OpenVMS Notes: SSL, TLS, OpenSSL

  1. The information presented here is intended for educational use by qualified OpenVMS technologists.
  2. The information presented here is provided free of charge, as-is, with no warranty of any kind.
Edit: 2023-11-11

(a simple) Introduction to SSL/TLS for OpenVMS people

The name game (part-1)

ssl basic connectivity
  1. SSL (secure sockets layer) is a communication protocol developed by Netscape Communications and RSA Data Security to add privacy and security to internet communications.

    • original work by Diffie and Hellman (two Stanford academics) was done in 1976
    • original work by RSA (three MIT academics: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman) was done in 1977 but wasn't publicly described until 1995 during the creation of VeriSign
    • a lot of this stuff was tied together by Taher Elgamal who was then working at Netscape
  2. Versions:
    1. SSLv1 (a.k.a. SSL1 and SSL-1) was a proof-of-concept which was never released
    2. SSLv2 (a.k.a. SSL2 and SSL-2.0) was released in 1995 and considered by many to be a work in progress. For example, it does not support client authentication
    3. SSLv3 (a.k.a. SSL3 and SSL-3.0) was released in 1996 and adds support for client authentication as well as additional ciphers
    4. TLSv1.0 (1999) The fourth revision was so important that the name was changed to TLS (transport layer security) even though many people today think of TLSv1.0 as SSLv4 if not SSLv3.1. From a programmer's view, some of the API labels and data structures were changed. This was done so new SSL applications are unable to accidentally link to older SSL libraries. The new TLS stack supports older SSL protocols (if enabled) which are implemented with newer code
      A few more details:
      1. The main reason for changing the API begins with an unintentional security bug. Before the sale of Netscape to AOL in 1999, Netscape published much of their source code into the Mozilla Project (an open source software site). A short time later, a paranoid programmer at company name deleted modified the SSL library so it would would execute a random number function three additional times during key generation. Apparently, the programmer inadvertently used a 32-bit variable rather than a 64-bit variable which had the unintended effect of reducing the effective key size by 50% and reducing the effective key space by 75%. This code was then published through the Mozilla Project and no one knows how much of it escaped into the wild. Shortly after the revelation, many software publishers quickly realized it was better to introduce security changes cooperatively through the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) where more eyes get to see the code before it is published. The TLS stack represents the efforts of IETF (e.g. TLS is an IETF standards track protocol)
      2. The aforementioned bug may not be as obvious as you may might think. Remember that everything in the API was originally written in C which is the only truly portable computer programming language. Rumor has it that the programmer who broke SSL declared "a 32-bit variable" thinking it was "a 64-bit variable" so it's a classic case of the computer doing exactly as it was told.
        As HAL-9000 once said: "This sort of thing has cropped up before, and it has always been due to human error".
        I am not sure if the programmer "thought long meant 64-bit because he was on a native 64-bit architecture" or "was unaware of the fact that long long is required to declare a 64-bit variable". This is why the IETF changed the type of that variable to uint64_t (unsigned integer 64-bit) which is now the source of much frustration as new programmers learn the c-language.
      3. I have always thought that long long was a really dumb idea for a number of reasons with the main one being that you would need to know that the mainframe definition of long meant 32-bit while word meant 16-bit. How many programmers have encountered the terms quadword (64-bit) and octaword (128-bit)? So perhaps the IETF solution is the least confusing after all.
    5. TLSv1.1 (2006)
    6. TLSv1.2 (2008)
    7. TLSv1.3 (2018)
      • Some computer professionals have commented that this protocol has changed significantly so should be relabeled TLSv2.0
  3. SSL/TLS is now used in numerous other places like:
    •  communicating securely with a POP3 server over TCP port 995 (the default insecure port is 110)
    • FTPS (FTP over SSL) which must not be confused with SFTP (FTP over SSH)
  4. Server authentication (mandatory) is one way that a client can ensure the server is who it claims to be.
  5. Client authentication (optional) is one way that a server can ensure the client system is who it claims to be. In the early days of e-commerce, a credit card was thought to be the only necessary piece of client identification but how will you communicate securely without making a credit-card purchase?
  6. OpenSSL is (primarily) a C-language library used to implement:
    1. the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. This facilitates the implementation of SSL into software without needing to reinvent the wheel every time a developer needs to do so.
    2. a library of cryptographic functions meant to encrypt as well as decrypt. This means you do not need to set up an SSL connection in order to just use the cryptographic library
    3. a CLI (command line interface) tool for:
      1. testing library functionality (which can also be used as a training tool)
      2. testing SSL/TLS connectivity
      3. key generation
      4. certificate generation
      5. generating hashes

A 3-km (10,000 foot) overview of SSL

SSL/TLS cryptography is based upon:

  1. symmetric key cryptography (session keys)
    • symmetric key algorithms both encrypt and decrypt data using a single key
  2. asymmetric key cryptography (e.g. public key cryptography)
    • public key algorithms employ a pair of asymmetric keys which have a mathematical relationship to each other
    • key-1 (also called the public key) is normally used to decrypt data during reception by the client
      • contrary to what you might think, key-1 is much larger than key-2 (from the theory: it is the product of two very large primes)
    • key-2 (also called the private key) is normally used to encrypt during transmission by the server
    • asymmetric messaging is much more computationally expensive than symmetric messaging, so...
    • The initial SSL handshake begins with asymmetric keys which are primarily used to:
      • conceal the handshake of the shared secret which produces the "symmetric key" (also known as the "session key")
      • conceal the dialog where client and server agree on a particular cipher
      • ensure that only the designated receiver can read the message
      • optionally, ensure that the designated sender is who he claims to be
    • From this point on only the symmetric "session key" is used to encrypt/decrypt the channel data
      quantum computer caveat: if you worry that quantum computers might be used to break SSL encryption anytime soon then know this: both SSL and OpenSSL hail from 1995 when personal computers were not as powerful as machines sold today. One way to extend the useful life of binary computers is to ditch symmetric key cryptography and do the whole transaction with larger asymmetric keys (at least for financial transactions)
  3. cryptographic hash functions
  4. message authentication codes (MAC)
  5. digital signatures
  6. Certificate
    • is a public document which holds your public key
    • if a leaf or server certificate, this document also contains the full URL of the host server
    • it also holds the public key and URL of the intermediate certificate used to sign the leaf
    • it must also contain a pair of date-stamps representing begin and end dates
      • root certificates (which are used to sign intermediate certificates) are usually valid for 20-years
      • intermediate certificates (which are used to sign leaf certificates) are usually valid for 10-years
      • leaf certificates used to be only valid for 25-months. Starting on 2020-09-01 most vendors only issue certificates which will be valid for 398 days (~ 13 months). The additional time allows system admins to replace a certificate before it becomes invalid.
    • the document must also contain a numeric hash which is used to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack where someone tries to change something on the certificate (in flight).
A few more details Document Signing

Trusted Third Parties

Nerd Stuff

Western-hemispheric conservatives are continually questioning the value of education then trying to implement austerity measures for the purpose of lowering taxes (BTW, we often see ). For a decade starting in 2006, Canadian conservatives attempted to put an end to all theoretical research in favor of applied research. None of those people would ever click this next link which I placed here for all nerds because the modern RSA cryptographic system is based upon Fermat's Little Theorem published in 1640.

OpenSSL on OpenVMS

On an OpenVMS system you could find SSL in one, or more, locations depending upon your setup:

More VMS-Specific Information:
  1. The CERT TOOL under the standalone SSL product(s) can also be used to create documents for Apache 
  2. All CERT TOOLS are written via DCL scripts but call the OpenSSL CLI (command line interface) program.
    Caveat: I think Compaq (the company that added internet software to OpenVMS before Compaq merged with HP) made a huge mistake by hiding the OpenSSL CLI in this fashion. I suggest everyone learn how to use this tool directly. Why?
    1. You never know when you will find yourself doing SSL work on another OS with no DCL script to help you
    2. Not all openssl subcommands are available from the DCL script. For example, s_client is invaluable for debugging connections to other systems while s_server can be used by programmers to test their own SSL-based client software.
  3. Why have 1-3 versions of SSL on your system? As mentioned earlier, openssl is baked-into Apache and used by anything served-up by Apache (secure web page, secure soap service, etc). But what if you need a standalone SSL-based client  to communicate with a distant SSL-based server? Answer: Your compiled application is linked to the SSL run-time libraries associated with the standalone OpenSSL package.
  4. On 2012-02-14 I realized that the command openssl s_client does not work properly with OpenVMS kit HP-OpenSSL-1.4-453
    • Symptom: After using s_client to successfully make a secure connection (which works), sending data through the secure connection appears to work but you will not be able to view the response.
    • The bug is found in all HP versions starting with HP-OpenSSL-1.2 (December 2004) and running through HP-OpenSSL-1.4-467 (June 2012).
    • The bug is not found on CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1B which was the last version published by Compaq
    • The bug only affects Alpha and Itanium since there were no official SSL releases for VAX after CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1B
    • All CLI examples listed below work properly with OpenSSL implementations on Linux, Macintosh OS-X, Solaris, Windows but not OpenVMS
    • The problem was reported to HP in March 2012 but their latest kit (June 2012) still contains the bug and it looks like this will not be fixed until 2013.
    • Click here for more information including how to build your own fix (requires a C compiler and HP's SSL Source Code Kit)
    • Excerpt from 2006 manual: HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS
      • (page title: s_client)
      • quote from section: Restrictions
        "Because this program has a lot of options and also because some of the techniques used are rather old,
         the C source of s_client is rather hard to read and not a model of how things should be done. A typical
         SSL client program would be much simpler"
      • NSR comments:
        1. I agree with HP on this statement. The authors of s_client.c should be shot for producing something which would have been rejected by every introductory programing course (many claim it is difficult to write spaghetti logic in the c-language; s_client.c proves otherwise). To make matters worse, this program underwent subsequent feature development without any programmers doing a code cleanup (probably everyone threw up their hands in bewilderment). This program is now so large and ugly that it appears nearly impossible to do a rewrite without breaking something.
        2. While s_client.c is of little use as an example program, the user community still needs it as a connectivity diagnostic tool
  5. On 2013-03-07 HP released HP-OpenSSL-1.4-471 and it appears that OpenSSL s_client now works properly. Yay!

