set high enough)
Fixing a recent problem with MariaDB
legend: "KAWC96::Neil>" is my DCL prompt on node KAWC96
<sr> system response
<ur> user response
<sr> KAWC96::Neil>
<ur> sho sys/proc=*maria*
<sr> OpenVMS V8.4 on node KAWC96 1-AUG-2015 09:03:06.97 Uptime 159 11:30:31
Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Pages
0000B849 MariaDB_Server HIB 5********* 3 23:50:55.77 47838479 18366 M
<ur> sh proc/id=0000B849/acc
1-AUG-2015 09:03:30.32 User: MYSQL055_SRV Process ID: 0000B849
Node: KAWC96 Process name: "MariaDB_Server"
Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count:1632136192 Peak working set size: 300000
Direct I/O count: 179876061 Peak virtual size: 1155520
Page faults: 47838479 Mounted volumes: 0
Images activated: 3
Elapsed CPU time: 3 23:50:55.77
Connect time: 158 18:03:14.59
<ur> mcr sysgen
<sr> SYSGEN>
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
WSMAX 300000 32767 1024 134217728 Pagelets
internal value 18750 2048 64 8388608 Pages
<ur> set def sys$system
<sr> KAWC96::Neil>
<ur> r authorize
<sr> UAF>
<ur> sho MYSQL055_SRV
<sr> Username: MYSQL055_SRV Owner: ADMCSM
Account: MYSQL055 UIC: [37776,5] ([MYSQL055_SRV])
Flags: DisCtlY Restricted DisWelcome DisNewMail DisMail DisReport
DisReconnect DisPwdDic DisPwdHis
Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Secondary days: Sat Sun
No access restrictions
Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 8 Login Fails: 0
Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: (pre-expired)
Last Login: (none) (interactive), 23-FEB-2015 15:00 (non-interactive)
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 1000 Bytlm: 200000
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 1000 JTquota: 4096
Prclm: 8 DIOlm: 1000 WSdef: 16384
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 2200 WSquo: 32768
Queprio: 4 TQElm: 10 WSextent: 65536
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 5000 Pgflquo: 2000000
Authorized Privileges:
Default Privileges:
UAF> exit
%UAF-I-NOMODS, no modifications made to system authorization file
%UAF-I-NAFNOMODS, no modifications made to network proxy database
%UAF-I-RDBNOMODS, no modifications made to rights database
- the DCL command "$sho proc/acc" provides accounting information on a currently running process
- This information is also written to the accounting file provided VMS accounting is currently enabled ($set acc/on)
and data is being collected ($set acc/ena=image/ena=detach or $set acc/ena which
defaults to all)
- facts about this process:
- has been up for 158 days
- has consumed almost 4 days of CPU time
- Peak working set size: 300000
- Peak virtual size: 1155520
- page faults: ~ 47 M
- physical memory
- notice (from sysgen) that WSMAX is set to 300000
- this means that this process is using all the physical memory granted to it by OpenVMS. It could use more but is being
limited by WSMAX
- virtual memory
- notice (from authorize) that this process has been granted 2 million pages in the pagefile but $sho proc/acc
indicates we are only using ~ 1.1 million
- virtual memory
- ignore virtual memory settings (pagefile-related stuff)
- physical memory
- conservative path
- double the size of WSMAX from 300k to 600k
- caveats:
- This single change will most likely increase the sizes of the pagefile and swapfile.
- If these files are on your system disk then you might wish to inspect the amount of free space before you invoke
- If you are tight for free space then consider reducing both MAXPROCESSCNT and BALSETCNT before you invoke AUTOGEN.
- liberal path
- triple the size of WSMAX from 300k to 900k
- see previous caveat
- invoke the autogen script in sys$update
- inspect the resultant report for errors and warnings
- reboot if you think it safe to do so
- before you restart MariaDB (which uses the account MYSQL055_SRV) use authorize to do the following:
- increase WSQUO to (WSMAX * .5) or (WSMAX * .75) or WSMAX
- increase WSEXT to WSMAX
- on most Alpha or Itanium implementations with lots of memory, you should always set WSDEF to WSQUO
- after a week of collecting new data consider using AUTHORIZE to change the selected account in SYSUAF.