The OpenSSL CLI (command line interpreter)

note: Connecting Windows to OpenVMS? Click here for Windows instructions

The OpenSSL CLI (command line interpreter) exists for the following reasons:
  1. to prove the underlying routines and libraries work properly (the developers of OpenSSL use this feature all the time)
  2. creating certificate signing requests (and associated keys), self-signed certificates, etc.
  3. Testing client-server connectivity
    1. can you connect at all?
    2. is there an SSL handshake after you connect?
    3. is there something wrong with the far-end server certificate?
    4. is the far-end server requesting a client certificate (this is usually optional) but would be an error if you have not defined one
    5. are near-end certificates usable?
    6. is your client trusted certificate chain usable?
    7. is a cipher missing?
    1. Browsers will hide error information only presenting an error icon. Using OpenSSL CLI as a test tool will present details for you to begin failure-mode analysis.
    2. Modern OpenVMS servers have no modern browsers so the OpenSSL CLI will be the only tool to get you out of most jams.
      p.s. one of our systems sits behind a firewall with the server's IP address gen'd into a firewall ACL (Access Control List). If we wanted to use a PC to debug some weird connectivity problem we would need to unplug the server from the network then replace it with a properly configured PC. Since we run 24/7 this is not possible
  4. As a teaching tool
    • use s_client to connect to Google or Twitter (they won't mind)
    • use s_client to connect to your Apache web server
    • Hacker Heaven: connect any two platforms end-to-end; one running s_server while the other running s_client
      • if you are on a really tight budget, run the client and server sessions from two different command-line sessions on the same computer system
      • click here for more details
  5. Proves that the underlying SSL library routines are functional (your SSL-based client software will link to the OpenSSL libraries; if the CLI programs work properly and your client software does not, then the problem most likely exists in your code)
  6. As a tool to test client (or server) software you just wrote
  7. CLI source code, as well as the example programs, can be used to teach you how to write an SSL program (although s_server.c and s_client.c are in horrible shape; and whoever wrote s_client.c should be forced to endure the embarrassment of a public code review)

Official OpenSSL Documentation

Apps and Tools

HP OpenSSL Documentation for OpenVMS

UNIX notation on OpenVMS?
Openssl.exe on OpenVMS appears to have been built with all the DECC logical names required to enable UNIX compatibility in the C-RTL. This means that passing UNIX-style file specifications to openssl.exe like this:
will be treated like this on an OpenVMS system:
Even more neat/strange things can be viewed in file ssl$root:[000000]openssl-vms.conf

Example 1: OpenSSL introductory stuff

OpenVMS caveats:
1) DCL (Digital Command Language) is the default command Line interpreter for OpenVMS
2) in DCL, comments begin with an exclamation (!)
3) in DCL, use a dash (-) as a line continuation character
4) unlike Unix or Linux systems, your DCL account is probably set as "case insensitive"
which will complicate these demos. Temporarily switch your session to "case sensitive"
change to sensitive: $SET PROC/CASE=SENS/PARSE=EXTEN
return to default: $SET PROC/CASE=BLIND/PARSE=TRAD
5) If you do not switch to "case sensitive" then you will need to do the following: a) double-quote upper-case or mixed-case parameters like -CApath , -CAfile , -WWW b) use properly cased file names (eg. the "$create" command will always create an upper-case
filename even if you typed a lower-case filename

Like most security software, OpenSSL seems deliberately unfriendly so does not include verbose help. You must read the official CLI docs or type something illegal then hope for the best.

Legend (for all my examples):
<sr>		= system response
<ur>		= user response
<enter>		= hit the enter key (in my newer examples this is "assumed")
<ctrl-c>	= hit "control c"
<ctrl-z>	= hit "control z"
<space>		= hit the space bar
<tab>		= hit the tab key
# = start of BASH comment
\ = line continuation character in BASH -------------------------------------------------------- <sr> $ ! this is my DCL prompt <ur> openssl ! start the OpenSSL CLI application <sr> OpenSSL> ! this is the application prompt <ur> version ! display version (add -a for all) <sr> OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013 ! SSL for OpenVMS V1.4 Mar 7 2013. ! OpenSSL> ! <ur> help ! request help (an illegal command) <sr> openssl:Error: 'help' is an invalid command. ! ...major topics and sub-topics are displayed... ! read this stuff OpenSSL> ! application prompt <ur> s_client -help ! request s_client specific help <sr> unknown option -help ! usage: s_client args ! ...s_client arguments are displayed... ! OpenSSL> ! <ur> exit ! exit to DCL <sr> $ ! my DCL prompt

Example 2: pseudo-commands

<ur>	openssl list-standard-commands			!
<sr>	{ displays available commands (like s_client) }	! read this
	$						!
<ur> openssl list-message-digest-commands ! <sr> { displays available digests } ! read this $ !
<ur> openssl list-cipher-commands ! <sr> { display available ciphers } ! read this $ !
<ur> openssl no-rsa ! is 'rsa' available? <sr> rsa ! yes, 'rsa' is available $ !
<ur> openssl no-dsa ! is 'dsa' available? <sr> dsa ! yes, 'dsa' is available $ !
<ur> openssl no-yada ! is 'yada' available? <sr> no-yada ! no, 'yada' is not available $ !

Example 3: delving deeper (what ciphers are available?)

<ur>	openssl ciphers -?				!
<sr>	usage: ciphers args
	 -v	- verbose mode, a textual listing of the SSL/TLS ciphers in OpenSSL
	 -V	- even more verbose (OpenVMS users should enter -"V" to preserve case)
	 -ssl2	- SSL2 mode
	 -ssl3	- SSL3 mode
	 -tls1	- TLS1 mode
<ur> openssl ciphers -ssl2 ! display available + enabled ssl2 ciphers
! this should fail in 2014 <sr> bla...bla...bla... ! $
<ur> openssl ciphers -ssl3 ! display available + enabled ssl3 ciphers
! this should fail in 2023 <sr> bla...bla...bla... ! might be an error message in 2020 $
<ur> openssl ciphers -tls1 ! display available + enabled tls1 ciphers <sr> bla...bla...bla... ! $
<ur> openssl ciphers -v ! display all available + enabled ciphers <sr> bla...bla...bla... ! 100 lines is typical $
<ur> pipe openssl ciphers -v | search sys$input SSL3 ! display SSL3-related stuff <sr> bla...bla...bla... ! 60 lines is typical $
<ur> pipe openssl ciphers -v | search sys$input TLS1 ! display TLS1-related stuff bla...bla...bla... ! 35 lines is typical $

OpenSSL CLI :: non-connection examples

1) This content of this section is more of an academic/pedagogical nature
2) Click skip this section if you are in a hurry to solve a connectivity problem
3) The following examples manipulate files rather than data streams but you will get the general idea 4) Anything typed into the OpenSSL CLI can also be done from the OpenSSL C-API

Cryptographic Exercises

exercise-01 "encrypt with base64"
<sr>	$							 ! my DCL prompt
<ur>	create hack1a.txt<enter>				 ! use DCL to create a message file
	These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise<ctrl-z> ! type this then hit CTRL-z to exit
<sr>	exit
<ur> openssl enc -base64 -in hack1a.txt ! encrypt using base64 (output to eyes) <sr> VGhlc2UgYXJlIHRoZSB2b3lhZ2VzIG9mIHRoZSBzdGFyc2hpcCBFbnRlcnByaXNl Cg== $
<ur> openssl enc -base64 -in hack1a.txt -out hack1b.txt ! repeat command but output to a file <sr> $ ! no news is good news :-)
<ur> openssl enc -base64 -d -in hack1b.txt ! now decrypt the file <sr> These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise ! success... $ Notes: 1) As Philippe Camacho properly pointed out, while "base64" is listed as a cipher, it is not a form
of secret encryption since it does not support the use of a secret key. But it does prove that
this part of the CLI is working properly when "base64" is treated as a module. 2) type "openssl list-cipher-commands" to see a list of ciphers offered by your installed product. Notice that the listing does include "base64" 3) One of the ciphers is "des3" which we will use in the next exercise 4) Newer versions of OpenSSL also include "base64" as a command to use in place of "enc"

exercise-02 "encrypt with des3"
<sr>	$							! my DCL prompt
<ur>	create hack2a.txt<enter>				! create a new file
	To boldly go where no man has gone before<ctrl-z>	! type this phrase; ctrl-z to exit
<sr>	exit							!
<ur>	openssl enc -des3 -in hack2a.txt -out hack2b.bin	! encrypt file using des3 (out to file)
<sr>	enter des-ede3-cbc encryption password:			! prompt for a mandatory KEY
<ur>	secret789<enter>					! you are typing this blind (no echo)
<sr>	Verifying - enter des-ede3-cbc encryption password:	! this is for KEY verification
<ur>	secret789<enter>					! you are typing this blind (no echo)
<sr>	$							! no news is good news :-)
<ur> dump hack2b.bin ! more hacking... <sr> CC300C75 ... 30873EFA 104F8F21 5F5F6465 746C6153 Salted__!.O.ú>.0.7zŸu.0Ì.`ÈÖ.iöê 8AC290FF ... 7D9155E5 FED1AFB4 BC213EAE E1E7357C 3B9A5362 bS.;|5çá.>!¼..Ñ.åU.}...{..Â.¤W±j 00000000 ... 00000000 00000000 00000000 65B18A6C 86FADB6E nÛú.l.±e........................ $
note: <<< numeric data is right-to-left <<< | >>> ASCII is left-to-right >>>
<ur> openssl enc -des3 -d -in hack2b.bin ! decrypt message file (out to screen) <sr> enter des-ede3-cbc decryption password: ! prompt for a KEY <ur> secret789<enter> ! you are typing blind (no echo) <sr> To boldly go where no man has gone before ! yay! $
<ur> openssl enc -des3 -d -in hack2b.bin -k secret789 ! decrypt without prompting <sr> To boldly go where no man has gone before ! $
<ur> openssl enc -des3 -d -in hack2b.bin -k "secret789" ! double quotes work as well <sr> To boldly go where no man has gone before $
<ur> create hack2c.txt<enter> ! create a third file secret789<ctrl-z> ! enter the pass phrase into the file <sr> exit $
<ur> openssl enc -des3 -d -in hack2b.bin -pass file:hack2c.txt ! uses password file <sr> To boldly go where no man has gone before $ <ur> openssl enc -des3 -d -in hack2b.bin -pass pass:secret789 ! uses inline password <sr> To boldly go where no man has gone before $ Notes: 1) the "encryption password" is really a KEY used to both encrypt and decrypt 2) be very careful when you enter the pass phrase because some hidden characters (like <tab> and <space>) are processed as-is; for example, these are all legal, but different, inputs secret789<space> secret789<space><space> <space>secret789<space> <tab>secret789<space> 3) if you enter any double-quote characters at the interactive passphrase prompt they will be used to
encrypt! But it will be impossible to decrypt using the -k option which first strips quotes before
4) Notice the embedded phrase "Salted__" which is always present. Salt (randomized 64-bit data stored
in the file) is combined with pepper (data not stored in the file (the pass phrase)) to cause every
encryption of the same data to produce different results. This used to stop dictionary hacks. Try
it yourself: every time you type "openssl enc -des3" you will produce a different result. Now go
back and store just a lower case 'a' as plain text then use a lower case 'a' as the pass phrase.
The result will always contain 24-bytes
5) Note: SALT is really a combination of the IV + the key which is generated from the passphrase

*** And Now For a Little Theory ***

RSA Notes:
  1) RSA encryption/decryption is asymmetric and so requires two keys (one public, one private)
  2) RSA keys are based upon upon the product of two carefully chosen prime numbers
RSA Data:	
  d = private key
  n = public key
  e = 65537	(constant with RSA)
  c = m^e mod n	(formula for cipher text)
m = c^d mod n (formula for message text)

exercise-03 "create a new 32-bit key"
Notes:	32-bits is too small for a certificate but okay for this demo on primes

<sr>	$						! my DCL prompt
<ur>	openssl genrsa -out hack3a.key 32		! create a small 32-bit key
<sr>	Generating RSA private key, 32 bit long modulus
	e is 65537 (0x10001)
<ur>	openssl rsa -in hack3a.key -text -noout		! interpret the key file 
	Private-Key: (32 bit)
	modulus: 4057358269 (0xf1d65fbd)		! 32-bit public key
	publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)			! same every time
	privateExponent: 1322158157 (0x4ece884d)
	prime1: 65123 (0xfe63)				! different every genrsa
	prime2: 62303 (0xf35f)				! different every genrsa
	exponent1: 51313 (0xc871)
	exponent2: 47415 (0xb937)
	coefficient: 60666 (0xecfa)

Notes:	65123 x 62303 = 4057358269			! public key (product of two primes)

exercise-04 "create a new 512-bit key (store it in a file)"
<sr>	$							! my DCL prompt
<ur>	openssl genrsa -out hack4a.key 512			! 512 bits just for this demo
<sr>	Generating RSA private key, 512 bit long modulus
	e is 65537 (0x10001)
<ur>	type hack4a.key						! view raw ASCII data
<sr>	-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
<ur>	openssl rsa -in hack4a.key -text -noout			! interpret the key file
<sr>	Private-Key: (512 bit)					! means this is a private key file
	modulus:						! but this is our public key
	00:a2:30:8e:e2:62:24:96:a5:34:de:ae:41:85:be:		! "00:" is just padding
	d5:9b:0b:73:d9						! 64 x 8 = 512 bits
	publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001)

Certificate Exercises / Examples

exercise-05 "create a CSR (certificate signing request)"
note: my responses are in red ======================================================== note: use the 512-bit key file just created in exercise-04 <sr> $ ! my DCL prompt <ur> copy SSL$ROOT:[000000]OPENSSL-VMS.CNF openssl.cnf ! copy template to here <sr> $ <ur> openssl req -new -key hack4a.key -out hack5b.csr -config openssl.cnf <sr> You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank For some fields there will be a default value, If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. ----- Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:CA State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Ontario Locality Name (eg, city) []:Waterloo Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Federation of Nerds Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:I.T. Crowd Common Name (eg, YOUR name) [] Email Address [] Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []:<enter> An optional company name []:<enter> $ <ur> type hack5b.csr ! view CSR as raw ASCII data <sr> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBdDCCAR4CAQAwgbgxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMRAwDgYDVQQIEwdPbnRhcmlvMREw DwYDVQQHEwhXYXRlcmxvbzElMCMGA1UEChMcVW5pdGVkIEZlZGVyYXRpb24gb2Yg UGxhbmV0czETMBEGA1UECxMKU3RhciBGbGVldDEZMBcGA1UEAxMQSmVhbi1MdWMg UGlja2FyZDEtMCsGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYeamVhbi1sdWMucGljYXJkQHN0YXItZmxl ZXQudWZwMFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAKIwjuJiJJalNN6uQYW+JAn2 6uipqT8/VvDNIGhqJDxrI2wMj5sNcWn5MmQsZFdl/pxioQvlsdFb8Idk1ZsLc9kC AwEAAaAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA0EAILOaqUUSsb0vgTyXqUKsBi12mgSbsLgu rZEEyu0gSsTdVIkkwkVvhavYpxCENbCqiRxH+uHZLkYvbTTfmvUapA== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- $ <ur> openssl req -noout -text -in hack5b.csr ! view interpreted CSR data <sr> Certificate Request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject:Subject: C=CA, ST=Ontario, L=Waterloo, O=United Federation of Nerds, OU=I.T. Crowd, Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (512 bit) Modulus (512 bit): ! public key 00:a2:30:8e:e2:62:24:96:a5:34:de:ae:41:85:be: 24:09:f6:ea:e8:a9:a9:3f:3f:56:f0:cd:20:68:6a: 24:3c:6b:23:6c:0c:8f:9b:0d:71:69:f9:32:64:2c: 64:57:65:fe:9c:62:a1:0b:e5:b1:d1:5b:f0:87:64: d5:9b:0b:73:d9 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) Attributes: a0:00 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 20:b3:9a:a9:45:12:b1:bd:2f:81:3c:97:a9:42:ac:06:2d:76: 9a:04:9b:b0:b8:2e:ad:91:04:ca:ed:20:4a:c4:dd:54:89:24: c2:45:6f:85:ab:d8:a7:10:84:35:b0:aa:89:1c:47:fa:e1:d9: 2e:46:2f:6d:34:df:9a:f5:1a:a4 $

exercise-06 "create a self-signed certificate"
caveat: Chrome began rejecting these in 2016
<sr>	$						! my DCL prompt
<ur>	openssl req			-		! this is a signing request
		-new			-		!
		-x509			-		! x509 as a switch indicates "self signed"
		-config openssl.cnf	-		! use this config file
		-days 365		-		! this will expire in one year
		-set_serial 20160101	-		! Here I used ccyymmdd
		-key hack4a.key		-		! -keyout creates new key
		-out hack6b.crt				! certificate data will be written here
<sr>	You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
	into your certificate request.
	What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
	There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
	For some fields there will be a default value,
	If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
	Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:CA
	State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Ontario
	Locality Name (eg, city) []:Waterloo
	Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:United Federation of Nerds
	Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:I.T. Crowd
	Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []
	Email Address []
<ur>	openssl x509 -in hack6b.crt -text -noout	! let's see it (processed)
<sr>	Certificate:
	        Version: 3 (0x2)
	        Serial Number: 20160101 (0x1339e65)
	        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
	        Issuer: C=CA, ST=Ontario, L=Waterloo,
			O=United Federation of Nerds,
			OU=I.T. Crowd,
	            Not Before: Jan  1 21:06:15 2016 GMT
	            Not After : Dec 31 21:06:15 2016 GMT
	        Subject: C=CA, ST=Ontario, L=Waterloo,
			O=United Federation of Nerds,
			OU=I.T. Crowd,
	        Subject Public Key Info:
	            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
	            RSA Public Key: (512 bit)
	                Modulus (512 bit):
	                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
	        X509v3 extensions:
	            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
	            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
				/O=United Federation of Nerds
				/OU=I.T. Crowd

	            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
	    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
<ur>	type hack6b.crt							! let's see it (raw)
<sr>	<...hex dump...>						!

exercise-7 "certificates: compound operations, private companies AND development platforms"

1) create a CA (certificate authority) key
2) create a CA (certificate authority) certificate with v3 extensions
3) create a CSR (certificate signing request) with v3 extensions
4) use the CA certificate to sign the CSR with v3 extensions
coming soon (it works on my server)
follow the steps documented here:
    Starts on page 39 of the free PDF

OpenSSL CLI :: connection examples

Example 3: Using "s_client" to connect to public sites


  1. the following examples are for machines directly connected to the internet. Firewalls and proxy servers present additional challenges 
  2. if the following commands do not work on your OpenVMS system then read this caveat
  3. here we use ssl3 because it is much more lenient than any version of  tls
    caveat: most web sites disabled support for ssl3 in 2014 (see: POODLE) but twitter still supports it in 2020

Connecting to Twitter

<sr>	$							! my DCL prompt
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -ssl3	! connect to Twitter
<sr>	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
	---							! your s_client prompt
<ur>	GET / HTTP/1.0<enter>					! get default document; use HTTP 1.0
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header
<sr>	HTTP/1.0 200 OK						! response
	Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 23:16:38 GMT			!
	Status: 200 OK						!
	Pragma: no-cache					!
	Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8			!

Connecting to Google USA (non-USA sites will be redirected)

<sr>	$							!
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -ssl3	! connect to Google USA
<sr>	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
	---							! your s_client prompt
<ur>	GET / HTTP/1.0<enter>					! get default document; use HTTP 1.0
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header
<sr>	HTTP/1.0 302 Found					! 302 = moved
	Location:			! so redirect to Canada
	Cache-Control: private
	Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
	Set-Cookie: expires=; expires=Mon, 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;

Connecting to Google Canada (non-Canadian sites will be redirected)

<sr>	$							!
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -ssl3	! connect to Google Canada
	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
	---							! your s_client prompt
<ur>	GET / HTTP/1.1<enter>					! okay so let's try HTTP/1.1
	host:<enter>				! need this line for HTTP/1.1
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header 
<sr>	HTTP/1.1 200 OK						!
	Set-Cookie: NID=61=H7WfG9OQ6uHDvVU8OJyt_Z4x8a4cj0DUpLUfH9D9eeKVou1FwaP8ok16
	expires=Sat, 22-Dec-2012 22:51:17 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
	Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 22:51:17 GMT
	Expires: -1
	Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
	Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1252
	Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=3ba285f540771657:FF=0:TM=1340405477:LM=1340405477:S=TpABG903GxV7Ufhg;	
		expires=Sun, 22-Jun-2014 22:51:17 GMT; path=/;
	Set-Cookie: NID=61=H7WfG9OQ6uHDvVU8OJyt_Z4x8a4cj0DUpLUfH9D9eeKVou1FwaP8ok16vDlgV3sX1JPzrd	
		expires=Sat, 22-Dec-2012 22:51:17 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly
	P3P: CP="This is not a P3P policy! See			
		/bin/ for more info."
	Server: gws
	X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
	X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
	Transfer-Encoding: chunked

	1000							! byte count of chunked data block

Example 4: Using 'openssl s_client' to connect to my Apache webserver

Three connect commands (responses not shown)

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -showcerts ! what far-end certificates are available?

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -debug	! show more info hex and ASCII

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -state	! show ssl state transitions 

Note: after anyone of the above commands, type the following:

<ur>	GET / HTTP/1.0<enter>					! get default document using HTTP/1.0
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header

Four connect commands (responses not shown)

<ur>	define/sys  vms_cert_dir  sys$sysdevice:[certificates]	! an HP-recommended directory 


<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-	!
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.crt		-	! for optional client verification
		-key vms_cert_dir/client.key			! for optional client verification

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-	!
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.pem			! key + crt inside of pem

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.crt		-
		-key vms_cert_dir/client.key		-
		-tls1						! only use TLS1 encryption

Note: after anyone of the above commands, type the following:

<ur> GET / HTTP/1.0<enter>					! get default document using HTTP/1.0
     <enter>							! signal end of HTTP header

Example 5: Using 'openssl s_client' to connect to SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.C

Five connect commands (responses not shown)

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -debug	! details while negotiating

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -state	! watch SSL change states

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -tls1 -debug ! use the TLS1 protocol

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -ssl3 -debug ! use the SSL3 protocol 

<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-	!
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.pem		-	! PEM files require a HASH file
		"-CAfile" vms_cert_dir/client_ca.pem	-	! list of trusted certificates
		"-CApath" vms_cert_dir				! double-quote mixed case parms in VMS

Example Block 6: OpenSSL client/server examples

  1. the client and server programs do not need to reside on different platforms but it is more fun if they do (two PCs also work)
  2. when connecting to the same machine use address "" except in the case of the TLS protocol which contains additional security (with TLS just use the fully qualified domain name)
  3. Note: on the OpenVMS CLI (known as DCL)
    • lines ending with a dash are continued on the next line
    • an exclamation is used to start a comment
  4. click here for instructions on how to do this experiment on Windows

A very simple web server (cannot server up a file)


<ur>	openssl s_server -accept 4433		-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/server.crt	-
		-key vms_cert_dir/server.key	-
		-debug				-
		-www						! barely simulate a webserver (lower case)
<sr>	Using default temp DH parameters
	Using default temp ECDH parameters