- WSEXT affects how much physical memory can be used when the system is lightly loaded
- WSQUO affects how much physical memory can be used when the system is running normally
- if you have lots of memory, then certain accounts like APACHE$WWW and MYSQL055_SRV should always have WSDEF set to the
same value as WSQUO
A quick word about OpenVMS-8.4 on Alpha and Intanium
caveat: newer systems have a lot more memory. For example look at this short list of big systems I've worked on:
Platform |
Memory Size |
Final (Upgraded)
Memory Size |
VAX 8550 |
32 MB |
80 MB |
AlphaServer DS20e |
1 GB |
4 GB |
rx2800-i2 |
64 GB |
64 GB |
I do not know when this changed, but tuning OpenVMS-8.4 for Alpha or OpenVMS-8.4 for Itanium under is a lot different than
VMS-6.2 for VAX
- In the VAX days you might set the system wide parameter WSMAX higher then advance WSDEFAULT, WSQUOTA, and WSEXTENT (in SYSUAF)
of the process you wish to grant more physical memory
- With OpenVMS-8.4 it would appear that setting WSMAX higher also set various PQL settings higher, and these override
settings found in SYSUAF (provided PQL settings are higher)
- Look at this Alpha where I set WSMAX = 600000 in file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT then invoked SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN
- PQL_DWSEXTENT ends up being equal to WSMAX which makes sense; hand out memory when it is is available
- PQL_DWSQUOTA ends up being 2% of WSMAX
- PQL_DWSDEFAULT ends up being 1% of WSMAX
- these last two will increase slowly based upon observed system stats via the FEEDBACK mechanism as well as other
parameters like MAXPROCESSCNT and BALSETCNT. For example, I have seen PQL_DWSQUOTA being 55% of WSMAX on other Alphas
KAWC99::Neil> mcr sysgen
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
WSMAX 600000 32767 1024 134217728 Pagelets
internal value 37500 2048 64 8388608 Pages
Parameter Name Current Default Min. Max. Unit Dynamic
-------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- -------
PQL_DPGFLQUOTA 131072 131072 4096 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 8192 8192 256 -1 Pages D
PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 32768 4096 4096 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 2048 256 256 -1 Pages D
PQL_DWSDEFAULT 5760 4096 2048 -1 Pagelets
internal value 360 256 128 -1 Pages
PQL_MWSDEFAULT 5760 2048 2048 -1 Pagelets
internal value 360 128 128 -1 Pages
PQL_DWSQUOTA 11520 8192 4096 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 720 512 256 -1 Pages D
PQL_MWSQUOTA 11520 4096 4096 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 720 256 256 -1 Pages D
PQL_DWSEXTENT 600000 32767 8192 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 37500 2048 512 -1 Pages D
PQL_MWSEXTENT 600000 8192 8192 -1 Pagelets D
internal value 37500 512 512 -1 Pages D
two more points
- inspect PQL_DPGFLQUOTA which will raise the amount of every process where their respective SYSUAF
setting of Pgflquo is lower. The higher of these two parameters is used to set the amount of Virtual
Memory available to each process. Some system managers trying to reduce the size of Pgflquo in certain
accounts (to reduce over subscription of the pagefile) probably noticed their changes did nothing
- On every Alpha and Itanium I've ever looked at, sysgen parameter PFRATL is set to 0 while PFRATH
is set to 8
- With PFRATL set to zero there will be no automatic working set reduction on processes via AWSA.
However, the SWAPPER will always trim working sets back to WSdefault or PQL_DWSDEFAULT (whichever is higher). This always
happens before a process is swapped out.
- With PFRATH is set to 8 the system will hand out memory very liberally
One sysgen command still does not work properly in 2018
I performed this test using SYSGEN on OpenVMS-8.4 I64 (patch kit 1200) on 2018-03-30
The following two sysgen commands DO NOT return the same number of items (the second command returns more items)
KAWC99::Neil> mcr sysgen
SYSGEN> SHO /PQL ! show all PQL parameters by category
[...snip...] ! show all PQL parameters by name

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Neil Rieck
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.