<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -debug	! will connect to server
<sr>	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
<ur>	GET / HTTP/1.0<enter>					! request default page containing stats
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header

A simple web server (can serve up a file)


<ur>	set default sys$login					! run these tests from your home directory
<sr>	$
<ur>	create neil.txt						! create a small text file
	this is sample text<ctrl-z>				! place text in the file
<sr>	$							!
<ur>	openssl s_server -accept 4433		-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/server.crt	-
		-key vms_cert_dir/server.key	-
		-debug				-
		-"WWW"						! simulate a better webserver
<sr>	Using default temp DH parameters
	Using default temp ECDH parameters


<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.crt		-
		-key vms_cert_dir/client.key		-	! will connect to server
<sr>	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
<ur>	GET /neil.txt HTTP/1.0<enter>				! request file "neil.txt"
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header
<sr>	HTTP 200 (OK)
	...header verbage...
	this is sample text					! presto

Web server with certificate-based client verification (popular in B2B applications)


<ur>	set default sys$login					! run these tests from your home directory
<sr>	$
<ur>	type neil.txt						! make sure test file exists
<sr>	this is sample text
	$							!
<ur>	openssl s_server -accept 4433		-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/server.crt	-
		-key vms_cert_dir/server.key	-
		-debug				-
		-"WWW"				-		! simulate a better webserver
		-"Verify" 9					! force client to require a certificate
<sr>	verify depth is 9, must return a certificate
	Using default temp DH parameters
	Using default temp ECDH parameters


<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-
		-cert vms_cert_dir/client.crt		-
		-key vms_cert_dir/client.key		-	! will connect to server
<sr>	...handshake verbage...					! bla...bla...bla...
<ur>	GET /neil.txt HTTP/1.0<enter>				! request file "neil.txt"
	<enter>							! signal end of HTTP header
<sr>	HTTP 200 (OK)
	...header verbage...
	this is sample text					! presto
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect		! reconnect "without any certs"
<sr>	CONNECTED(00000005)
	verify error:num=18:self signed certificate		! this is not really an error
	verify return:1
	verify return:1
	262761:error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure:S3_PKT:1102:SSL alert number 40
	262761:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:S23_LIB:182:


<sr>	...verbage...
	261215:error:140890C7:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:peer did not return a certificate:S3_SRVR:2611:
	ACCEPT							! waiting for another transaction

Example 7: OpenSSL advanced stuff

<sr>	$								! my DCL prompt
<ur>	openssl ciphers							! what ciphers are available locally?
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect -cipher "RC4-SHA"	! connect to Google using RED cipher
	...handshake verbage...						! bla...bla...bla...

note:	the requested cipher might not be available at the far end 

Creating/using a trusted client chain (add remote cert to local cache)

 This first example demonstrates connecting to a system which employs self-signed certificates
notes:	1) I am on my production node "KAWC96" connecting to my development node "KAWC09"
	2) We could just ignore the error 18 then continue
	3) Or save the remote certificate in a local repository
<sr>	$							! my DCL prompt
<ur>	set def sys$login					! start in home location
<sr>	$							!
<ur>	openssl s_client -connect	-	! connect to DVLP platform
		-state -showcerts				! (without any local certificate)
<sr>	CONNECTED(00000005)
	SSL_connect:before/connect initialization
	SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server hello A
	depth=0 /C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada...
	verify error:num=18:self signed certificate		<<<--- oops (let's fix this)
	verify return:1
	depth=0 /C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada...
	verify return:1
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server key exchange A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server done A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client key exchange A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 write finished A
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 flush data
	SSL_connect:SSLv3 read finished A
	Certificate chain
	0 s:/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=B...
	i:/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bel...
	Server certificate
	subject=/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/...
	issuer=/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/O...
	No client certificate CA names sent
	SSL handshake has read 1270 bytes and written 361 bytes
	New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
	Server public key is 1024 bit
	Secure Renegotiation IS supported
	Compression: NONE
	Expansion: NONE
	Protocol : TLSv1
	Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
	Session-ID: DE5C43E6C8B445FCDA60894A08650E5B19D1E99DAF3F7...
	Master-Key: CFF329BE8FFF7B8FD7E6201B16F1AC3663EFF5633CDDD...
	Key-Arg : None
	Start Time: 1343864769
	Timeout : 300 (sec)
	Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)	<<<---oops (let's fix this)
<ur> <ctrl-Y>							! we're done so hit <ctrl-Y> 

Create a trusted chain (or add to an existing chain)

Note: This is similar to what happens when you import a certificate into your browser

<ur>	cre xxx_kawc09.crt					! create a file
	-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----				! past in the remote certificate from above
	<ctrl-z>						! hit <ctrl-z> to exit file-creation with SAVE
<sr>	Exit
<ur>	copy xxx_kawc09.crt vms_cert_dir			! optional: copy file to our cert directory
<sr>	$
<ur>	set def vms_cert_dir					! now move over there
<sr>	$
<ur>	dir client_ca.pem					! any chains like this here?
<sr>	%DIRECT-W-NOFILES, no files found			! nope
<ur>	copy xxx_kawc09.crt client_ca.pem			! copy cert into new PEM
		or						! or
	copy client_ca.pem, xxx_kawc09.crt client_ca.pem	! append cert onto existing PEM
<sr>	$
<ur>	openssl x509 -hash -noout -in client_ca.PEM		! compute hash of pem
<sr>	1132507a						! this is the computed result
<ur>	copy client_ca.PEM 1132507a.0				! create hash file with zero extension
<sr>	$
<ur>	openssl verify "-CApath" vms_cert_dir -verbose 	-
-purpose any client_ca.PEM ! test the PEM-hash combo <sr> client_ca.pem: OK ! looks good so far <ur> set def sys$login: ! back to our home directory <sr> $ <ur> openssl s_client -connect - ! connect to DVLP platform (again)
-state - ! -cert vms_cert_dir/kawc96.crt - ! -key vms_cert_dir/kawc96.key - ! -"CAfile" vms_cert_dir/client_ca.PEM ! but reference trusted cert chain <sr> CONNECTED(00000005) SSL_connect:before/connect initialization SSL_connect:SSLv2/v3 write client hello A SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server hello A depth=0 /C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU... verify return:1 <<<--- cool (fixed) SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server certificate A SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server key exchange A SSL_connect:SSLv3 read server done A SSL_connect:SSLv3 write client key exchange A SSL_connect:SSLv3 write change cipher spec A SSL_connect:SSLv3 write finished A SSL_connect:SSLv3 flush data SSL_connect:SSLv3 read finished A --- Certificate chain 0 s:/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bel... i:/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-... --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICtzCCAiACCQCOJDXcN8BI4TANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBnzELMAkGA1UEBhMC [...snip...] S/To2pITuhif+f7Mec4qU/SDUXpj6Se/tJE9TjE2Mc5edTUmgX3amMpYUnQwBHti zQb9M8XXRU0RwBHZgqOYk/amVFeVCVFxw9jn -----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU... issuer=/C=ca/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=... --- No client certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 1270 bytes and written 361 bytes --- New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Server public key is 1024 bit Secure Renegotiation IS supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session: Protocol : TLSv1 Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Session-ID: 96B7F72BDCCB65C8040BD1DFE714989D87F966D00... Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key: 7737874E462FAFD277E6541BD2608070BEBB15393... Key-Arg : None Start Time: 1343865022 Timeout : 300 (sec) Verify return code: 0 (ok) <<<---cool (fixed) --- <ur> <ctrl-z> ! we are done <sr> Exit $

Overview of using Signed Certificates


OpenVMS steps using DCL scripts (least error-prone method)

$!	old ssl stack				new ssl stack
$! v 0.9.9 and lower v 1.0.0 and higher
$! ================= ==================
$set default ssl$com (or: set def ssl1$com ) $@SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM (or: @ssl1$ ) select "Create a Certificate Signing Request" (also called a CSR) be sure to name it something like: host_domain_ccyymmdd.csr where ccyymmdd represents the current date exit $set def SSL$ROOT:[000000.DEMOCA.CERTS] $dir host_domain_ccyymmdd.* you should see two files; one with an extension of ".csr" and one with ".key" $type host_domain_ccyymmdd.csr ----- 1) drag your cursor across the file contents 2) paste the result into the submission window at your certificate vendor's site 3) the vendor will sign your CSR and mail it back to you as a CRT 4) You should copy/paste the base-64 text into a file of the form: host_domain_ccyymmdd.crt 5) The email will also contain a copy of the vendor's intermediate certificate 6) You should copy/paste the base-64 text into a file of the form: host_domain_ccyymmdd_internediate.crt 7) Modify Apache config file "[.conf]ssl.conf" like so:
# our public certificate SSLCertificateFile /vms_prod_cert_dir/BELLICS_COM_ccyymmdd.CRT # our private key SSLCertificateKeyFile /vms_prod_cert_dir/BELLICS_COM_ccyymmdd.KEY # the CA's intermediate certificate SSLCACertificateFile /vms_prod_cert_dir/BELLICS_COM_ccyymmdd_INTERMEDIATE.CRT 8) restart Apache (monitor all error logs;
if the server won't start then you've made a mistake) now retest with the OpenSSL CLI now retest with a all three popular browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome)


All Platforms (when training wheels are not available or desired)

	note: this is a real-world example for server ""

1) openssl genrsa   -out kawc96_20210730.key 2048
2) openssl req -new -key kawc96_20210730.key -out kawc96_20210730.csr
3) openssl req -noout -text -in                   kawc96_20210730.csr 
4) cat (on Unix/Linux)                            kawc96_20210730.csr
   type (on OpenVMS)                              kawc96_20210730.csr
1) copy/paste the contents into the submission window at your certificate vendor's site 2) the vendor will sign your CSR then email it back to you in base-64 format 3) save it as a file of the form: kawc96_20210730.crt 4) visit the vendor's site to get a copy the certificate they used to sign your CSR. I saved mine as: kawc96_20210730_vendor.crt 5) modify the Apache config file "ssl.conf" (see steps above) kawc96_20210730.key (private key which will never been shared with anyone) kawc96_20210730.crt (public certificate which contains your public key) kawc96_ccyymmss_vendor.crt (vendor's public certificate used to sign your cert) 6) restart the server (checking your log files)

A little more hacking (er, self education)

OpenSSL commands to display the certificates just for the fun of it

 1) openssl x509 -noout -text -in kawc96_ccyymmdd.crt
 3) openssl x509 -noout -text -in kawc96_ccyymmss_vendor.crt 

So you have found some time to get beyond connectivity tests and would like to dig a little deeper into this tool

p.s. the following examples manipulate files rather than data streams but you will get the general idea

OpenSSL s_client bug on OpenVMS (2012-02-xx)

  1. On 2012-02-14 I realized that command and openssl s_client on OpenVMS-8.4 Alpha does not work properly with HP-OpenSSL-1.4-453
    <ur>	= user response
    <sr>	= system response
    <ur> openssl s_client -connect<enter>
    <sr> write:errno=32    <<<--- Oops!!

    Note: I think error 32 = "broken pipe" (see: ERRNO.H or ERRNODEF.H) which means the channel just closed
    The problem here is that we did not see a prompt where we could request something from Google

  2. The bug does not exist on CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1B
  3. The bug is found in all HP versions starting with HP-OpenSSL-1.2 and running through HP-OpenSSL-1.4-467
  4. The bug affects Alpha and Itanium (there were no HP-sanctioned versions for VAX after  CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1B)
    • On OpenVMS: I created a little text file named "neil.txt" which only contains one line of data: "test data"
      then I ran openssl s_server "-WWW" -debug so my machine would act as a file webserver
      (use -accept to change to a different port if 443 is already in use by Apache on your system)
    • On Solaris: I typed openssl s_client -connect www.myserver:443 -debug and here is what I recorded
      <ur>	openssl s_client -connect<enter>
      <sr>	...handshake verbage...				! bla...bla...bla...
      	---						! prompt
      <ur>	GET /neil.txt HTTP/1.0<enter>			! we want file neil.txt
      	<enter>						! signal end of HTTP header
      <sr>	HTTP HTTP/1.0 200 ok				!
      Content-type: text/plain ! !
      test data !
    • OpenVMS:  I now repeated the previous command. However, entering "GET /neil.txt HTTP/1.0<enter><enter>" will show outbound data packets every time you hit <enter> but no clear text is ever seen
    • Now inspect the s_server dialog you will find a line containing "FILE:neil.txt" which indicates the requested file being sent back.
    • At the client you will see inbound packets but nothing displayed in clear text
    • Conclusion:
      1. either the client-end connection isn't decrypting anything
      2. or there is no way to see what has been decrypted (since typing wasn't echoed, this last case seems more likely)
  5. On 2012-03-06 I realized this openssl s_client problem was only failing "server to client" and here is the proof:
  6. On 2012-03-11 I finally got around to developing a bug-fix for s_client.c (for HP-OpenSSL-1.3-281 and higher) which goes something like this:
    1. (tested) optional cosmetic change:
      • use an editor to locate the sixth line from the end of routine "void print_stuff(" which should read:
        then change it to:
      • This change will provide room under the three dashes for you to type your web server request (restores previous functionality)
    2. (tested) mandatory change for:
      • HP-OpenSSL-1.3-281
        1. use an editor to locate the string:
        2. back up ~10 lines to locate the string:
          #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MSDOS)
          then change it to:
          #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MSDOS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS)
          Explanation for this fix: In VMS section of "if (!ssl_pending)" we never call "if (write_tty) FD_SET(fileno(stdout),&writefds);" so it makes no sense to block on "FD_ISSET(fileno(stdout),&writefds)" ~ 150 lines below
      • HP-OpenSSL-1.4
        1. use an editor to locate the string:
        2. back up ~10 lines to locate the string:
          #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MSDOS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE)
          then change it to:
          #if defined(OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_MSDOS) || defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE) \
          	|| defined(OPENSSL_SYS_VMS)
      • HP-OpenSSL-1.4-453    -and-
        • same fixes as HP-OpenSSL-1.4 but you will also see a compile problem with program B_SOCK.C which does not affect the VMS build
          (see the phrase above " class#ifdef OPENSSL_SYS_WINDOWS || (defined(OPENSSL_SYS_NETWARE) && !defined(NETWARE_BSDSOCK))makes no sense")
    3. (untested) mandatory change for OPENSSL-100G (from Swedish developer site )
      • use an editor to locate the string:
        then repeat the fixes above (but you will still crap out with error "bad select 38" which is related to select () testing stdin as if it were a network device). I won't be able to test this fix until I include term_sock.c functionality (and I just can't find the time right now)
        But then I did find the time. Click here to jump ahead.
    4. Suggestion: The current state of s_client.c can only be described as horrible. Due to the number of people who appear to have to modified it along with all the conditional compile statements, it would never pass a code review. Some kind soul should update it to a more modern "block indentation" like so:
      if (bla...)
      {	if (yada...)
      	{	just one line but bracketed anyway;
      {	switch(temp) {
      	case CASE1:
      		{	whatever;
      	case CASE2:
      		{	whatever;
      		{	just one line but bracketed anyway;

My Regression Testing

Output from command
"OpenSSL s_client version"
OpenVMS-7.3 CPQ-OpenSSL-1.0A OpenSSL 0.9.6b [engine] 9 Jul 2001
[blank line]
Y telnet to:
OpenVMS-7.3-1 CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1 OpenSSL 0.9.6g [engine] 9 Aug 2002
[blank line]
Y telnet to:
OpenVMS-7.3-2 CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1 OpenSSL 0.9.6g [engine] 9 Aug 2002
[blank line]
Y built this scratch system then downloaded
this kit:
from here:
OpenVMS-7.3-2 CPQ-OpenSSL-1.1B OpenSSL 0.9.6g [engine] 9 Aug 2002
[blank line]
Y built this scratch system then installed
this kit from a friend:
OpenVMS-7.3-2 HP-OpenSSL-1.2 OpenSSL 0.9.7d 17 Mar 2004
SSL for OpenVMS V1.2 Nov 3 2004.
N built this scratch system then installed
this kit from a friend:
OpenVMS-7.3-2 HP-OpenSSL-1.3-281 OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004
SSL for OpenVMS V1.3 May 26 2006.
N built this scratch system then downloaded
this kit from HP:
OpenVMS-8.3 HP-OpenSSL-1.3-281 OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004
SSL for OpenVMS V1.3 May 26 2006.
N visited:
OpenVMS-8.4 HP-OpenSSL-1.3-281 OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004
SSL for OpenVMS V1.3 May 26 2006.
N I forced this regression
OpenVMS-8.4 HP-OpenSSL-1.4-453 OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010
SSL for OpenVMS V1.4 May 10 2011.
N my production machine
OpenVMS-8.4 HP-OpenSSL-1.4-467 OpenSSL 0.9.8w 23 Apr 2012
SSL for OpenVMS V1.4 May 22 2012.
N my production machine (see following notes)
OpenVMS-8.4 HP-OpenSSL-1.4-471 OpenSSL 0.9.8y 5 Feb 2013
SSL for OpenVMS V1.4 Mar 7 2013.
Y my development machine

An official fix from HP is coming has come

  1. I received a private patch today (2012-06-20) from HP OpenVMS Support which fixes the s_client bug in HP-OpenSSL-1.4-467. This patch is available on request so you need a VMS support contract to receive it. HP engineers do not like the shape of the existing code so will not offer a public fix for s_client until the next release of HP-OpenSSL for OpenVMS (probably in 2013).
  2. On 2012-06-23 I downloaded HP's source code for HP-OpenSSL-1.4-467 and verified that I could fix the problem myself. You could do this too provided you have access to a "C" compiler. When you are done, just copy test application openssl.exe from your working directory into production directory ssl$exe then test it.
  3. On 2013-05-06 I downloaded HP-OpenSSL-1.4-471 from HP's OpenVMS website and verified that s_client appears to work properly. Kudos to HP.

Building OpenSSL (for OpenVMS) from HP Sources

Here I am not talking about installing a PCSI kit from HP. I am talking about building (full recompile and link) so you will need a C-language compiler.

File Still Available from HP? Available
VAX AXP I64 s_client works
COMPAQ_SSL_SOURCES_V10A.EXE COMPAQ_SSL_SOURCES_V10A.BCK n     y   y 1) can only build AXP (Alpha) binaries
2) they appear to have been playing with VAX + I64 (using cross compilers)
n     y   y 1) can only build AXP (Alpha) binaries
2) they appear to have been playing with VAX + I64 (using cross compilers)
n y y y   y To verify original announcement: wayback-machine
n   y y   y original announcement: wayback-machine
n     y y n
(see note 5)
original announcement: wayback-machine
(see note 1)
    y y n
(see note 5)
original announcement: wayback-machine
y (see note 1)     y y n
(see note 5)
(see note 1)
    y y n
(see note 5)
(see note 1)
    y y n
(see note 5)
y     y y y  

  1. Most "HP sanctioned" releases of OpenSSL for OpenVMS files can be found here: in folder "/pub/openvms/ssl/".
  2. HP is not offering any modern OpenSSL kits for VAX so you will need to build it yourself from public sources or download a complete package from Sweden ( )
  3. You might also find some older stuff here:
  4. Compaq/HP Build Notes:
    Do When Do What Target
    Do at least once read these notes
      read text file $$$README.FOR_VMS
      never execute DCL script SUBMIT_BUILD.COM (can only be executed on HP's development system; requires CMS as well as some crypto stuff)
      consider modifying script VMS_BUILD_INFO.COM
    1. make sure the first line contains "$set noon"
    2. make sure BUILD_PLATFORM == "ALPHA" or "IA64"; sometimes this script is set to IA64 in the Alpha kit
    3. comment out the line defining CRYPTO$RES (it only exists on the HP development platform)
    B4 every full build execute DCL script @VMS_BUILD_INFO.COM (which sets DCL symbols required by MAKEVMS.COM)
    (Note: NONE seems to work properly with both "TCPIP Services" as well as TCPware)
    B4 every app build execute DCL script @VMS_BUILD_INFO.COM (which sets DCL symbols required by MAKEVMS.COM)
    (Note: NONE seems to work properly with both "TCPIP Services" as well as TCPware)
  5. Click this link to learn how to fix a problem with s_client.c prior to doing a build

Building OpenSSL (for OpenVMS) From Public Sources

Building OpenSSL on VMS from public sources
  1. Source #1 (vanilla):
  2. Source #2 (VMS friendly):
    who offer:
    • smaller source-only kits
    • larger binary kits containing both 32-bit and 64-bit executables (VAX, Alpha, and Itanium) without source code
    comment: okay so every time I connect to this Swedish site I think about "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson along with all the Swedish, Finnish and German hackers out there. If you saw the 2011 American version of the movie staring Daniel Craig then you will have no idea what I am talking about. I recommend you watch the 2009 Swedish version staring Noomi Rapace (the Blu-ray has English dubs).
on VMS?
NNotes s_client
Notes Add'l
OpenSSL 0.9.6g yes build script okay; install script needs work ? stopped by error "bad select 38" 2
on VMS?
Notes s_client
Notes Add'l
OpenSSL 1.0.1b
26 Apr 2012
yes build and install scripts are improved ? stopped by error "bad select 38" 1,2

Vanilla Build Notes:

PolarHome (Sweden) Build Notes

Additional Notes:
  1. OPENSSL-101b (quick test)
    openssl s_client -connect -no_tls1
    depth=1 C = US, O = "VeriSign, Inc.", OU = VeriSign Trust Network, OU = Terms of use at (c)06, CN = Ver
    iSign Class 3 Extended Validation SSL CA
    verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
    verify return:0
    Certificate chain
     0 s:/ Organization/serialNumber=4337446/C=US/
    postalCode=94107/ST=California/L=San Francisco/street=795 Folsom St, Suite 600/O=Twitter, Inc./OU=Twitter Security/
       i:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use at (c)06/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Exte
    nded Validation SSL CA
     1 s:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use at (c)06/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Exte
    nded Validation SSL CA
       i:/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Publi
    c Primary Certification Authority - G5
    Server certificate
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    subject=/ Organization/serialNumber=4337446/C=
    US/postalCode=94107/ST=California/L=San Francisco/street=795 Folsom St, Suite 600/O=Twitter, Inc./OU=Twitter Security/
    issuer=/C=US/O=VeriSign, Inc./OU=VeriSign Trust Network/OU=Terms of use at (c)06/CN=VeriSign Class 3 Ex
    tended Validation SSL CA
    No client certificate CA names sent
    SSL handshake has read 3360 bytes and written 488 bytes
    New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is RC4-SHA
    Server public key is 2048 bit
    Secure Renegotiation IS supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE
        Protocol  : SSLv3
        Cipher    : RC4-SHA
        Session-ID: 98708C8995FF0F8AE3DE17DC8066CF220AB3D50C183E519089DB2E893EFEDCEA
        Master-Key: 5542D6ADAC52B4FD82FD9E0FCADE67FBBB5D4BAB4EA1F5D564FE6F98F6CC6E8F3A0F350BF668726A377EC1169205BBAA
        Key-Arg   : None
        PSK identity: None
        PSK identity hint: None
        SRP username: None
        Start Time: 1340481505
        Timeout   : 300 (sec)
        Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)
    ---bad select 38        <<<--- Oops! What does this mean?
  2. Getting around "bad select 38"
    1. This publication: HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Sockets API and System Services Programming
      in table Translation of Socket Error Codes to OpenVMS Status Codes
      indicates that socket error 38 (ENOTSOCK) is mapped to VMS code SS$_NOTNETDEV (Socket operation on nonsocket) so this problem involves treating stdin as a network device. (Allowed in the UNIX/Linux world but not allowed in the Windows/VMS world)
    2. Definitions for error 38 (ENOTSOCK) can be found here:
    3. In some instances, UNIX-IO statement select() does not behave as expected on OpenVMS/VMS platforms. Poking around the documentation will reveal a few clues and here are some links to peruse:
    4. Source code to help explain the problem technically -and- enable you to get out of the "bad select 38" dilemma

Application Development

Getting Familiar with SSL Programming on OpenVMS


Example 'C' Programs from HP

$ set def ssl$examples
$ dir


File                            Size  Date Stamp              Notes
------------------------------- ----  ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------
SSL$SIMPLE_CLI.C                 9KB  19-APR-2006 Simplest SSL and socket without BIO			(Client)
SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.C                8KB  19-APR-2006 Simplest SSL and socket without BIO			(Server)

SSL$BIO_CLI.C                    9KB  19-APR-2006 Simplest SSL and socket w/"Socket BIO"		(Client)
SSL$BIO_SERV.C                   9KB  19-APR-2006 Simplest SSL and socket w/"Socket BIO"		(Server)

SSL$CLI_VERIFY_CLIENT.C          9KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "client certificate verification"	(Client)
SSL$SERV_VERIFY_CLIENT.C         9KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "client certificate verification"	(Server)

SSL$CLI_SESS_REUSE.C            10KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Resumption"			(Client)
SSL$SERV_SESS_REUSE.C            9KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Resumption"			(Server)

SSL$CLI_SESS_REUSE_CLI_VER.C    12KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Resumption" +
								 "Client Cert Verify"			(Client)
SSL$SERV_SESS_REUSE_CLI_VER.C   13KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Resumption" +
								 "Client Cert Verify"			(Server)

SSL$CLI_SESS_RENEGO.C           11KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Renegotiation"		(Client)
SSL$SERV_SESS_RENEGO.C          11KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Renegotiation"		(Server)

SSL$CLI_SESS_RENEGO_CLI_VER.C   11KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Renegotiation" +
								 "Client Cert Verify"			(Client)
SSL$SERV_SESS_RENEGO_CLI_VER.C  11KB  19-APR-2006 "Socket BIO" + "Session Renegotiation" +
								 "Client Cert Verify"			(Server)

SSL$TCP_CLIENT_QIO_SSL.C        17KB  14-JUN-2004 TCP/IP w/SSL using the Queued I/O			(Client)
SSL$TCP_SERVER_QIO_SSL.C        22KB  14-JUN-2004 TCP/IP w/SSL using the Queued I/O			(Server)

SSL$SHA1_MD5.C                   8KB  29-SEP-2004 how to use Secure Hash 1 and message digest 5

SSL$AES.C                       10KB  14-JUL-2004 how to use "Advanced Encryption Standard"
Just for fun, enter this DCL command:

        $dif  SSL$BIO_CLI.C  SSL$SIMPLE_CLI.C  /par/ignore=(white,case)

Not much difference between these two programs, eh?

Getting Familiar with SSL Programming on OpenVMS

Caveat: you need a "C" compiler to build the following executables

Legend: <ur> = user response
        <sr> = system response
<sr>	$
<ur>	set def SSL$EXAMPLES				! we are now located somewhere under SYS$HELP
<sr>	$
<ur>	edit SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.C				! to inspect the build instructions then exit

Note: the following instructions are for 32-bit apps

<sr>	$
<sr>	$
<sr>	$
<sr>	$
<sr>	$
<sr>	$
<sr>	186045:error:02001002:system library:fopen:no such file or directory:BSS_FILE:278:fopen('server.crt','r')
	186045:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:BSS_FILE:280:
	186045:error:140AD002:SSL routines:SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file:system lib:SSL_RSA:515:

Note: The errors above indicate the certificates are missing from this directory.
      Read the contents of file "SSL$EXAMPLES:SSL$EXAMPLES_SETUP.TEMPLATE"

<sr>	$
<ur>	set def SSL$COM							! <<<--- location of HP's scripts
<sr>	$
<ur>	@SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM						! <<<--- start HP's certificate tool

File Name Description
server_CA.crt certificate and public key of your CA (certificate authority)
server_CA.key private key of your CA (certificate authority)
server.csr certificate signing request
  1. a file to be sent (out-of-band) to a CA for signing
  2. not required for a self signed certificate
server.crt certificate and public key of your server  (for in-channel distribution to your client)
  1. a signed certificate received from a CA (yours or someone else's)
  2. "or" a Self Signed certificate
  3. the "Common Name" field must contain the server's DNS
server.key private key of your server certificate
client.crt certificate and public key (client side)
  1. not required 95% of the time (client authentication is usually done via username/password)
  2. for some server-to-server communications like SOAP, you can use your server.crt
client.key private key of your client certificate
  1. not required 95% of the time (client authentication is usually done via username/password)
  2. for some server-to-server communications like SOAP, you can use your server.key
client_CA.crt a file containing one-or-more CA certificates
  1. also known as "a certificate chain file"
  2. these certificates are used to verify the legitimacy of signed server certificates
  3. this file is built by appending CA certificates (received out-of-band)
  4. many internet clients (e.g. browsers, email) are installed with 20,or more, preinstalled CA certificates.
    When building your own SSL clients, you will need to provide a list of any CA certificates you will encounter.

  1. execute script @SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM choosing option 5 (Create a CA (Certification Authority) Certificate)
    1. When using SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM you must double-check your default prompts. You should always be working in directory:
      "ssl$root:[democa.certs]" and could mess up other products, like Apache, if you do not.
    2. all generated files will be named SERVER.* or SERVER_CA.* (if they are not, then you should rename them to these desired names)
    3. Sample Input:
       PEM Pass Phrase ? [] 
       Confirm PEM Pass Phrase ? [] 
       Encryption Bits ? [1024] 
       Default Days ? [3650] 
       CA certificate Key File ? [SSL$KEY:SERVER_CA.KEY] 
       CA certificate File ? [SSL$CRT:SERVER_CA.CRT] 
       Country Name ? [US] CA
       Organization Name ? [] Bell Canada
       Organization Unit Name ? [] Bell-ATS
       Common Name ? [CA Authority] Neil Rieck on node KAWC15       <<<--- official name of your CA Authority
       Require Unique Subject Names? [yes] no
       Display the CA certificate ? [N] 
  2. copy CA files from server* to client* as discussed in file: "SSL$EXAMPLES:SSL$EXAMPLES_SETUP.TEMPLATE"
    Sample Input:
    $ copy ssl$key:server_ca.key   ssl$key:client_ca.key
    $ copy ssl$certs:server_ca.crt ssl$certs:client_ca.crt
  3. execute script @SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM choosing option 3 (Create a Certificate Signing Request)
    Sample Input:
     Encrypt Private Key ? [N] 
     Encryption Bits ? [1024] 
     Certificate Key File ? [SSL$KEY:SERVER.KEY] 
     Certificate Request File ? [SSL$CSR:SERVER.CSR]
     Country Name ? [US] CA
     State or Province Name ? [] Ontario
     City Name ? [] Kitchener
     Organization Name ? [] Bell Canada
     Organization Unit Name ? [] Bell-ATS
     Common Name ? []                                                   <<<--- DNS name of our server
     Email Address ? []
     Display the Certificate ? [N] 
  4. execute script @SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM choosing option 6 (Sign a Certificate Signing Request)
    Sample Input:
     CA Certificate File ? [SSL$CRT:SERVER_CA.CRT] 
     CA Certificate Key File ? [SSL$KEY:SERVER_CA.KEY] 
     Certificate Request File ? [SSL$CSR:SERVER.CSR] 
     Signed Certificate File ? [SSL$CRT:SIGNED.CRT] SSL$CSR:SERVER.crt            <<<--- a very important change
     Default Days ? [365] 3650                                      <<<--- make my life a little more convenient
     PEM Pass Phrase ? [] 
     Display the Certificate ? [N] 

    Caveat: 95% of the time you do not need the CLIENT files generated in the following 2 steps
  5. execute script @SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM choosing option 3 (choosing CLIENT files instead of SERVER)
  6. execute script @SSL$CERT_TOOL.COM choosing option 5 (choosing CLIENT files instead of SERVER)
  7. copy all files from ssl$root:[democa...]*.* to SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL]        (not necessary for the QIO sample programs)
I/O from session #1 (Server)
<sr>	$
I/O from session #2 (Client)
<sr>	$
<sr>	Message to be sent to the SSL server:
<ur>	Hello There!				(end this message by hitting <ctrl-M> or <enter>)
<sr>	SSL connection using AES256-SHA
	Server certificate:
        	subject: /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada
        	issuer: /C=CA/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/CN=CA-SERVER
	Received 35 chars:'This message is from the SSL server'
I/O from session #1 (Server)
<sr>	Connection from 100007f, port bc71
	SSL connection using AES256-SHA
	Received 13 chars:'Hello There!		(there seems to be an <EOL> here)

Two Example Apps Require Modifications for Use With TCPware (in 2010)

These two apps:


contain references for TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS so will not compile as-is under TCPware. You need to make the following modifications:

  1. replace this line:
        #include <tcpip$inetdef.h>
    with this one:
        #include "tcpware_include:ucx$inetdef.h"
  2. use an editor and do a global replace of this:
    with this:
  3. use an editor and do a global replace of this:
    with this:

Caveat: these two example apps are the only ones which DO NOT use the certificates in the example directory (see declarations).

I/O from session #1 (Server)

<sr>	$

I/O from session #2 (Client)

<sr>	$
<sr>	Enter remote host:
<sr>	Initiated connection to host:, port: 5555

	Info Callback state = 16, ret code = 1

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		before/connect initialization

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 write client hello A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 read server hello A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 read server certificate A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 read server done A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 write client key exchange A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 write change cipher spec A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 write finished A

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 flush data

	Info Callback state = 4097, ret code = 1
		SSLv3 read finished A

	Info Callback state = 32, ret code = 1

	Info Callback state = 4098, ret code = 1
	SSL connection using AES256-SHA
	Server certificate:
		subject: /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada
		issuer: /C=CA/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/CN=CA-SERVER
	Message to be sent to the SSL server: 
		--- From SSL QIO Client, Hey, Hello Server ---  
	Received 39 chars:'This message is from the SSL QIO server'

	Info Callback state = 16392, ret code = 256
		Alert = warning:close notify

I/O from session #1 (Server)

<sr>	$
<ur>	run SSL$TCP_SERVER_QIO_SSL-TCPWARE.EXE	! this is the TCPware version of SSL$TCP_SERVER_QIO_SSL.exe
<sr>	. . . Waiting for a client connection on port: 5555
	. . . Accepted connection from host:, port: 32049
	SSL connection using AES256-SHA
	Received 48 chars from client:' --- From SSL QIO Client, Hey, Hello Server --- '

Using the CLIENT/SERVER demos across different platforms

Up until this point, the client and server demos were running on the same platform (connecting via the loopback address of To get the client demos to run from a different platform you must copy the server's CA Certificate into the client's chain file. In the demo programs this file is always named client_ca.crt

Note: you need the server CA certificate (which was sent out-of-channel) preinstalled on the client machine in order to prove that the signed certificate (which was sent in-channel) has been signed by a trusted CA. The purpose for all of this is to minimizing spoofing by a possible man-in-the-middle.

If you intend to connect to multiple servers, and the servers have been signed by different CAs, then you must merge all the CA certificates in the certificate chain file (client_ca.crt)

Debugging (without using the OpenSSL CLI)

Warning: You will drive yourself crazy attempting to make these client demos work with an unknown (not under your control) server. The prescribed way to diagnose then repair client problems is with the OpenSSL CLI (command line interpreter). For example, run the server example on platform 1 but then try connecting via openssl s_client on platform 2

I/O from session #1 (Server on platform 1)

<sr>	$							! my prompt
<ur>	run SSL$SIMPLE_SERV.EXE					! this defaults to port 5555

I/O from session #2 (Client on platform 2)

Note: SSL clients do not always specify certificates or keys

<sr>	$							! my VMS prompt
<ur>	openssl							!
<sr>	OpenSSL>						! my OPENSSL prompt 
<ur>	s_client -connect -ssl3 -debug
<sr>	CONNECTED(00000005)
	write to 00404FF0 [0040F838] (100 bytes => 100 (0x64))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 5f 01 00 00-5b 03 00 4a 2a 64 cb 88   ...._...[..J*d..
	0010 - 41 dd 6b 75 23 99 4c af-40 04 0d 75 39 c9 33 46   A.ku#.L.@..u9.3F
	0020 - 6c 8a 2e 5c e3 b1 45 a6-a5 7c 07 00 00 34 00 39   l..\..E..|...4.9
	0030 - 00 38 00 35 00 16 00 13-00 0a 00 33 00 32 00 2f   .8.5.......3.2./
	0040 - 00 66 00 05 00 04 00 63-00 62 00 61 00 15 00 12   .f.....c.b.a....
	0050 - 00 09 00 65 00 64 00 60-00 14 00 11 00 08 00 06   ...e.d.`........
	0060 - 00 03 01                                          ...
	0064 - <SPACES/NULS>
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 4a                                    ....J
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (74 bytes => 74 (0x4A))
	0000 - 02 00 00 46 03 00 4a 2a-64 cb c7 34 17 80 14 c5   ...F..J*d..4....
	0010 - ad ca c7 39 79 bd be 28-d9 89 f0 f4 12 a6 22 fd   ...9y..(......".
	0020 - a7 ff 1c ed 45 96 20 d2-96 42 3b d3 90 dc cb 54   ....E. ..B;....T
	0030 - 48 03 a8 9d 78 29 7c 80-75 62 3e 20 08 ff be b5   H...x)|.ub> ....
	0040 - 8a ab 86 6f 83 5e f8 00-35                        ...o.^..5
	004a - <SPACES/NULS>
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 16 03 00 02 c5                                    .....
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (709 bytes => 709 (0x2C5))
	0000 - 0b 00 02 c1 00 02 be 00-02 bb 30 82 02 b7 30 82   ..........0...0.
	0010 - 02 20 02 09 00 a3 ff 03-94 ac f7 26 10 30 0d 06   . .........&.0..
	0020 - 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01-01 04 05 00 30 81 9f 31   .*.H........0..1
	0030 - 0b 30 09 06 03 55 04 06-13 02 63 61 31 10 30 0e   .0...U....ca1.0.
	0040 - 06 03 55 04 08 13 07 6f-6e 74 61 72 69 6f 31 12   ..U....Ontario1.
	0050 - 30 10 06 03 55 04 07 13-09 6b 69 74 63 68 65 6e
	0060 - 65 72 31 14 30 12 06 03-55 04 0a 13 0b 62 65 6c   er1.0...U....bel
	0070 - 6c 20 63 61 6e 61 64 61-31 11 30 0f 06 03 55 04   l canada1.0...U.
	0080 - 0b 13 08 62 65 6c 6c 2d-61 74 73 31 1a 30 18 06   ...Bell-ATS1.0..
	0090 - 03 55 04 03 13 11 6b 61-77 63 31 35 2e 6f 6e 2e   .U....kawc15.on.
	00a0 - 62 65 6c 6c 2e 63 61 31-25 30 23 06 09 2a 86 48   bell.ca1%0#..*.H
	00b0 - 86 f7 0d 01 09 01 16 16-6e 65 69 6c 40 6b 61 77   ........neil@kaw
	00c0 - 63 31 35 2e 6f 6e 2e 62-65 6c 6c 2e 63 61 30 1e   c15.on.bell.ca0.
	00d0 - 17 0d 30 39 30 36 30 35-31 38 35 39 31 32 5a 17   ..090605185912Z.
	00e0 - 0d 31 30 30 36 30 35 31-38 35 39 31 32 5a 30 81   .100605185912Z0.
	00f0 - 9f 31 0b 30 09 06 03 55-04 06 13 02 63 61 31 10   .1.0...U....ca1.
	0100 - 30 0e 06 03 55 04 08 13-07 6f 6e 74 61 72 69 6f   0...U....Ontario
	0110 - 31 12 30 10 06 03 55 04-07 13 09 6b 69 74 63 68   1.0...U....kitch
	0120 - 65 6e 65 72 31 14 30 12-06 03 55 04 0a 13 0b 62   ener1.0...U....b
	0130 - 65 6c 6c 20 63 61 6e 61-64 61 31 11 30 0f 06 03   ell canada1.0...
	0140 - 55 04 0b 13 08 62 65 6c-6c 2d 61 74 73 31 1a 30   U....Bell-ATS1.0
	0150 - 18 06 03 55 04 03 13 11-6b 61 77 63 31 35 2e 6f   ...U....kawc15.o
	0160 - 6e 2e 62 65 6c 6c 2e 63-61 31 25 30 23 06 09 2a   n.bell.ca1%0#..*
	0170 - 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 09 01-16 16 6e 65 69 6c 40 6b   .H........neil@k
	0180 - 61 77 63 31 35 2e 6f 6e-2e 62 65 6c 6c 2e 63 61
	0190 - 30 81 9f 30 0d 06 09 2a-86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01   0..0...*.H......
	01a0 - 05 00 03 81 8d 00 30 81-89 02 81 81 00 e2 98 76   ......0........v
	01b0 - 67 f7 39 15 a5 b4 f9 69-eb fa 3a 39 c3 d2 8a 70   g.9....i..:9...p
	01c0 - e4 f1 72 cb 4c 44 20 d6-78 aa 3b 9c 9b 28 1d 56   ..r.LD .x.;..(.V
	01d0 - 77 7f b3 58 aa b2 fc 65-31 71 15 cf 3f f4 84 bd   w..X...e1q..?...
	01e0 - 9c b0 95 86 3c b5 d8 d5-7f d4 94 e4 0e ad cf 0d   ....<...........
	01f0 - e9 86 39 ee d4 b5 a6 7d-28 f7 92 40 79 22 d9 ce   ..9....}(..@y"..
	0200 - 9a 75 10 dc fe 61 43 2a-b4 91 9c ec 7c 4d af c5   .u...aC*....|M..
	0210 - 6f 34 d5 a3 b8 c3 09 d5-2f a7 4c e7 45 2e b2 08   o4....../.L.E...
	0220 - f5 6e 32 5e ae 0d 92 58-20 4a 96 75 a1 02 03 01   .n2^...X J.u....
	0230 - 00 01 30 0d 06 09 2a 86-48 86 f7 0d 01 01 04 05   ..0...*.H.......
	0240 - 00 03 81 81 00 72 db b7-6e f7 32 28 6f 80 97 62   .....r..n.2(o..b
	0250 - 8b bf 7a cf 73 00 07 5c-ba 54 46 59 12 45 2f ab   ..z.s..\.TFY.E/.
	0260 - 5d 49 7a 9b 42 8b 7c e8-e2 34 05 96 b8 4b 51 17   ]Iz.B.|..4...KQ.
	0270 - fa bf 4f 56 76 8e e0 56-b2 f1 13 a3 4f 1f 6d eb   ..OVv..V....O.m.
	0280 - 8d df 37 9a 4c 6e 43 84-34 9f 21 63 4e 36 cb 68   ..7.LnC.4.!cN6.h
	0290 - ef 48 92 65 99 0d f1 de-a4 38 8b 21 28 0b 3e 3c   .H.e.....8.!(.><
	02a0 - 23 7e f7 d8 4c 89 3a 3a-b1 e4 98 61 dc 60 25 24   #~..L.::...a.`%$
	02b0 - 6f 19 3a 0d 09 79 85 f3-53 11 07 d0 a3 d9 6b 3e   o.:..y..S.....k>
	02c0 - e7 2c 55 57 f6                                    .,UW.
	depth=0 /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	verify error:num=18:self signed certificate                      <<<---Note that this server certificate is self-signed
	verify return:1
	depth=0 /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	verify return:1
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 04                                    .....
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (4 bytes => 4 (0x4))
	0000 - 0e                                                .
	0004 - <SPACES/NULS>
	write to 00404FF0 [00302E70] (137 bytes => 137 (0x89))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 84 10 00 00-80 39 fa c4 8f bb d0 1b   .........9......
	0010 - 5a b9 2b 0f a4 03 5b 09-b9 b6 88 f7 6d f7 2f ec   Z.+...[.....m./.
	0020 - a4 ab ee 89 ac 9a 3d d9-9c 92 b6 90 9b ed 8f 76   ......=........v
	0030 - 88 85 86 f2 24 bd 58 38-1c d2 e7 f7 4c cb c2 37   ....$.X8....L..7
	0040 - b7 b3 b1 58 78 30 0a d6-02 e3 5f e8 bc e2 a4 94   ...Xx0...._.....
	0050 - 2f f6 3d b0 b3 15 08 8e-f4 d2 20 fc 42 a6 ae 17   /.=....... .B...
	0060 - 46 3b ac 24 c8 ae 13 3f-cb af b3 b8 be 91 46 4f   F;.$...?......FO
	0070 - 9e 79 37 0d fa b6 b2 5c-e4 5d ed a7 d2 93 4d bd   .y7....\.]....M.
	0080 - a3 df bb 4e fe cb f6 26-69                        ...N...&i
	write to 00404FF0 [00302E70] (6 bytes => 6 (0x6))
	0000 - 14 03 00 00 01 01                                 ......
	write to 00404FF0 [00302E70] (69 bytes => 69 (0x45))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 40 2e 20 38-5b 89 c8 1e 5b e3 d8 82   ....@. 8[...[...
	0010 - c1 aa 3b b8 d8 a2 a4 5e-49 14 59 3c fb 83 63 53   ..;....^I.Y<..cS
	0020 - eb c3 99 b3 b7 2f 80 53-1d 9f cf 81 80 44 f3 e9   ...../.S.....D..
	0030 - d2 ce a1 ce 3e c1 25 24-56 cb 22 45 dc 59 dd 0c   ....>.%$V."E.Y..
	0040 - dc b7 a2 26 f7                                    ...&.
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 14 03 00 00 01                                    .....
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (1 bytes => 1 (0x1))
	0000 - 01                                                .
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 16 03 00 00 40                                    ....@
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (64 bytes => 64 (0x40))
	0000 - 00 bc 02 d4 79 e6 ae 7e-26 16 fd 6b 41 b3 0c c0   ....y..~&..kA...
	0010 - a5 6a 11 b6 c7 7a 4e 9c-e3 b4 5c 3b 50 e1 2e 9b   .j...zN...\;P...
	0020 - ef 5f aa 22 42 96 cb 33-f6 7a 72 18 ae d2 e7 1c   ._."B..3.zr.....
	0030 - 2a 99 e9 bf be 86 81 fd-f8 8b ed d4 c5 d7 8d 6a   *..............j
	Certificate chain
	 0 s:/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	   i:/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	Server certificate
	subject=/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	issuer=/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
	No client certificate CA names sent
	SSL handshake has read 877 bytes and written 312 bytes
	New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
	Server public key is 1024 bit
	    Protocol  : SSLv3
	    Cipher    : AES256-SHA
	    Session-ID: D296423BD390DCCB544803A89D78297C8075623E2008FFBEB58AAB866F835EF8
	    Master-Key: 38C8558FDF4A37EBF3202C5C464EBE60767A31B47B04B60C80A62FDE9D7819F2FDD8CF31E89B5CC26AC50611EFA6DDB5
	    Key-Arg   : None
	    Start Time: 1244292299
	    Timeout   : 7200 (sec)
	    Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
<ur>	hello<enter>						! I typed this on my keyboard
<sr>	write to 00404FF0 [0040F838] (74 bytes => 74 (0x4A))
	0000 - 17 03 00 00 20 bc b3 9c-e7 04 1f 02 57 b9 5f b2   .... .......W._.
	0010 - e5 15 da b5 f2 00 c5 3e-3f 9b 23 ef 10 e6 94 7c   .......>?.#....|
	0020 - 8d 5a 94 2b b0 17 03 00-00 20 3f 1c aa 08 68 fa   .Z.+..... ?...h.
	0030 - 2b 99 6f 14 e1 17 c6 c9-14 71 c8 a8 0c d1 bd ab   +.o......q......
	0040 - 79 e5 1a 0b 71 f9 78 df-dd 2f                     y...q.x../
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 17 03                                             ..
	0005 - <SPACES/NULS>
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (32 bytes => 32 (0x20))
	0000 - b5 32 b9 5b 47 78 e9 52-9a b0 e5 c8 34 65 0d 56   .2.[Gx.R....4e.V
	0010 - 06 7a f7 67 c4 9d 28 51-52 bc 44 d4 e0 ea f0 79   .z.g..(QR.D....y
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A838] (5 bytes => 5 (0x5))
	0000 - 17 03 00 00 40                                    ....@
	read from 00404FF0 [0040A83D] (64 bytes => 64 (0x40))
	0000 - 59 d6 34 d8 94 e6 38 e2-8a ea 23 f8 81 43 6c eb   Y.4...8...#..Cl.
	0010 - ee 97 df f1 2a 98 95 6f-28 4e a1 f8 03 90 3c 26   ....*..o(N....<&
	0020 - 67 55 ec 14 6c 82 4e 46-6e 16 8a ea e7 a9 ca 47   gU..l.NFn......G
	0030 - 7a c6 ce 37 73 b0 da 9a-02 13 5a fb b5 60 74 59   z..7s.....Z..`tY
	write to 00404FF0 [0040F838] (74 bytes => 74 (0x4A))
	0000 - 17 03 00 00 20 0d be ad-d9 e9 e2 df 5b 5e 76 13   .... .......[^v.
	0010 - 75 81 c9 fa c7 a3 84 80-eb 7f e5 5c 59 5f 0a 7c   u..........\Y_.|
	0020 - ad 29 f6 70 32 17 03 00-00 20 a3 11 4a 53 65 b7   .).p2.... ..JSe.
	0030 - 33 cd d9 40 d3 e1 3e 6f-f2 1b 91 e8 7e 3f a9 1f   3..@..>o....~?..
	0040 - 3c b4 13 69 d1 5e 8d 65-e3 4e                     <..i.^.e.N
	write to 00404FF0 [0040F838] (74 bytes => -1 (0xFFFFFFFF))

I/O from session #1 (Server on platform 1)

<sr>	$
<sr>	Connection from 1027b48e, port 9ea3
	SSL connection using AES256-SHA
	Received 6 chars:'hello

Hints To Correct Your Problem

Creating those pesky compound PEM Files


  1. PEM is an acronym for Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail but it is used in many more places today than email
  2. OpenSSL can generate Certificate and Key files which then can be saved in either binary format or PEM format
  3. There is a third use for PEM files which I am going to describe now

Many SSL implementations (like my gSOAP client software) employ a compound PEM file which is poorly documented, or perhaps and industry secret, or perhaps just lost to the ages. So what follows is an example of a few hacks one afternoon

  File Name Notes Distribute?
Input Files kawc09.crt a certificate file and public key for host Y
  kawc09.key a private key file for host N
Output Files kawc09.pem a PEM file for host (concatenation of kawc09.key and kawc09.crt) N
  30A5DF47.0 a copy of file kawc09.crt whose name contains the computed hash of file kawc09.pem N

 edit : NSR 2012-02-14
 topic: 1. general stuff about certificates on our system
	2. creating a PEM (required by SSL calls made by our SOAP-based client software)
	3. Note: the WASD implementation of HTTPd requires PEM files (reference)
 notes:	1. all "our" production certificate files are located here as HPE suggests:
	2. a logical name has been defined to reference this directory:
			$define/system  vms_cert_dir  sys$sysdevice:[certificates]
	3. apache files like "apache$common[.conf]ssl.conf" need to reference this logical name
	4. before experimenting with the certificate tools in directory SSL$COM you might
	   consider copying production certificates to SSL$CERTS which points to here:
	5. OpenVMS caveat: when using the openssl CLI on OpenVMS you will need to double-quote
	   mixed-case parameters to preserve case 
	<ur> = user response
	<sr> = system response
<sr> $
<ur> set def SSL$CERTS								! change default directory
<sr> $
<ur> copy/concat kawc09.key,kawc09.crt kawc09.pem				! create a server PEM file
<sr> $
	note: this next command will only work IF we first created kawc09.csr
	then sent it to another organization to have it signed. The signer will
	send back kawc09.crt and chain.crt  
<ur> openssl  verify  "-CAfile" chain.crt -verbose -purpose any kawc09.pem	! test the pem
<sr> kawc09.pem: OK
	self-signed certificates require a hash file
<ur> openssl x509 -hash -noout -in  kawc09.pem					! compute the hash (output to stdout)
<sr> 30a5df47
<ur> copy kawc09.crt 30a5df47.0							! use hash to create the file: hash.0 
<sr> $
<ur> define dvlp_cert_dir SSL$ROOT:[000000.DEMOCA.CERTS]			! define a logical name for use below
<sr> $
<ur> openssl  verify  "-CApath" dvlp_cert_dir -verbose -purpose any kawc09.pem	! test certs with path
<sr> kawc09.pem: OK
	is the hash file required? (yes)
<ur> ren 30A5DF47.0 30A5DF47.yada						! rename hash file for next test
<sr> $
<ur> openssl  verify  "-CApath" vms_cert_dir -verbose -purpose any kawc09.pem	! test certs with path
<sr> kawc09.pem: /C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Kitchener/O=Bell Canada/OU=Bell-ATS/
     error 18 at 0 depth lookup:self signed certificate
<ur> ren 30A5DF47.yada 30A5DF47.0						! restore hash file name
<sr> $
<ur> openssl  verify  "-CApath" vms_cert_dir -verbose -purpose any KAWC09.PEM	! test certs with path (again)
<sr> kawc09.pem: OK
	<<< proof that Apache has its own version of SSL >>>

	notes:	1. danger danger danger
		2. only try this on a backup lab system with no one logged on >>>
		3. if your running system relies upon SSL for various security functions, then removing SSL may render
			your OpenVMS 8.x system unusable
	uninstall SSL on OpenVMS-8.4 (node kawc98)
		$prod remov prod ssl
			note: you will get a warning saying not to do this because of linkages to OpenVMS (but not Apache)
				ignore the warning and remove SSL anyway
		@sys$update:autogen reboot
	test Apache and notice that still works (Apache has its own baked-in OpenSSL engine)
	install SSL on OpenVMS-8.4
			note: you now need OPTIONS because SSL is required to validate kits (oops)
		@sys$update:autogen reboot

*** End of Section: Application Development ***

"HP SSL" vs "HP SSL1" (the name game part-2)

Ancient History

In 2010, HP (now HPE) published a product named HP SSL-1.4 for OpenVMS which was architecturally different from HP SSL-1.3 for OpenVMS. So much so that it came with this warning: any programs compiled and linked against SSL-1.3 needed to be recompiled and relinked. This is fine if "you have access to the source code" but in the case of applications built around third party software, you would need to contact the vendor. I seem to remember related warnings about some third party products like IBM WebSphere MQ and XCOM.

For example, this blast-from-the-past Solution Document: RO67803 from Computer Associates (a.k.a. CA) is dated 2014 and instructs XCOM users on OpenVMS to replace HP SSL-1.4 with HP SSL-1.3 which prompts me to wonder if they Computer Associates lost the XCOM source code. This recommendation is a big mistake for many reasons.

  1. First off, new security libraries are always better than old ones.
  2. Secondly HPE had already recommended this scheme ( ) where affected users could define a process-level logical name which would point the affected application at the old library in an alternate location
  3. Newer versions of OpenVMS utilities (like BACKUP and ENCRYPT to only name two) now require 1.4 so going back to 1.3 would certainly break those apps (bad news if you need to restore an encrypted backup saveset)

Recent Progress (2016)


Recent Third-Party Progress (2017)

y2k20 - a potential dilemma in 2020

 Modern browsers in 2020 will expect to "connect HTTPS" only using TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 (this assumes that support for everything from SSLv3 to TLSv1.1 will be removed)

click here to learn more

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Free OpenSSL books

OpenSSL for OpenVMS (published by HP/HPE)

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 Neil Rieck
 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.